>tfw seeing your ex with another dude
>still love her
Do you know that feeling, it literally hurts from the inside.. a strange stomach and throat ache
What do I do with that feel cant give it a place
>tfw seeing your ex with another dude
>still love her
Do you know that feeling, it literally hurts from the inside.. a strange stomach and throat ache
What do I do with that feel cant give it a place
Do you love her as an absolute singularity or her qualities, traits, images? Do you love the who or do you love what?
not much to do about it but embrace the suck. I've been in your position, I saw them together every day for 6 months after she cheated with him and dumped me.
Funny story tho, she was of course my reason to become Veeky Forums, and after I did I was still pretty mad about the whole deal. It gets easier but some days are still bad. Anyway, I was psyching myself up for some heavy ass deadlifts and I start thinking of them. I pull out my phone and start looking through pictures of them together (he used to be my friend). I start lowkey chanting his name and banging out the sets. I went to the reception when I was done, and oh my fucking god, who is standing at the counter. It's the dude that fucking stole my gf. DYEL fucking jew, I've gained like 60 pounds of muscle since he saw me last. I didn't say a word, just stared him right in the eye until he looked down and left. I think I actually summoned him with my anger
goes away after a while then you get numb and wont love the next girl as much
>move in with my gf of 6 months
>sign a six month lease and cut all ties so I can't go back to my old place
>We break up a few weeks later but I have nowhere to go
>have to live with my ex and watch her bring other guys home
>I bring a girl home one night while my ex is in bed
>I'm laying on the couch spooning this new girl
>ex comes out to see who I'm with and goes back to bed
>Go to my room and have sex with her
>ex gets up and washes the dishes at 4am
>next day I get home and my ex has taken all her stuff including the fridge and I never saw her again
That was ten years ago and I still think of her every day.
I love her for who she was.. she suddenly changed 180 degrees one day
I love her face her voice also her personality
Too bad, cus she does not love you. Forget her and move the fuck on. Stop bitching online mang
How long is a while its been 2 years now
Sometines it goes away for a month and then it hits me like a motherfucker
Confront your feelings head on. Convert your frustration and pain into fuel and use it or you will end up in depression mode for a while
This stuff scares the shit out of me - am I going to be thinking of her every day for the next 8 years?
Thus is why I am poly.
I left the army early for her, if I had of served one more year I could have got a pension when I'm 60 for the rest of my life but I claimed my mental illness was so bad I couldn't serve any more. I ditched all my friends, I lost my job because of the break up I lost my house when she moved out, I was 26 living at home, unemployed, single, addicted to drugs and all this because of a break up. My life still hasn't recovered from it so if you are still thinking about her stop it now or you will live a very miserable life.
>Realize that you are not that feeling, but instead that feeling is a fleeting part of you.
>Focus on the other parts of you.
Dude it is brutal I know
Sorry OP but is this Veeky Forums? Where the fuck is your question?
Veeky Forums is the board of boys who were left behind and try to lift away their bitter sorrows
But on rest days there is no lifting so we must feel
So true it hurts. Like my feels.
Finally getting over my ex. Tells me she wants to get back together but only after a couple years so she can enjoy being single. I know what to do but god fucking dammit.
shut the fuck up we are feeling here
I'm in the same position as you OP, but the thing it's that i forget about her and focus in myself.
Try the same you can push yourself to forget about her, if do you have her in your phone, delete the number. Lift and all that shit, wacth a movie and remenber there are girls out there that look like paulina vega.
How many lbs is that?
I'm a expert in relationships ask me anything about it.
You love a idea not a person, what you imagine isn't what it is.
Time heals all wounds OP in the meantime drink, fight, and fuck.
>been almost two years
>still think of her daily
She wasn't even that attractive or fit, but God she understood me.
sorry your daddy didn't love you, and so you filled that void with ultra "manliness"
Get a religion. Dont get into mainstream world religions, make your own. I personally pray to the God Emperor of Mankind and I've had this sense of inner peace ever since.
