Has any of you guys started living similarly to Dan Bilzerian since getting fit? Or is it all the same and none of it really matters?
Has any of you guys started living similarly to Dan Bilzerian since getting fit...
Well I doubt many of us have multi million dollar trust funds, so no
>has the gym made it easier to pretend you're a billionarie?
That's not how gyms work.
Dan Bilzerian is a millionaire. The only girls you will solely because of your body are fat single mothers.
I thought that was Bret Contreras at first.
Anyway, I don't even know what the fuck Dan does except post shitty instagram posts to fuel teenage power fantasies.
He's a trust fund baby, pretty much. Didn't achieve anything other than being in the Navy Seals
He wasn't in the Seals, where does this meme come from.
>Bilzerian entered the Navy SEAL training program in 2000; however, after several attempts, he did not graduate. He was reportedly dropped from the program for a "safety violation on the shooting range"
Clearly being rich, handsome and shredded, the truth does not matter.
Girls aren't as desperate as guys
>parents very wealthy
>never really understood people who complain about not having money (when I was very young)
>get fat because drink all the time because fuck you I can
>decide being fat sucks
>get fit
>still do whatever the fuck I want
>regularly go to parents vacation house in florida to hang out with friends and drink
>still autistic enough to post on Veeky Forums
I never tell girls I just meet that I have money, it honestly sucks knowing a girl is only talking to you because you have money
>Will never have a barreled chest
>Will never be fit and defined as him
>Will never have millions to my disposal
>Will never go off on wild parties and trips
>Will never have a different girl begging to be in my bed.
>Will always be an Asian
I sincerely want to kill myself.
That doesn't sound like a very fulfilling life. Nobody actually likes this guy. They like his money and drugs.
>living similarly to Dan Bilzerian
You mean paying women to pretend to enjoy your company?
tur they only takes pics with him cuz girls who are in pictures with him get alot of instafans and get popular after being in a picture with him. i bet hell never find anyone who trully loves/likes him for who he is.
isn't he like 5'6"?
anyone notice how trust fund babbies are pathalogical liars.... it's like they aren't even humble enough to admit they are rich bcus daddy and are living a hedonistic lifestyle of never having to actually work hard...
shots fired
Anyone notice how tripfags are always obnoxious?
Fuck off
I mean ffs look at some random article on the internet that comes up first when you search his net worth... someone please try to tell me dan or someone who works for him didn't write this shit.
>Dan Bilzerian is an American venture capitalist, actor and gambler
>pay millions to "act" in movie for less than 10 seconds
>Dan's father, Paul Bilzerian, was a prominent private equity player in the 1980s. By the time Paul was 36 years old, he had already earned a self-made $40 million fortune. Unfortunately, in 1988 Paul was indicted for tax and security fraud. Dan was eight years old at the time. The elder Bilzerian declared bankruptcy in 2001 claiming just $15,000 in assets and more than $140 million worth of debt.
>making it seem like you didn't get millions from daddy
>yes for you dan, because you wrote this
> In a recent tournament Dan won $10.8 million playing a single game of heads-up, no-limit hold'em, at stakes of $5,000-$10,000
>tweet from 2013 != recent
>tweet for 2013 != verified information
>nt danny
>In addition to his poker playing, he has also appeared in the films, "Olympus Has Fallen", "Lone Survivor", "The Other Woman", and "Equalizer".
>paying to act in movies
>amazing playboy lifestyle that would make Hugh Hefner himself envious.
>His lifestyle is so insane that Dan has had three heart attacks before the age of 32.
>Roiding for this
inb4 natty, he admitted to TRT
You went through all that to show that he's average height?
If you cant see a problem i feel sorry for you
you cant expect much on trt tho.
Its like nothing
>implying the doctors who get paid in cash won't write you an outrageous script
>implying he can't get legit pharma from other sources
>implying if he wanted he couldn't just put the illegal pharma int he regular pharma bottle and never have to worry about laws
shiggy diggy
>His lifestyle is so insane that Dan has had three heart attacks before the age of 32.
This line really got me. What a joke.
Yeah it's like nothing if nothing was like having your natty limit Amazon Prime'd to you.
Proof that he does such things? His body obviously is in the natty range.
Yeah, except it isnt.
Lurk more.
>Proof that he does such things? His body obviously is in the natty range.
I'm going to guess you have never seen the body of someone who legit taking ~250mg/wk test who works out a couple of times a month....
here is what we do know from dan about his body, w.e dose he is on I think we can safely say it at the top limit of a natural male, would you expect anything else from dan? do you think he would tell his doctor "nah man I don't want high I'll take normal"
that being said even for a normal man his body is pretty pathetic at 5'9" so it's just obvious all around this guy barely works out for mass at all.
sitting on your ass all day and taking steroids != look like on sterods
training hard and taking steroids = look like on steroids
shit i've seen retards that take insane amount of gear for the way their body looks and train 2x a week but diet and form are shit and they just look like high tier normies
regardless dan wants to look look like a high tier normie, the question of the dosages he is taking comes down to how hard does he want to work to look like said normie, and knowing he has the body of someone who barely gyms for mass I assume he is taking somewhere around ~250 and enjoying pigging out and barely working out while looking p okay.
>Will never have a barreled chest
>Will never be fit and defined as him
why the fuck will you never have these?
and even these ones are possible too but less likely
>Will never go off on wild parties and trips
>Will never have a different girl begging to be in my bed.
>Will always be an Asian
asains are capable of being aesthetic you fucking idiot
>probably azn
>probably grill
I fucking want to have his beard though.
Could be worse. Japs are on-par with Europeans in terms of superiority. If you're any other Asian, atleast you're not black.
Yeah, but I also fell out of my mum's pussy and straight into a pile of cash.
Lifting makes people like you, but money makes people fake love you. It's a bit of admin finding someone who isn't just into you for cash but it's definitely super fucking lucky.
Don't try and be like us. We're just as happy as people who genuinely appreciate what they have. Some of us are less happy.
Dan bilzerian is fuking gay
It's so sad when you can have so much yet understand so little.
>Japs are on-par with Europeans in terms of superiority
Everyone on this board is gay...no homo
Dan's life is an anomaly and not how normal people live. When you have millions of disposable cash and decent genetics and you lift, you can live like Dan I suppose.
In the meantime, I suggest you be sincere in everything you do and enjoy your life for what it is.