>Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
First Question: My lifts are at
190 Bench
110 OHP
275 Squat
315 Diddly
What routine should I run to reach 1/2/3/4?
QTDDTOT-Steven Edition
I am thinking about running Sheiko but it only calls for 3 days of training a week and that doesn't seem like enough
I only get acne inside the red circles of pic related. Like really deep, big, painful pimples that last 2+ weeks. The ones that swell up your face and are impossible to pop. They come and go. As soon as one is gone the next starts growing immediately.
What's causing this and how do I stop getting them? No, it's not from food residue or leftover sauce on my face.
Why can't I die?
Use aloe vera/moisturizer every day, clean your pillow sheet, clean your razor, you should be good
Avoiding dairy and greasy food helps, when ever I eat like shit I get that too
you drool in your sleep at all?
I moisturize my face after everytime I wash it with warm water, I change my sheets once a week, I trim because shaving gives me bad razor burn, and I use anti acne face wash daily. I also avoid dairy, sugar, and fast food like the plague.
Really don't know what to do at this point
No drooling whatsoever.
How to get rid of virgin walk?