Will I still be able to claim natty if I ingest this?

Will I still be able to claim natty if I ingest this?

yeah youll just be bald

If you Si much as save a picture of it say goodbye to your natty limit and hello to tiny balls

It is just creatine.

Why is this even a question, do you know what natty means?
If you don't need to inject it it's just a supplement bro. Judging from those wristlets you need all the help you can get.

OP is an idort

no but it's fuccing worth.
creatine for gainz
creatine for dayz

Only if is less than three creotins

TIL orals are still natty

If you ever set foot in a gym, you are no longer natty.

Natty means your physique is built 100% off genetics and how you look naturally. Lifting weights to enhance this means you are no longer truly natty.

you can also take steroids orally, guess you're still natty then. if you take creatine, you're not natty. bottom line. sorry cucks. whey protein is a supplement and borderline natty. if you think youre natty while on creatine, i got bad news for you pal. might as well hop on tren now because your natty cards gone.

enjoy the bald my friend

I stopped using it so I don't lose my hair.

depends on how many protons you ingest

Thats actually not what it means but whatever floats your boat.

>Cre makes you bald

t. Someone who has no idea whaf their talking about and took his football coaches bro science to heart without question

It raises DHT, why wouldnt it speed up balding?

DHT causes balding only in beta bitch bois who are sensitive to it

Thus, No familial history of balding (on mothers side) -----> Cre won't cause hair loss.

Simple Genetics bro, plenty of studies back this up.

>DHT causes balding only in beta bitch bois who are sensitive to it


Delid dis :^)

So basically, creatine increases sex drive, helps muscle rebuilding, increases prostate and sex gland activity, and gets me yuge? sign me up