Rowers are the strongest and most endurable people in the world and erg is the best training machine

Rowers are the strongest and most endurable people in the world and erg is the best training machine
Prove me wrong
you already know the protip

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bet they cant survive being thrown off of a steel cage through an announce table though

> rowers are the most endurable and strongest people in the world

Youve clearly never heard of the Paras or Royal Marines mate. Those lads would shit on international athletes all day.

This is now an erg times thread
100m: 1:10,5
500m: 1:16,6
2k: 1:28

They really aren't.

At age 17 my 2k score was 6:29. Left my team because they were shit. Don't bother rowing unless you're tall (6'3+) and have a bunch of genetic freaks on your team. So basically only row if you end up at the University of Washington.

You don't know what you're talking about

Nice LARP. Post pics. Inb4 Jim letten


not Croatian rowers for sure
>former nazi puppet state

OP here
2k 6:25,8
nothing beats the ergo, not even your valued Paras or Royal Marines

Live action role-playing.

Yes why is that a relevant response to my erg times? Like what are you trying to say?


Hamish bond went from rowing to cycling and entered third in the timetrail within a year, don't see any cyclist getting third in rowing at any event

I like to think I do mate. Used to row competitively when I was younger, and while yes you have to be fit and have strong legs/back, endurance wise anyone in an elite infantry role in the Army would shit all over you unless you are literally a top tier athlete.
If you dont believe me, feel free to go look up their training and pass out tests, I'll wait. Got mates in both the RM and Paras and those blokes are nails.

Yes a sport that makes you into a cripple is great for endurance :---)

>Military personnel would beat actual athletes in athletics

he was also competing in cycling at the elite level in 2009 (, and was presumably training between 2009 and 2017, but you're right & i take your point

That's why all top level athletes are exmilitary and all international profesional athletes train by doing army exercises right?

> OP makes claim that X athlete is the best combination of strength and endurance
> I reply with better candidates, nowhere do I imply said candidates are better at that specific sport but are a better combination of endurance and strength
> you proceed to get butthurt

Easy there fella, nobodys knocking your precious rowing, just saying there are fitter people out there. For example, if its a question of pure endurance, an ultrarunner would win hands down. If its a question of pure strength, a strongman or olylifter would win hands down. However, if you aim for a combination of both endurance and strength, you really think an amateur rower doing horizontal squats in a boat is in better shape than a bloke who can run across Dartmoor for 30 miles with 80lbs of kit on him?

Nobodys saying soldiers are better than X athlete at their chosen sport, thats retarded. Obviously people train to maximise efficiency in their chosen sport.

> TL;DR: learn to read before you post

> what is training for your very specific sport by doing specific exercises to maximise efficiency in that certain sport/action/movement/musclegroup

> what is training to achieve an all round very high level of battle fitness including both endurance and strength

You lads didnt have to shit the bed; nowhere did I say that soldiers are better than athletes at that athletes chosen sport. You would have to be a full on retard to think that.
All I said was that in terms of a combination of endurance and strength, elite soldiers are well up there as some of the best people for it. That is all. If you cant accept it, dont.

>Youve clearly never heard of the Paras or Royal Marines mate. Those lads would shit on international athletes all day.
This is complete shit
>I reply with better candidates, nowhere do I imply said candidates are better at that specific sport but are a better combination of endurance and strength
Also complete shit
Cheers mate

Actually, the training system that produces the athletes with the greatest combination of strength and endurance is pic related, which is the "MMA" to rowing's hapkido.

I'm not saying that, you can learn to row in a year, you can learn to cycle in a month and you can learn to run in a week, then why aren't these sports dominated by soldiers who made a switch to sports, instead of people who are defined by their athleticism and payed to be athletic.
I'm very sure that if you let athleted compete againts soldierd in random sports both don't normaly do, the athletes will win

>Makes you into a cripple

Why is balancing on a kettle bell supposed to indicate anything


Seeing crossfiters on the erg makes me want to abort my spine

>and you can learn to run in a week
Riding a bike is way easier than running with good technique.

