Is he /ourguy/?

Based outlook on life, a man's man, dat dere natty physique, embraced the iron pill, perhaps slightly autistic.

Have we finally found him, Veeky Forums? He makes me proud to lift.

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hes a legit sjw cuck now.
no thx

Don't you DARE talk down the natty king, swine!

He's a faggot

wow. Veeky Forums has fallen down the shitter. This man used to be a hero.

rather listen to joe rogan then that clown

They're both cool motherfuckers.

Wow an extremely well traveled man isn't a racist homophobe? What a surprise

He's my guy desu. His books help me feel no so lonely

Patrician-tier taste, user.

I really respect this guy so i'm thinking of getting something of his to read

>well traveled man isn't a racist homophobe

Love this meme. Rich first worlders that are "well traveled" visit the most luxurious, touristy parts of a country. He has seen nothing of foreign countries except the richest parts. He doesn't go to the slums and see a pack of feral niggers rape a five year old.