Fuck somebody else.
Does it get worse when you get your period? Don't get me wrong, feeling hurt after a relationship is over is normal and not unmanly, but two fucking years is a bit too much m8
Do what we all do user. Lift.
I know your feel all too well if that helps. It drives me to lift so I can forget and focus on something else, on being better. On being the type of guy she would want to come back too
its like an equation that is how much did you compromise your own values to be with her and how long you were with her, that equation will equal how long the hurt will be.
Got broken up with a coupe of days ago after almost 4 years, feels bad. Should I try to get her back? She keeps telling me she wants to be friends but I told her I don't want to for now. She's interested in some other dude but it's really frail. What do?
>She's interested in some other dude
Leave it be.
Eh, you're right. It's not my problem anymore. The faster I get over it the better. Thanks.
You're probably not here.
But that part of her is dead user, and it's never coming back. Mourn it's loss, and ignore whatever it is she is now.
>loving a woman
fucking gay
Heavy cleans makes it go away for me
Ya don't waste time with the friends shit. Especially if you were just together for four years.
I stuck with mine for a year and a month when I should have ended it two months in. Pretty much a week after ending it I realized shit would never be the same, like she'd have me take photos of her topless and be, "Sorry, I didn't think there was anything sexual about it." All hanging out with her would do is make me unable to actually meet other people.
Ultramanliness is the best road to fill said void, to be independent but depended on, to pursue self mastery rather than giving a leg up to women, giving back to your community and not just one woman that cries because you don't give her enough attention.
No. In other words, she didnt want you then, checked the market and didnt like the product and now that shes giving you some attention (ie wants you as an orbiter) you want her back? Have some self respect.
i dont understand how dudes end up in this position all the time. its so fucking gay. Did all the dudes on this board grow up on rom-coms and disney? ffs
It is quite literally the first (and likely only) thing of significance to ever occur in the life of the average young man in 2017.
Are you implying that I've ever been broken up with? Are your SERIOUSLY implying that I would know what it feels like? I am not the one who gets broken up with. I AM THE ONE WHO BREAKS UP!
Ok you faggots, I am 36 years old and have been in many relationships, here is my advice, take it if you want:
1. If you get broken up with, CUT all contact
2. There is only one woman in your life (besides your mother) that is irreplaceable, and the one that broke your heart isn't her
3. You can only heal if you improve yourself, intellectualy and physically
You need to measure your women in OTHER women
Take your gf
If she dumped you, it would take you fucking 7 other chicks to get over her
Take the love of your life, with her you would need at LEAST 10 chicks to get over
Your girl sounds like she's a solid 8, so go fuck 8 girls, then you will forget her
This method is scientifically proven, trust me
>having an ex
>knowing what non platonic love feels like
I lift for God because religion is the only thing I have that gives me comfort.
>being this incel
>not becoming a jihadi
You have low T too I see
I'm married and sometimes I wish I still had this feel. Jesus is a certified badass
I know it'd really fuck her up if I told her I never wanted to see her again. Don't think I have got the balls to do it. Kinda scared she'll go insane after her mom inevitably kills herself.
You're right
sadly true
do you actually think this way?
Deus vult brother
My current FWB is a solid 3 right now
As I keep seeing her and liking her more her number will grow
No, you won`t. I dated a girl for 3 years and her memories faded after 1.5 year - sometimes I even wonder if it was some bizzare dream. I don`t feel like she even left any lasting impact on my current life, even though I loved her and it hurt so much after break up.
You don't love her, your body just wants you to reproduce.
Once you truly understand women, you won't "Love" them anymore. You'll just use them like they use you. Women don't love. They just tolerate you for awhile to get what they want.
Just like a wild animal. It will be nice to you when you have food. But get rid of the food and it will leave you for the next guy that presents it food.