Hey guys, what's the best routine to get huge arms and an 8 pac?

Hey guys, what's the best routine to get huge arms and an 8 pac?

I'm very active and walk everywhere at work (I work at Target) so I don't need to work out my legs.

I really like Mountain Dew too so please don't take it out of my diet.

I'm hoping to get hot for this girl at work who comes back from vacation in 2 weeks, so please, treat this thread very seriously. I only have 2 weeks.

Thanks guys!

Guys please help.

I'm totally in love with this girl and all she does is talk about how big this one named Trevor is.

Trevor is a total retard and man whore who just spends his entire day at the gym.



actually you can probably substitute mountain dew for milk and do GOMDAD since you say you like it so much

Please just don't respond

If you want to get big arms you have to train hard!


skinnyfat dyel comes to Veeky Forums for help, while indirectly berating us as being meatheads when a Veeky Forums lad bangs his oneitis

g t f o

>dont need to work legs
Nice my man

No. I told you I walk enough. I don't need to train legs. There is literally no arm or ab work in that routine.

Look, I'm not here to look for advice from roiders. I just want bigger arms and 8 pac abs. That's all Monica cares about.

Monica here.

I'll never love you. And Im reporting you to Target HR. You really need to leave me and my fiance Trevor alone.

i wonder what monica is doing during those 2 weeks on vacation......


>implying presses don't work abs
>implying squats and deadlifts don't work arms
you are fucking retarded my dude

Go and inject yourself with Synthol until you look like you want.

She went to Florida with a few friends.

Ha ha ha, very funny. But I'll have you know I'm one of Monica's closest friends at work. She tells me everything.

No I dont you just follow my Facebook too closely

who the fuck replies to a thread like this? this is like not even a 2/10 troll, and he's so fucking desperate for (((you)))s that he's the first reply to his own thread with some even more flagrantly retarded shit
man alive Veeky Forumsizens are thick

it takes me back to a simpler time

I'm not trolling.

Its kinda like masturbating

Shit tier bait from a shit face beta