"Goodbye Buda"
In this thread and you won't burnout this year
"Goodbye Buda"
In this thread and you won't burnout this year
that is my
Literally who???
what exercises do you guys do for injury prevention?
(besides fucking facememes)
reverse hypers
Btn presses
Sumo and conventional
Power cleans
If you haven't caught my drift, I exercise all my ranges of motion and it keeps me mobile.
BB rowing
Front squats
Band pull-aparts
What is your best strict press?
Repost last thread.
I can front squat easily but cant back squat.
I keep it down but I just cant push out with a bar on back, just end up pushing my stomach out. I don't know what drills actually help when its loaded because I can brace properly when i deadlift or just standing like I said.
I've tried the one where your legs are 90 to a wall and you brace then, I can brace in a goblet squat, I can brace in a front squat, but I cant do it during a back squat. I have no idea why I can't.
this general isnt for you
You shouldn't be focused on pushing anything out. Your stomach should naturally expand when you breath diaphragmatically (into your stomach, not your chest). And bracing while standing or deadlifting is different to bracing with a bar on your back, so it's no wonder those don't help. Can you post a video of yourself back squatting?
Reverse hyperextensions
Good mornings
Any ab work
Rowing of all kinds
Lat raises
I'll try to get a vid, yeah my wording was bad. I don't try to push out but I mean I can't breathe fully into my stomach and expand in 360 degrees. I kinda breathe in and it stays forwards instead of 360 expansion.
Are there any good drills or methods I can practice to help in the meantime? I mean this isn't a strength issue, I can't breathe diaphragmatically even with an empty bar. Something about just holding my arms in a backsquat position must fuck up my upper back or rib position even though it feels and looks down.
Went 8/9 in my local meet today, totaled 1280. First meet ever, that was fun.
I don't know about drills, but something that always helps, at least for me, when learning a new movement, is to watch as many videos as I can of people doing it properly, imagining myself doing it, and (depending on what it is) practicing it, even without a barbell.
I have two more questions actually. Do you squat low bar or high bar, and how high are your elbows compared to your torso?
Good job m8. Any vids?
i wish trappy was here for cuddles
huh that's strange personally I wish I was dead
>foam rolling/stretching/mobility work
>good food
>good sleep
>shoulder dislocates with a broom handle
>drawing the sword, external & Internal cuff rotation a 90° abduction with elastic band
>land mine press
>cossack squat
>deep bulgarian split squat
>glute ham raise
gotta get them from my m8, I'll post them sometime
pls be kgs
The thing is I know how to squat but can't brace for shit. I know what to do and how to do it but can't do it.
I squat highbar and try to keep my elbows down but I have noticed that they often want to shoot right back/point back especially at the bottom of a squat.
If im sore 3 days after my chest/arm workout is it okay to hit them again at the same intensity?
*as I descend they start pointing back naturally otherwise my back starts to feel loose so when I try to drive my elbows under like peopl say, my back becomes loose
Is this a sign of bad mobility or something?
I have no idea. I've never done it for a "max"
Get to it
I know I said the previous questions were my last ones, but I still have one more. Do you brace your core before unracking the barbell?
Might be a sign your not keeping your upper back tight enough. Should be squeezing your shoulder blades together as much as you can the entire time.
I asked for exercises specifically to avoid all those shitty memes like foam rolling and shoulder "dislocates".
Go to hell underage b&
I do brace before unracking and keep my ribs down, however when I unrack and my arms/hands are in this 'W' position on the bar, I lose a lot of tightness unless my elbows are pointed back.
So really, as soon as I try to drive my elbows under the bar and engage lats, my ribcage flares very slightly, and my shoulder blades become less retracted/tight and its impossible to stop it/keep them tight unless my elbows are pointed back.
When I squeeze my shoulder blades together the entire time, my posterior/lateral delts cramp a little once again moreso at the bottom of the squat.
squeezing the shoulderblades hard together is one of the most common reasons powerlifters get shoulderblade pain.
and it's not even necessary.
(common in powerlifters because it happens in squat and bench, and deadlift puts a lot of stress on the upper back to make it worse)
living up to your name once again I see
>Weak upper back. Quit skipping your rowing
Facememes and higher rep cable rows, ham curls and regular curls, I really really should start on some one legged work but it's just so awful and I'm so bad at it
Good on ya breh
Yo i ate a can of pea soup yesterday and this morning when i was shitting my shit smelled like pea soup
Rows really won't do much for your squat dude. He'd be better off a) learning to do a real squat and b) doing front squats
I already do front squats.