Bike riders advice on efficient riding: just like ride man and do like what feels good yeah?

Runners advice on efficient running: you gotta do these duck walks and weird lunges and other mobility exercises, and like run for a bit and then walk and then run again following this program.

>Bike riders advice on efficient riding: just like ride man and do like what feels good yeah?
top kek

and that's not even getting into aerodynamic positioning. please neck yourself

> provides no counterargument
> best response is 'no u'

Non-argument is, surprisingly, a non-argument! Who could have guessed

explain me how to use the row machine and what these statistics mean.

i need to start doing cardio sometime soon and i was always thinking the row looked the most appealing.

How fast should I be able to do 500m?
Did 1.40 and had to stop, is that a pace I should be able to keep for 2k if I can f.e run a sub40 10km as a total beginner?
Any tips on how to improve?

It's wasn't really meant as a scientifically correct example, it's more to say that if you have the best endurance in the world you can win these events without doing it from when you were 3 years old

It's not playing, but I assume it's just saying "put your saddle at an appropriate height and pedal at a comfortable rpm". That is pretty much all anyone needs for efficient technique.

Strategies such as higher watts on inclines, coasting and positioning are strategies rather than to do with the technique of moving the bike.

Cyclists, even with bad technique, have a decent relationship established between power output and pace. Runners do not have this, as technique plays a much larger part in your pace.

Rowing is not endurance at all, how long are the races? Like 5-10 minutes?
Thats mostly VO2Max shit, not endurance.

Endurance is racing a bike for 160 miles and being fast as fuck the entire way.

Rowing is more relatable to things like track events or TTs where they are short and just put out a bunch of power for short duration.

>1:28 2k split

Sure thing bun

True, train from child meme is fucking evil.

The top guys in US motocross train way harder than some gay lil boaters

>Thats mostly VO2Max shit, not endurance.

>what is anaerobic vs aerobic metabolism

1:40 is pretty slow for a 500m, my time is 1:17,5. And my 2k time is 1:32. No chance you can do a 1:40 2k rn. The problem is never the endurance it's the technique, go to the local rowing club or watch erg tutorials given by rowers on a concept2 or rp3 no crOssfit instructionals, they will only make you worse

An anaerobic event does not involve your VO2 max as much as an aerobic one. They also don't last as long as 5 mins.

it's not that simple, though. if the video's not playing:

i think you're right that a cyclist with a poor bike fit, a poor position and a sloppy 'mashing' technique is better off than a sloppy runner. (disclosure: i'm neither an elite cyclist nor an elite runner, but i've a 1:28 HM so i'm not a total incompetent.)

Yeah except i train 14 h a week and have been to henley and want to compete for my country internationally in an 8+ and might just do so

There are rowers at a highschool level that train 20+ hours a week. You are insane if you think 14 hours a week would make you competitive internationally.

Yeah but that's the united states, they do erg every morning, my country has a diffenent training philosophy and we win more often than the us

That's interesting and is bookmarked.

Where peeps usually get into trouble beyond that is with sprinting. I find most improvement in technique comes from practice and not trying too hard like trying to pedal downwards and then really trying to pedal upwards, I think that's the case for most people. Good sprinting tho requires a level of muscular strength to stabilize yourself as well as good balance and movement. I see way more bad runners desu, and they regularly fuck themselves up with crap like heel spurs.

from personal experience i would say that boxers have the greatest overall athleticism.

Also these 14 hours are actuall training hours excluding getting dressed getting the boat in, doing stabalisation excersices etc.
20+ hours of actual high intensity training is bound to get you overtrained

Depends on what you're doing.

Yes, but the training is mostly extended duration training, and training anearobic exercise also improves your aerobic capacity

The 2k is roughly 80% aerobic and 20% anaerobic.

>most endurable
I don't know, OP, I had a hard time even making it to the end of your post.

