>be a skeltal
>someone tells me to look into calorie shakes
>sounds like a good idea, so I start making them
>after drinking a shake I shit it all out within an hour
There's just no way I can win this, is there?
>be a skeltal
>someone tells me to look into calorie shakes
>sounds like a good idea, so I start making them
>after drinking a shake I shit it all out within an hour
There's just no way I can win this, is there?
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just eat more during meals retard
Dont go all out. Up amount and calories each meal, each day. Just start slow.
>calorie shakes
Ever heard of whole milk?
Not only do I not have time to eat all day but also I can't even force more into myself.
Yeah, what do you think I'm using for the shakes?
I don't know, user, does this actually work? I'm not going hard to be honest.
drink a cup of oil
its like 1000 calories
I started out with 50g of ice/pasta in my meals, twice a day. Now i´m at 120g of rice in both my meals. If you train hard enough, you will get hungry.
If you dont have time to eat all day, then you need peanut butter and olive oil. Easy shit, but taste like hell.
consider doing this
Watch this and eat like this:
Take ssri st johns wort to increase your appetite
>literally spends all day making and eating food
What do these people do for a living?
he owns a gym
i think he also sells those cement balls too or something
Well that explains a lot. Why is it always that the guys who tell me to just eat more are either neets or people who have all fucking day to eat? I'm a student who also works, I don't have a fucking minute to spare to eat. Wageslaving is truly a nightmare.
well then you gonna have to do some sacrifices and eat food with high sodium levels
like mcdonalds with whey/casein and or gainers
or simply find the time to prepare your meals twice a week
but dont do meal prep for the whole week because you shouldnt store cooked meat for more than 3 days
for a working student you sure are a lazy stupid fuck,
you can batch cook a weeks worth of dinners in a couple hours
>just eat 5 eggs, english muffinw ith peanut butter, an entire bowl of oatmeal, and 12 ounces of whole fat milk every morning
Does he not fucking understand that I struggle to eat just the 5 eggs part in one sitting? I could eat just the 5 eggs and just 8 ounces of milk (not even all of the milk he wants me to drink) and I would feel sick on the verge of throwing up from overeating.
Sure, try doing it with a tiny refrigerator you're sharing with 3 other people.
user it's not even about prepping the food at this point, it's also about eating it. Literally only time I have for doing that is during weekends.
Peanuts / peanut butter
>per 100g
>27g protons
>50g fats (the good ones)
I dont remmber the carbs and fiber, but it has them
Then train your stomach. Drink lots of water, slowly increase the amount of food you eat.
Your digestion is fucked up, that's why you are a skelletor.
Eat plain yogurt every day for probiotics. Eat more fiber rich vegetables like peas, beans, lentils. Take resistant starch supplements.
Fuck off cunt, I share a fridge with 7 other people in my uni dorm, we fucking share, yes it gets cramped but we deal with it.
Not only that, but to cook a batch of chicken thats good for 3 meals it literally takes 20 minutes, thats 2 mins spent seasoning, 15 mins cooking and 3 mins resting and that'll do you for the entire day.
Salad is much easier to prepare because you dont even need to cook it, just shove portions into a box, tomato, carrot, cucumber, spinach all work great because they have 0 work involved aside from cutting and washing, just grab as you eat them.
>peanut butter
>tastes like hell
srs? GOMAD son
You know when I tried to eat more the same things happened to me.
I started eating yogurt at work a month ago and my arms grew more in a month than they had in a year. 12.5"->13.5", not worth posting, but the principal is there OP.
Well, the olive oil that is.
You realise you are just as bad as the fatties that come here complaining they cant into fork-putdowns
Eat more than you burn.
Thats it.
Also figure out if you're lactose intolerant, violent shits in reaction to food is only okay if its chipotle
A tablespoon is like 110 cals so a cup is probably a lot more than 1k
dude, just give up. You are like the opposite of a fat person thats in denial. You keep making excuses instead of actually trying
Ice pasta?
This thread is one of the reasons why Veeky Forums is dying
Fuck off back to /r9k/ with everyone who's responding to you as if they know anything about fitness
>wahhhhh, excuses excuses excuses!
>Help me gain weight! But im going to keep making excuses why I can't do exactly what i should be doing
nigga, i started off 118lbs and now 140lbs after a couple of months. If i can do it, then you are just being a massive pussy
start to do some exercises, and u will gradually start eating more as the amount of physical activities increase. You have to expand your stomach bro! Try to expand it at the beginning with crap like idk... chocolate bars, crisps and all that. I am /hungryskelly/ mate, I started in January and from that time I already gained around 10 kg. So it is possible!
