How does Veeky Forums feel about Obamacare?

Do you really want it repealed?

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>only had medical costs of $8000
Is that supposed to be a reasonable amount?

For the USA, sure. Probably includes his wife as well.

I've literally had $0 in medical costs in the same period and paid over $1000 into the system because shitty Obamacare.

>be me
>not a fat fuck, don't smoke, don't drink excessively
>0$ in medical expenses

Remind me again why I should pay for
Fat fucks

I think we should switch to single payer but bar drug addicts, heavy alcoholics, smokers, and people with a bmi above 30 from entering the program. Incentive to be healthy and the cost is cheaper because unhealthy lifestyle choices aren't using up medical resources.

Your attitude equates to "fuck you, I got mine"
How about a bit of selflessness and care for your compatriots?
What if you get sick tomorrow?
The real problem is that healthcare is too fucking expensive in the states to begin with. Why do doctors make so much goddamn money over there?

>How about a bit of selflessness and care for your compatriots?

I'd honestly care for my compatriots more if they weren't a bunch of gluttonous fat fucks. I hate fat people so much, modern society is a joke. I wish I could live in some asian country where it isn't socially acceptable to be a fat piece of shit.

Why was he posting "this could kill me" or what not that I saw posted if his healthcare costs were only 8k?

>care for obese, alcoholics, druggie pieces of shit who willingly and knowingly fuck their bodies because they know the state will take care of them

Yeah fuck my 'compatriots'.