QTDDTHOT - Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Last one's dying, just like my faith in error propagation.

Anyways, here's a thread for quick questions that you were to embarrassed to ask somewhere that isn't an anonymous imageboard. But that's okay, you're not alone.

Speaking of dumb questions, I've recently gotten into running more seriously. My latest half-marathon time was about 1:48. I was wondering, How feasible is it to cut down my time to about 1:35? I'm planning on running the SF half-marathon and wanted to see how feasible of a goal this was. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


how do i increase pushups? ive been stuck on 40 for 2months now

I'm 173 cm 75 kg Manlet.
Do I reduce my weight to 68kg and then maintain or eat at slight surplus while doing 5x5 +accessories
Do 5x5 earlier but at a deficit (won't be able to get enough protein because meat and protein powder is expensive here)?

18 year old 5'11" Asian male here. Will I grow taller?

My dad is 5'6" and my mom is 5'2", and they both grew up malnourished in some irrelevant literal who country.

Have I reached my genetic potential, or will I be able to hit 6'?


5'11 is enough
Also there are other ways to get taller
>fom roll upper spine
>stretch hip flexors
>wear insoles

>>fom roll upper spine
>>stretch hip flexors
How do these help with height? Just curious.

Any brand you recommend? Also, how much should I wear before it starts to look ridiculous/high heels? 0.5", 1", 1.5", 2"?

Seems like an interesting approach.

However I'd like to point out that I'm at about 22-24%bf right now according to the us navy formula while candito says you should recomp from 18-20 to 13%

What do?

Posture. With the foam rolling hug yourself to better expose spine. Feels great btw and get a very hard foam roller
I have 0.8cm for medical reasons. I don't think people will notice 2" insoles I mean how could they if you still fit in the shoe?

>I have 0.8cm for medical reasons. I don't think people will notice 2" insoles I mean how could they if you still fit in the shoe?
kek true, but doesn't it affect your gait and make you look odd/stand out? But anyway, which insoles brand should I get?