What age for steroids?

I turned 20 years old this past february, and I've been lifting since I've been 14 - 15. I've been considering turning to the dark side but everyone online says that the minimum age to even consider should be 25. Is this true?

Can I get away with starting steroids at age 20, if I do them responsibly, without fucking my shit up? Getting tired of remaining natty, feels like im spinning my wheels after making little to no progress the past couple years

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No, if you roid b4 20 your balls will shrivel up and fall off and Zyzz himself will come take your gains away.

You missed the prime time to take them at 13-16 yrs. Taking large amounts of gear at such a young age while your body is developing is the number one way to become a life long beast.

Teens who take 500mg shots every week until they're 25 have been shown to be taller and have 50% better muscle retention into their 30's

>Teens who take 500mg shots every week until they're 25 have been shown to be taller and have 50% better muscle retention into their 30's

>Teens who take 500mg shots every week until they're 25 have been shown to be taller and have 50% better muscle retention into their 30's
Source m8?

nice shitpost but I said im already 20 so you fail. 2/10 got me to reply

Hilarious dude, im audibly chuckling, now can anyone provide me with a real answer?

I don't really care what you do or why regards roiding.

Yes you fucking can you retard, talk to your doc about it.

And I don't really care about your elementary school sense of humor, fuck off reddit

I'm serious, but if you want real advice, start taking gear NOW, don't listen to all that "cycling" shit, you need to make up for lost gains. I suggest 1000mg every 1-2 weeks, maybe more if you plateau.

Also, something the pros wont tell ya (arnold took this shit), take lots of HGH, it's a "smart" growth hormone that only targets muscles, if you want mass, follow my advice, kiddo.

What can I expect them to say? I havent been to a doc in several years and it was just a family pediatrician.

If you want to do it then do it, you wont get any different health problems doing it now as opposed to 25+.

Its just that people assume you dont know what you want or are doing at that age, and most older people have kids before they go on gear so dont care.

What are your stats at the moment? what makes you want to go on gear?

Depends on your doc
He'll probably tell you not to or that you're too young. This is where you assert dominance and tell him "fuck you I do what I want"

>If you want to do it then do it, you wont get any different health problems doing it now as opposed to 25+

From what ive read it seems that the biggest problem for younger users is having to remain on TRT the rest of their life. If taking them now means crashing my natty test levels then thats kind of discouraging. I don't plan on running tons of gear just low dose test.

>What are your stats at the moment? what makes you want to go on gear?

6'3 215lbs ~12-13% bf. Want to do gear because I like seeing progress physically, which I havent seen in years. Also want to get really really strong

>6'3 215lbs ~12-13% bf
Your dosages will be higher than normal most likely. Tbh I would do some blood tests now to see what your balls are doing and to establish what your normal levels are roughly. You're also definitely not at the natty limit.

And yeah doing them now will most likely fuck your shit up.

If all you want to do is low dose of test i would just stay natty, the results wont give you much.

How are your lifts and stuff too, are they still going up?

okay thanks for the legitimate response man.

Really? I've heard even 250 mg can drastically change your physique. I don't know at all just what I've heard. I wan't to try to get away with running as little as possible if I do them.

My best lifts are:

S- 455
D- 495
B - 325

and no I just finished my first real cut so right now im trying to get back to those numbers. I want to get a lot stronger which is why gear is appealing. I hate how only putting like 10 lbs on my bench in one year is considered "good" for how long ive been training.

250mg is pointless, its marginally better than natty and its what most people cruise at.

So unless you are planning to cruise on low test for years there is no point.

If you want to make gains double that dose and add another compound, personally i would rather just do a proper cycle and be done with it rather than dick about with half a ass cycles.

Is it true that if you take steroids like testosterone that you have to take them for the rest of your life because your body stops producing it?


No, it is a possibility but no evidence it has ever happened.

The younger you are the quicker you bounce back, the reason people stay on is because they have shit test production in old age anyway.

There are ways to restart your balls if needed, but it doesn't always work. It can leave you totally infertile.

My friends who did it young are all bald and fat at 25 now lol

I see a lot of bigger guys who are pretty young who people claim are on gear. If it's a likely possibility that you will need TRT forever or you may become infertile it's not worth it yet it seems many people do it. Unless the claims are false. Im 28 and considered trying a low test cycle but too much of a pussy to do it out of fear that I'll be irreversibly fucked up.

