RLG -- Religious Lifting General

After making some threads on religion, I've finally decided to make it. This is a thread for religiously driven lifters, or people who want some faith to drive them through hard times.
Remember that thy body is a temple of the lord, and you must build your temple large.
Phillipians 4:13, Psalm 144
Become a Samsonite today!

Other urls found in this thread:


psychological warfare... just waiting for you to start talking about the walking crocodiles like a true whack job...

Bumping for interest. I actually hear a lot of religious conversations at the gym at times when I'm eavesdropping like a creep between sets.

Remember to visit your local church on sunday, ideally one that is fairly traditional. churchfinder.com/ is good for churches in your area, but doesn't give a summary of what the church is like.
traditio.com/tradlib/masslat.pdf is a registry of traditional catholic churches. goarch.org/parishes This is a map of greek orthodox parishes in the US, but you might want to look into orthodox theology for a few minutes before visiting one of the churches.
oca.org/parishes This is a locator for OCA churches.

Don't forget to look at churches near you. Generally you are better off going to traditional churches, orthodox churches, etc. Avoid Baptist and Evangelical. NEVER go non-denomenational, they are completely spineless. Lutheran can be okay, Presbyterian or reformed can be okay, catholic will vary from church to church, Anglican/Episcopalian is meh. God Bless, and good luck on your journey.

How many of you would wear these shirts in the gym?


Idk what you're talking about? I mean, crocodiles do walk on all fours, just slowly, and they mostly swim.

Honestly, some of these shirts look cool, others are a bit cringy.

Just curious, what kind of conversations?


Holy fuck some of these are actually quite awesome even if you're just into history

I'd wear this desu

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How do I achieve this mode?

Honestly, I would too.

some of this shits legit

All about genetics. Your dad would have to be a literal god.

why would a christian choose to be like samson when in other religions it literally says if a member of another religion hurts you to lie to them and even kill them in their religious texts

why does christianity encourage men to lay down and die like dogs...

Are pure christian qt's real, or are they a myth?

>Why would someone want to be strong and sacrifice himself for a greater good?

>Lift with three members of my Shul
>talk about all the qt jews
>adonai bless my gains


I'll totally bump this thread every time I see it.

Muscular Christianity is god-tier. I'm not an incredibly active Christian but if asked I'd call it my faith.

How do I get this feel?

First try prayer.
You don't need to copy someone else's words.
Make up your own, and start with the words Thank You.

>tfw Filipino priest lifts 6 days a week PPLPPL
>tfw I am a teacher in a Catholic school
>athletes and I will be praying when I coach them for track
>tfw making muscular and spiritual gains
>tfw our school does mass and rosary with other schools in the area once a month
>tfw I want to make it
>tfw doing it for Her