How the fuck do I lose 20 lbs? I'm 150 5'11". I hate being skinny fat

How the fuck do I lose 20 lbs? I'm 150 5'11". I hate being skinny fat.

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How do I get over cravings senpai
My [spoiler]older sister[/spoiler] makes good food that's hard to resist

By having willpower you cunt. Or drink Lots of coffee and water

Will power.
Self control.
>things you learned as a teen, some people can't even do them as an adult years later.

what kind of coffee and how much/day

Black coffee and as much as it takes

my self-control is shit. i'm 18 by the way, so barely an adult. how do i get better self-control?
wouldn't that stain my teeth?

Do you not brush your teeth?

Twice a day. I don't drink coffee often, but have heard of staining issues