Started at 132lbs, and in about 2 months I lost 4lbs. Well shit. I kept eating likeI always have, except that i stoped eating wheat beacuse i got diagnosed with allergy to that shit. Started working out. Guess it backfired.
I know user, it's just that I don't have time for this except for weekends.
Is it even possible for a wageslave student to find time to hit the gym AND make food AND eat it? Especially if he's a skeltal?
Dude you are just lactose intolerant, look into lactose free milk or fucking water m8.
And you don't even need that man:
>5 medium-large eggs with bagels/white bread for breakfest
>2 donuts midmorning or peanut butter sandwich
>lunch aim for things like PASTA and fatty meats like burgers with sauces
you are already at +2250kcal and not even at dinner. Seriously eat lots of pasta it's so calorie dense and healthy it's insulting.
For more ideas literally watch any 10k calorie challenge on youtube.
IF you want more "healthy" (nutritionally-wise) alternative:
Dude... I am doing masters in Biology and I will start part time work in a few days. Dude prepare every single bit of the meals that you going to have next day in the evening before bed. Prepare oats cause they are easy and full of proteins, Simple meals like freaking chicken, pasta with sauce and some beans with it (I am heaving butter beans [proteins bro], than also like 2 sandwitches). So once u wake up next morning u have everything ready just shove few eggs on the pan have some extra stuff with it (I usually frie some beckon with it or something) and then you just go and do work of a human being! Then once you back from Uni or whatever, prepare something simple again for supper/dinner whatever, and then go with the preparations for the next day. I always thought that I am bad with time management, but apparently everything is possible!
"In the morning when thou risest unwillingly, let this thought be present- I am rising to the work of a human being. Why then am i dissatisfied If I am going to do the things for which I exist and for which I was brought into world?"
-Marcus Aurelius
learn to make easy things that dont require you to chop up vegetables for 20 minutes. I made that mistake too. Only time i make something fancy that takes a shit ton of prep time is over the weekends
Yeah exacly, u can also buy pre-chopped frozen vegies in shops so it should not be a big problem.
Okay, sounds interesting. What would those things be?
[spoiler]Keep in mind I have no microwave at work though[/spoiler]
Count your calories. If you can't eat more during meals then eat meals more often. Work out preemptively it will make you hungry.
Literally just force yourself to eat more for 2 weeks and your body adjusts and you become hungry all the time.
Im a relapsed skelly that made it out of auchwitz but the medical jew causes loss of appetite and I forget to eat. Can't rely on natural hunger anymore and leaving skelly again from sheer discipline. You have no excuse faggot.
duuude like, are you autistic?
anything that just requires you to mix and put on heat or just straight put on heat.
Most breakfast foods take less than 10 minutes to cook.
Spaghetti and meat sauce takes less than 12 minutes to cook.
Salads take a couple of minutes to dish up but you should probably compliment this with a meal.
Oatmeal takes less than 10 minutes to make.
Those crockpots are great too. You can leave it on all day and come back to dinner ready to eat. But then again.... you might have to chop vegetables for this one so maybe get it done the night before. Maybe for monday.
oh for work with no microwave..... you might have to just eat at a food truck. Probably unhealthy but if you are trying to up your calories, it will do. If you are trying to save money.... i don't have a solution. You will have to stick with peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches or something else that is dry as well.
>after drinking a shake I shit it all out within an hour
>thinks hes shitting out what he just ate
I was a full time student and worked on the weekends 12 hours a day. I made time to eat. You're just being lazy with it. Have an hour or 2 free one day a week? That's your meal prep day. Need quick snacks? Peanut butter banana sandwich. Nuts are your friend.
Totally would if it wasn't the type of work where I have to sit 9-5 by the desk with 15 minutes of break, where I barely manage to eat the lunch I bring.
I gotta leave this fucking job really.
Eat at your desk.
just eat it really fast. Don't think about being full in the next 10 minutes. Just try to down your food as fast as possible. I had this problem too of not being able to eat everything. Its probably just a placebo effect but eating things fast made me able to eat everything in less time.
I would if the retard boss allowed me to.
I literally only eat one meal a day and it is probably more than your daily intake.
I started at 115 @ 5'11" and now I'm 175. I can't go any further bitch. I'm already better than you.