/plg/ - powerlifting general



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not plg related

Why are powerlifters so fat and ugly?

Threadly reminder to try harder and keep a clean living space.

You don't want cockroaches or bed bugs senpai.

panzer stop

I don't think I told you guys about it so here is a little laugh.

A guy I meet sometimes in the gym really wanted to get better at deadlift. He was fucking around, but making good gains. His friend who told him to do 130kg deadlift for 5x5 every time he went to train for a month and then max out and he would be able to lift 180kg, maybe 185kg he said.

>bed bugs senpai.


[flashbacks intensify]

>tfw trembling like a coked out chihuahua after heavy deadlifts


>doing squats or diddles
>never can catch my breath
>put the bar down
>walk back and realize im about to pass out if i dont loosen my belt

one of these days i am gonna pass out

You'd be surprised at the filth some people live in.

Reminds me of last year's midwest meet.

>dude on his third deadlift attempt
>gets the bar up, so far so good
>gets the down command, starts going down
>bar hits the ground, falls backwards
>motherfucker passed out
>wakes up after a few seconds
>first thing he says was, "did I get it?"
>he got it

i want to have sex with girls

>first thing he says was, "did I get it?"
>he got it

That pepe turned me gay!

Panzer just made me realise I haven't had an attraction to girls for months.
I completely forgot thats a normal thing.

What the fuck does this mean? Is it cause I don't do rows??

I forgot how insanely god tier this is

yeah i have either till like yesterday i dont even enjoy jacking for the most part

too bad im an autistic fuck and the best i can do is imagine what itd be like

>bar hits the ground, falls backwards
>he got it
kek fucker knew not to let go anyway

You need to stop watching porn and fapping. I'm pretty sure it's changing my life.

whats changed? im guessing nothing

I'm starting Texas Method tomorrow and, looking over the programming, is this kind of weight progression sustainable? I'm going up 25lbs on my squat and 35lbs on my deadlift within six weeks. I can see that stalling really soon.
Or am I just selling myself short?

Now that the dust has settled I ironically actually do miss trappy-chan
He was a shit cunt, but the threads just felt more lively....

I remember actually talking on plg all day and feeling so engaged with everybody.

I know perhaps that's a distant feeling for all you newfags, but damn do I actually miss the real plg.

Forgot pic related

Wow Dino this is just pathetic

Week 1: 132,5kg squat for 5
Week 11: 157,5kg squat for 5

For me it is been good. No fails, and even one week where I jumped 5kg (week 2).

>forearm tendinitis gets aggravated right from the get go today when benching
>Slow my descent to a crawl on the last 4-5 sets
>The tendies go away completely

I didn't feel shit toward anyone in 10 months. Then last night I randomly had it happen to me. The brain works in mysterious ways man

It's sustainable, make sure you eat and sleep a lot.

Kys youreself

Trappy come back please

Trappy if you're reading this I miss you

>tfw bad bench day
Is there any worse feeling?
Had to cut the reps, go tng, was feeling a pump in my right bicep, no control over my reps


That's actually pretty impressive, user!
I'm hoping this will help me out, I've always struggled with setting up a good routine despite reading practical programming several times.

Yeah, that's the problem... Eating, sure, I fucking love burgers, wings, steak, and proton shakes. Sleeping, however, is difficult now that I've taken on a 60+hr work week...

>bad deadlift day
Seeing that bar just sitting there, unmoved, mocking you is the worst feeling to me

Just don't fuck around and go to bed at a regular time that will ensure you get at least 8 hours. It'll be tough but you can do it.

But with deadlifts you can still power through things and get dat endorphin release

Bench you just feel like a weak pussy and like you have noodle arms

Project: get trappy back

Everyone make a reddit account and ask stRafeal to come back

Project: bring trappy home

i'm not that other guy, but if I have a bad DL day i can't power through shit

if I have a bad bench day, maybe instead of being able to do something for a triple i can only get it for a double

if I have a bad deadlift day, I can't even get a planned triple for one rep

Just imagine where your lifting total would be if you spent your time actually lifting instead of obsessing over cross-dressing faggots online

at least you can bench


there's something on your hand

you have a problem

I'm that other guy and fucking THIS
Same with squat. A planned triple, on a bad day, at least I get a double. Deadlift, though, the bar doesn't budge at all!!!

I do it for attention. I'm a neet with no friends and I have nobody to talk to.