This happens with a 20kg bar, I don't think its a strength issue.
>pea(nis) soup
Just how poor are you
I buy food based on its taste not on its monetary value you fucking neanderthal
t. PoorfAg
haha ok pajeet haha
goodbye buda
lmao yeah raffy
>ham curls
you think those are necessary if you do RDLs or SLDLs?
dino you smelly fucking shitskin mother fucker, your time will come during the race war
ha says the cuckold of all cucks??
how to maintain strength on a cut
only a small cut (15 lbs)
>Lat raises
you think those help?
(with what?)
its impossible no one has ever done it before
>Cut slow
>Keep volume the same
Or some combination of the two
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
listen cuck don't ever respond to me again, you are nothing compared to me or the contributions ive made on this website
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
Why are you writing in Indian???
Should i start doing a real sport like WL
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
haha did you like that one pajeet haha
Why are you writing in Indian???
lots of knee extension but no knee flexion in PL, ham curls for healthy knees.
no you fucking retard you'll be shit at it, do what you're good at
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
> (You)
>what you going to do?
>hit us with your curry bowl
>haha good one pajeet haha
> (You)
>what you going to do?
>hit us with your curry bowl
>haha good one pajeet haha
Why are you writing in Indian???
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
because he is Indian, stop bullying him
but RDLs/SLDLs already train those muscles, so why'd you need ham curls?
what you going to do?
hit us with your curry bowl
haha good one pajeet haha
Those or GHRs would be good, yeah, for the reasons the other guy said
5/3/1 Krypteia is the only way
you can buy a pair of these high quality straps from me for only £5 :^)
Just do it once a week, btfo panzer and laugh at him everytime he posts :)
Because you're not training the knee flexion aspect of the muscle, only hip extension. Believe me, the first time your mystery knee pain goes away after a few weeks of hamstring curls you'll keep doing them too.
forgot pic
>do what your good at not what you like
I already out snatch him idr his cj
Dont laugh at my little brother
but it trains the same muscles and muscles can only contract.
they don't know whether they're used for hip extension or knee flexion, they just contract.
so why would it matter?
>do what your good at not what you like
quite literally yes
Pretty stupid way to live your life
Mmm not really. Like that's "mostly" true and especially appears to be true looking at something like EMG studies, but it's definitely possible to use a "muscle group" and not hit the whole thing equally. Muscle groups aren't really the whole, separable, all-or-nothing groups you see in anatomy pictures, different fibers can fire or not fire depending on angle/load/speed.
Not true, even mr garrett blessings agrees with me :) go to 2:20
>someone else agrees with you
Good for you lad
That can be true in some cases, but it's not in this one.
The only muscles that get hit with knee flexion more than with hip extension are the biceps femoris short head and the gastrocs.
The gastrocs are trained by walking or any calf training, even squats and deadlifts.
The short head of the biceps femoris is only used in knee flexion, which naturally only occurs during walking/jogging/running.
So why would you train loaded knee flexion?
I have issues because i want to do something i like ?
Okay bud
Ran out of sedatives
Its gonna be a long night ahead of me
holy shit kermit is fuming right now ive never seen him this mad before KEK
So why are you here since you're not good at PL?
this is a great new meme image you created thank you
Because you're training the fuck out of loaded knee extension and it can cause problems. I still don't understand why people feel the need to use their A&P textbook to argue against things that, anecdotally, work, and work well, for large numbers of people. I'm not saying you need to do them or your dick will fall off, I'm saying I do them and they make my knees feel better and I know I'm not the only one.
Does anyone have any tips for how to stop falling forward in the lowbar squat? Ive always had trouble not doing a good morning type squat but now it's actually stopping me going up in weight
Nuckols' cue "throw the bar through the roof" has been good for me for keeping my spine extended and staying upright.
Just do high bar, low bar is a meme.
Stronger quads, drive through heels and chest up.
Practise pause squats and box squats
this doesnt relate to the point you are trying to make
playing to your strengths instead of your weakness doesnt mean you are now forced to do one hobby youve lost interest in over another you want to do
these are just hobbies m8
Whos getting in your head about PL not being a real sport? Your discord buttbuddies? Youll be utter garbage at WL ESPECIALLY without a coach. Complete waste of time