How bad is weed for gainz

how bad is weed for gainz
like a smoking session every month ?

>how bad is combusting plant material into your lungs for athletic performance

idk man try it out, I'm sure its fine

Micheal Phelps won the Olympics so draw your own conclusions from the best swimmer.

You won't notice it once a month. I assume you're 21+ in a legal state.

I smoke weed everyday and I'm jacked so don't worry about it buddy.

it would probably make you eat more which is probably good, i wouldnt ever smoke for the gym cause it would make me under perform and tired fast


he didn't fail a test for thc, he got caught smoking weed on camera.
THC stays in your system and is detectable in WADA etc tests.

let that sink in.

>eating buttery sugary treats just to get a high
>making it

gotta pick one buddy

I don't see your point.

alright cheers

Weed is fine.
Smoke is bad in any form.

Vaping weed is the healthy way to go. When you vape weed, you generate vapor and smoke. That smoke that you inhale with the vapor is minimum.

Just by walking on the street you inhale all that combustion smoke from the cars. That kind of smoke contains chemical oils, petrol and different gases. The smoke from the vape, if any, it comes from a simple dry plant. You won't notice it.

>THC & CBD is vaporized at a lower temperature than the combustion temperature of dry weed

What did he mean by this?

Smoking causes you to inhale CO, which then enters your bloodstream. This means you have less O2 in your bloodstream, which hinders biological efficiency in every conceivable way. The CO will remain in your bloodstream for anything from 24-48 hrs. Vaping does cause you to inhale CO, but in minute quantities.

Peanut butter actually, not even any sugar in it


Nothing wrong physically, but mentally you turn into a complacent moron with no ambition or dreams or desire.

I smoke sativa Sour Diesel almost exclusively because the couch lock and munchies don't come around unless you overindulge. Indicas turn me into a lazy cunt. If you live in a state with access to a variety of strains you can find one that works for you.

i vape occasionally (purchase mine legally) and it hasn't affected my experience at all. except for making cardio more fun i guess lol.

why would it impact gains? don't see a possible reason lol

I don't think is bad or good as long as it doesn't affect your mood or motivation.

I used to be a hardcore stoner, but I went through a crippling depression with panic attacks and anxiety and I had to stop smoking and taking drugs.

My main concern is that if I were to smoke again I'd probably like it too much and get to become a loser again. But again, I really have an addictive personality, so if you're just smoking once or twice a month with some friends I don't see how it could be bad. Like eating junk food or getting drunk once in a while. No big deal imo

The oils in the plant material will heat and vape at a low enough temp that the bud wont catch fire and burn is what he meant

>people actually believe this


Peanut butter?
Got a recipe m8

it happened to me. I've done a lot of drugs, and the only one that really holds me back is weed. the others I can keep to the weekends or space out, but I smoke weed all day every day when I'm depressed, and I'm basically addicted at this point.
>tfw probably smoked >1000 """last joints"""

>takes drug everyday
>blames issues on the drug, and not himself for using it so much

Learn to smoke in moderation, and avoid drugs while depressed.

user is asking about a smoking session once a month and you come and tell us your story about how you're a useless junkie that smokes all the time?

It means he wasn't actually smoking the green jew

i find that it can help a TON when i'm depressed. puts me in a different set of mind and sometimes it feels like i can think a little more clearly because i'm not like trapped in my negativity. helps to learn to let go of some things lol.

also a nice sativa helps get me motivated for cleaning! cleaning house is maybe best depression treatment lol

these just taste like plastic though, there's no way it's good for you either. plastics are gonna be the lead in gasoline of our era.

i've never tasted any plastic. you could be right about it being harmful still though, for sure. it's just convenient for me, and less calories than edibles.

i treat it like alcohol or fatty/fast food. It is fine sometimes, and i think smoke weed everyday fags are as pathetic in willpower as fat people.

I smoke a few times a week. It's better than booze for gains. Let's me eat to my hearts content on a bulk too.

>hurr durr, nig dogg smokes weed every day, therefore I'll be successful if I do it too.

I vape pretty much everyday.

It's a vice and I'm probably addicted but oh well. One thing to note is that I used to be fat, but when I started VB smoking weed I became very self conscious about my weight, and that's when I started caring about eating healthy and exercising.

Also going for a bike ride high is fucking amazing.
Nothing feels so energizing and relaxing at the same time

I use avb(already Vaped bud) and throw it in a PB sandwich.

Gets you sky high with weed you already vaped

Be careful not to become dependent on it.

>THC stays in your system
for a few days at most unless you're a regular smoker and/or obese
I've passed drug tests having smoked for three days in a row 10 days before

vape wax, you can do it as much as you can afford

it's actually true tho, i know people who became literal fucking retards becouse of weed
they just talk about getting high and dude weed lmao
degenerate fucking cunts

gotta eat big to get big and to eat big you gotta get highhhhhhhh

You can vaporize the part of bud that gets you high without actually burning the plant and producing smoke.