Yes that is exactly what i am saying, 20+ hours is completely possible if you erg an hour every morning at a high split, but 20+ hours of high intensity training is totally impossible. In my country we almost never erg except for when you camt row due to the weather because the benefit does not weigh againts the time lost, since almost all rowers are university students and the rowing clubs are not connected to the university, so you have to fix your study yourself

Maybe if you're not really doing your best, my anaeribic threshold in terms of wattage is far less than 80% of my 2k wattage output

likewise with the bad runners vs bad cyclists—and it's even worse than it appears at first blush. sloppy running is a lot more likely to lead to injury than sloppy cycling, so the proportion of sloppy runners you see is (typically) a more severe underestimate of the true proportion than it is with sloppy cyclists. yet you still see a way higher proportion of runners whose legs are all over the place than you see cyclists

Wait is tall good for rowing? I assumed smaller was better. Shit I could have joined the rowing team, be jacked banging sloots by now.

>I assumed smaller was better
>could have
You still can, rowing has a very steep learning curve almost all good rowers in europe started in their college years

Smaller equals lighter I suppose, I mean I never gave it much thought. Only rowing friend I had was shorter than me. I might look into it then, cheers.

Stupid brainshit, enjoy your chicken-stick legs

Lmao rowing is like 70% legs mate

Maybe for lightweight rowing this is true, but for heavyweight ,actual, rowing musclemass matters a lot, because of strenght but mainly because it stores glycogen and oxygen, very important for 2k races because they take 6 min approximatelly in an 8

>all this dick measuring ITT

I used to row at the national level in the US and now I'm a USMC scout sniper, two completely different kinds of endurance. AMA

>National level
As in?

lol you're so full of shit m8

I qualified for junior worlds in the single and was an alternate on the junior national 8. 2k was 6:18 at 17 yo

Yeah because surely you know more about the rowing regime in my country than you do, what country are you from boy

Ah thats pretty cool mate

you're gay

yeah, nah

On a concept2 with/without sildes or rp3?
What are your 100m 500m and 2k pr's

Would have been cool except I left to join the military. Worst decision of my life.

Went to henley too with my high school boat. We got crushed but it was still an awesome experience.

I miss the rowing life man, hopefully gonna row in college when I get out of the marines

Hit 6:18 at crash-b when I was in HS on a concept2 (no slider)

Best 500m was 1:20, never really tested my 100

That's pretty good at age 17, coaches only allowed us to do 100m for fun because 500 or 2kmaxing really is a blow to your health. So i really liked doing 100 meters for fun, my times are these at age 21. Now only need to learn to row, have been sitting at seat 3 in the boat for forever

When did you go to henley? I've been there too with my club

Oh damn that's some internationally competitive splits son. How tall are you? I was 6 seat on my high school because of my power but always bow bitch in national boats because I'm a 6ft manlet.

Grew up in the single though so it was always my forte. Nothing like taking the single out for a morning row on the river. Non crewfags don't know that feel

Went to Henley in 2011. Got smoked in the first day of racing, US high school teams just aren't competitive with British teams that row together year round. Abington won that year I believe.

Could probably cut a lot of seconds from it, didn't go full out but was exhausted anyway when I stopped. If 1.17 is good then I'm not that embarrased. Literally just tried the first time on the machine, was going to try 2k as I heard that's the standard, but got tired and quit after 500. Was afraid people did sub 1 minute or something, had no idea

I'll try to do 1:30 at least and then I'll calmly do a 2k and see how long it takes.

6'6" 87kg, i'm very strong for my weight

Rugby players do erg rowing m80.

Never quit, ever, it tells your brain it's okay to stop, once you stop you open the floodgates to pussyfication. Also realize it scales cubically, twice as fast is 8 times more power

1:17 is extremely good for a 500 my dude, I wouldn't get too discouraged. Honestly if you can manage to get under 7 mins for a 2k you should be proud of yourself, it's about a 1:45 split.