You forgot to turn your name on, Sean.

Sean pls go

Tendon tear?

Small laceration on the tendon in my ring finger

I wouldn't act this way if somebody just talked to me

What the fuck did you do to yourself?

Wrench slipped at work and my knuckles hit the corner of the part I was machining

wtf wash your fingernails


wash your hands you dirty gremlin

Shit sucks lad, hope you recover quickly.

haha good one pajeet haha

wash your disgusting fucking homeless fingers

I dont wanna

i think about that everyday

have a great week everyone

>bad lifts and off topic discussion is my series
too late I already claimed that one

facebook com/Sarabeth.Zela/videos/10208777627389494/

Tell me right now

what do you think looks better and not fucking retarded and actually athletic


or This....

make your decision wisely

>tfw squatted 255 (70%) for 20 reps
Wew lads. Today was my last day of 20 rep squats, it was a good but extremely painful run. Now I gotta think of a way to progress myself to 315 for 10

Aaryn women vs nigger women

Holy shit, I don't think even Clarence can do 20 reps at 255kg


>70% for 20

I literally do not believe you

either your maxes are dramatically underinflated or you are straight up lying

70% for 20 is straight up not possible

It was 280kg and he was in the 93kg class too. Really impressive.

Hey Brandon how much do you pull conventional?


Every ginger I know is called Brandon
Now tell me your conventional DL max Brandon

I haven't maxed in a while - the percent is off my tested max. I'm highlighting the fact that I did 70% for 20 to show that I've made progress

I have never maxed out a conventional deadlift

I do snatch grip deadlifts with 110 for a 10RM

thats the closest I can tell you

I recently did 105kg x 20 SGDL and all I can conventional pull right now is around 180kg

Must be as weak as me. Loser. You're so weak.

Firstly I almost guarantee you aren't doing actual snatch deadlifts

a high hip wide hand pull is just a meme


I never claimed to have a good conventional pull, I was always sumo masterrace

I don't take training advice from someone who's never seen a pair of titties in real life

no, it was. I have done a 180kg sgdl before, but okay I admit I rounded like frail cat.
I dunno what's happened to my body but cardio + cutting has destroyed my deadlift like nothing else

>tfw had to roll of shame 145x5 close grip bench

Welp, guess im adding in close grip bench now

What should I do for rep scheme/progression? Probably going to do it after my regular bench working sets. And what difference does pause/no pause make?

I wouldn't be upset with a 145kg cgbp but that's just me I guess

Someone is jealous of his manly working man hands.

>Turn too quickly in my chair
>Somehow manage to pull a muscle in my back
>Now it hurts and I'm not sure I'll be able to lift tomorrow

Why is the human body so obsolete lads

hahahahaahahja aahahahahahahababa

This is a new level of pathetic even for you sean/paul
Kill yourself sean and or paul domingues

You do know that rafael looks like a disgusting hairy bobblehead hobbit right? He's not actually a boy that looks like a girl, hes actually a hairy little boy. He cant get away with his absolutely shit autistic toxic personality when he looks like THAT

Challenged a friend to a dead hang competition and won
However I pulled my lower back somehow and could hardly move for half and hour

I'm too young to be old ;—;

i made the bobble head meme i was the firs tto point it out

haha y-yeah thats kg
You'll get there one d-day!

How did you even get that strong?

It honestly does make me feel like I'm an old man

I'm only 21 my back shouldn't even be a problem right now

oh thats right sean has delicate little girly hands KEK

>pretending like thats not you trying to get trappy back
ahahahahahahahhahaha absolutely pathetic sean

And yes you were the first to call him bobblehead but i was the first to point out his abnormally large so curbstompable head

j-just try harder!

I don't mind so much if its just a muscle strain honestly, but every time something like it happens I get terribly anxious it's my spine or someshit, every time.

Same actually, when it happened I was terrified I had somehow slipped a disc or something

Still not totally convinced I haven't as a matter of fact but I'm like 95% sure it's not that since I feel like the pain would be way more debilitating than it currently is

thank you im glad you like my meme I wil allow you to continue using it

anyone know any similar music? this shit is funky chill as fuck

haha thanks pajeet haha

Not really but try this

Kind of reminds me of leisure if you listen to it underwater.


I miss trappy and I don't care who knows!

haha okay raffy

jaja nahui raffy

you merely adapted it