Water Fasting

Looking into fasting it seems to be amazing. Saw philisophers of history did it habitually. Dead sea scroll references too.

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um yeah? more power

It actually strengthens your kidneys if you do them right

Good luck killing your gains and metabolism retard.

Just eat and lift clean you weak willed dick.

broscience: the post

do you write articles for womens health?


>"Water Fasting"

You mean FASTING? You are supposed to drink water during a fast, calling it water fasting is retarded.

well mudslimes fast without water

Lmao I posted that thread the other day about it with that guy from youtube. Can't believe people are actually considering it.

It means drinking nothing but water. No food at all.

>water fasting
>weak willed

pick one

>eat absolutely nothing and only drink water
>weak willed

People here are dumb, see for why.

But fasting is legit, its not just for fat loss but tons of benefits too. Can't believe you people are so closed minded that you can't even google for 2 secs

at work cant read




Fake news

Be sure not to die, which happens to people who drink water without getting any salt/minerals

dry fast's a true fast

stop trying to make fasting happen Gretchen, it's not going to happen

good film but it's definitely happening. i see threads about it all the time.

Take a potassium supplement and a multivitamin

Fasting is a big part of a few indigenous cultures, and while there's no proof that it has any health benefits beyond anecdotal stories belonging to a few biased crazy hippies, fasting has big spiritual implications. Lots of cultures use it to invoke a waking dream state, or a spirit quest.

Essentially what I'm saying is, it's not gonna make you healthy, it's going to be a major test of willpower, and maybe you'll see things in a new way.