Whats a good first cycle then? Something mild with little to no adverse health effects.

500-600mg test, 50mg dbol or oral of choice.

You could do mast or decca too if you want another injectable.

That's a basic first cycle, dbol is amazing the best mass builder and sides are mild.

thanks bro, sounds like you know a thing or two. Would you recommend I wait until 25?

It is really up to you, I did a cycle when I was 20 never had any problems since and have not touched it for 3 years.

Coming of sucks but you get back to where you wear and keep a decent amount of mass.

I would just recommend you have an AI on hand and all your pct on hand just in case you want to end the cycle, some people like to use hcg to kick start their balls but I never tried it.

At this point you ball don't work so you might as well get ripped

awesome. Thanks m8y


One of the primary ways your body regulates test is through sperm production, so it is indeed a serious problem. If you cycle your balls will shut down so you will at least fuck up your little guys temporarily. PCT is a lot better than it used to be tho, it's just nothing is guaranteed even now, some guys recover with little to no PCT just fine, some do everything perfect and still end up infertile. Again tho, less of a gamble than it used to be.

lurk fraud for a few weeks
we have a general and its filled with questions like the one you started a thread for

I like how it says spermatogenesis hasn't been studied much (it's been studied a lot and the pathways are generally highly conserved in mammals, so results from mice are pretty applicable to humans). Generally true tho. Surprised it doesn't mention nolvadex, that's like the go to drug to kick start former roiders nads when they want kids.

I'm doing my first cycle now
>In 30s
>Always been broad built
>6'3" 195lbs
>Union construction worker
>Work concrete and demolition
>Always been strong/kinda muscular
>Went to gym sporadically 3 4 days a week
> Could never make gains and gave up only to start again a month or two later
> Get sustanon 350 this time
>Start cycle, only using sus for first one
> Week 1 and 2 strength goes up faster than normal
>Week 3 have gained 12 pounds
>All in chest shoulders arms and legs
>Week 4 present week
Arms are showing definition, chest is showing even more, strength going through the roof.
I need to eat more though since I'm not eating enough
Though my little gut I've always had is about to be gone
All shirts are getting tighter, pants, boxers and all in positive areas
Start them today at whatever age you are

>taking advice on steroids from the 30 yo construction worker

Depends on how big you wanna get. If you just want to take it so you can pull pussy then I wouldn't recommend it. Unless you have a bigger reason than that... then maybe. You can still pull pussy and get big while being natty. Just eat

As someone who roided at 17 and 18, the definitive answer is do not fucking do it.
There are 2 options with steroids:
1. Don't do them
2. Get on and stay on (lifelong commitment)

I was one of the many delusional young lifters who thought "I will just do a couple of cycles to put me ahead of the game then stop." It doesn't really work like that. You wont become a beast on a few cycles, and you will not keep the gains you do make. All you will do is fuck your hormones up.
>"But I'm knowledgeable about PCT"

No. You WILL fuck your hormones up.

Doing steroids at any age is retarded unless you literally cant live without being a muscle freak. Doing them as a teenager/20 something is full retard.

I know at that age I would not take no for an answer, so I'm assuming you wont either. Once someone gets it in their head, its hard to turn them away.

But if you have any common sense, listen to a guy that used meet up at his friends house at 18 and inject each other in the ass with needles before gym. It was fun at the time, but one of the biggest regrets of my life.

Stay away young man

>I know at that age I would not take no for an answer, so I'm assuming you wont either.

no dude that is not the case at all, quite the contrary. I'm not all for the idea at all, just kind of humored it. The biggest thing that turns me off from doing it completely is my slight pubertal gyno. I'm very hesitant to hop on cycle out of fear it will get even worse and ill be forced to get the surgery. I appreciate your response and take your advice very seriously because im still very doubtful about doing it. Thanks for the advice bro

bump for more insight

>you will not keep the gains you do make

only applies if you roid above natty limit or don't do PCT afaik

At 17?
You're out of your element

missed that part. im in my late 20s.

Sounds about right.

go to powerlifter or bodybuilder, who trained bodybuilders.
they have internetsites, you pay a fee and you get "supplement suggestions"
if you are not doing pro sport, it's better to get as muscular as possible, before starting.
more base muscle you have, the bigger the roid effect will be.

between 25 and 30.
You start roiding when you have reduced hormone production or reached the natty limit.
Either of these will be possible to reach in early 20s.