Technique plays a big role on the erg if you don't know what you're doing otherwise you're wasting a lot of energy. And similar to swimming, it uses a lot of different muscles that aren't developed in your average person. I'm in much better shape than I was when I was competing but I wouldn't be able to achieve those same erg times because I don't do it enough anymore.

Don't worry too much about your splits, just make sure you're getting a workout.

Litterally the first time on tue machine, read over this, in that case it's pretty okay

Rowing Faster, I forget which edition, probably both.

People vary, it may also have moved from that as times have gone down, but that's unlikely to effect you unless you're right at the top. For you it's very likely poor technique holding you back assuming you've understood what I've said, but I would guess you haven't.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Weird but interesting.

For sure the erg is of limited application past a certain point. But then if you factor in cross training it can add up.

It's more pussy to be too scared to quit.
Did not know about the scaling.
Alright, it's good to have an idea about what I can set as a goal.
I have no technique obviously. Is there a standard for tempo or does it differ much from person to person? Guess I should try to keep the the same tempo the whole time at least...

Also, are all row machines accurate? I don't think the machine I'm at is very expensive...

>Is there a standard for tempo or does it differ much from person to person?
Not that guy, this is the basic strokes per minute deal:
You go faster but are less efficient at a higher spm.
As a result you cannot just keep increasing spm to improve times. You won't really go above the 40s in a sprint ever. Don't forget that there's usually others in the boat with you.
Most people spend the majority of a race in the 30s for spm.
Therefore you want to get good times with as low an spm as poss. This allows room to go faster at race time and is more efficient. Also better for developing technique.
Most people hit the 30s and then try to keep the same pace at lower spms in the 20s and then go faster by getting into the 30s etc etc.

You're forgetting triathletes and long distance swimmers (think 1500 m freestyle event). Strength-wise they're meh, but endurance-wise I'm sure they've got you beat.

thanks, good info. I'll count the strokes next time, guess I should be able to reach 500m on 45-50 strokes then...

Strokes per minute is as high as you can comfortably row at, the faster you go the higher you can get the rate to be, international eights row 40spm, while slower boats do like 30, on the erg a 2k race for a beginner 30 is probably good
Are all rowing machines accurate?
Absolutely not, only thrustworthy ones are concept2 and row perfect ergs ehat kind do you have?
45-50 is way too high especially for a beginner
Try 40

Had a rower in my class couple years ago. His max bench was 170kg and his max squat was 75kg

>Absolutely not, only thrustworthy ones are concept2 and row perfect ergs ehat kind do you have?
No idea, I'll check next time. But pretty sure it isn't one of those. So my numbers say nothing, I'll just compete against myself.
>45-50 is way too high especially for a beginner
Try 40
Wasn't talking spm there, just strokes...

Premium bait

>Not talking spm
Ah okay i get it now, if the erg doesn't display your spm (litterally ervery erg does this) do not count your strokes, just do what feels best.

>Paras and Royal Marines are comparable to international athletes in strength and endurance
Well you don't have any evidence to support your claims either Mr. Argument
We should arrange a test. We'll collect a group of top Paras and Marines and and a group of top international athletes, let's say decathletes and rowers, and measure their strength and endurance.
Strength events: 1RM Bench Press, 1RM weighted pullups, 1RM Squat
Endurance event: 3k run
I bet the athlete group will do better, but there's really no way of knowing for sure until such a test is conducted

>Poor technique holding you back
Lmao no mate, im not that guy who did the 500m in 1:40
Ah thats way before i went there

dragon boat master race coming through.
shame it isnt as mainstream as rowing, nobody knows the strength and stamina it takes.

Wtf is this
Also this has nothing to do with rowing mate

How fast do these go?

dragon boat my friend
good 500m race is 1:50

A bad 500m split during a 2k race in the single is also 1:50
I could litterally calmly overtake one of these giant water stirring machines by myself