Veeky Forums
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Health #414
/v/irgins ask legitimate questions
Who home pull-up bar master race here?
General Weight Loss Discussion Thread
/Mental Self Improvement/ - General
What does Veeky Forums think of the hexbar?
Strength training or bodybuilding?
Can we get a Veeky Forums recipe thread?
I'd like to ask Veeky Forums this question
Would you do it Veeky Forums?
What's your gym music look like Veeky Forums?
Pre-workout recommendations?
Men shaving their legs
Female motivation
Dying fitness jobs general
GF says she doesn't want me to go the gym, she thinks i'm perfect the way I am. I'm just starting to get noob gains...
What does Veeky Forums think of my snack?
This is what girls want
FACT: if you can't bench at least 275 pounds, you're a weak beta manlet that will never make it
There are people on this board that cant bench 2pl8
How did Max become so buff despite of the fact he was an aging dude addicted to booze and painkillers?
Start nofap for the first time ever
World's stongest man HYPE
Is calorie counting just another eating disorder?
How's being and looking fit and manly/masculine percieved in your country?
Scooby is a senior citizen and he looks like this?
Redpill me on Bulletproof Coffee
/fat/ "Smug fat bastard" edition
Apparently I'm autistic because I can't figure out what to say to this tinder qt
Redpill me on being lean
YLYL - Veeky Forums edition
Redpill me on keto
What does Veeky Forums think of tall women?
What did I mean by this?
Manlets, when will ever learn?
Framecel-facecels should be banished from physical exercise
How do you eat your chicken?
He doesn't listen to Sabaton while working out
Keto meme
Accidentally ate an entire stick of butter
Ttw rare sips
/goal/ body thread
Iron Stomach
Tinder retards + lifting advice
Alright user, you made some nice noobgains. Big deal
How do I run and not fuck up my legs? What's the best landing technique?
That first sip of the day
Dick gain thread
Tfw no gf
How do you guys go about asking a girl for new photos?
Physical Therapy General: Baneposting with the gf
You nattys don't roid for two reasons
Why do a lot of people neglect their calves? Monster quads look gross
How the fuck do you guys stay motivated?
Skinny fat. Cut or bulk? 5'11", 150 lbs, roughly 21% bf. What routine should I do to get ottermode?
Hey Veeky Forums why aren't you big where it really counts?
Blocks your path
Help me I want to lose weight
Why don't you eat at least 1.5kg of fruits and veggies everyday Veeky Forums?
/noporn/ - No Porn General
Trump Doubles Down: ‘There is No Collusion’ – ‘The Entire Thing Has Been a Witch Hunt’
Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Manlet thread
CBT: You can always be thinner, look better
What does fit think of this?
Breast increase
Any of you fags think you can beat up my 11 year old brother?
Veeky Forums is laughing at us again
So I gave a talk about "body acceptance"
New FPS/FPH thread
I've been doing Stronglifts 5X5, but I'm starting to realize that I might not be maximizing my efforts...
What would you do if you woke up with this body?
Does Veeky Forums actually like this virtue signaling faggot?
"do you really have to check the number of calories every time we eat out? why can't you just be a normal human being?"
Let's fix the obesity epidemic
You may only perform 4 exercises for the rest of your life that do not include the following (both BB & DB variants):
Scooby defending muslim terrorists
I would appreciate some sincere advice here
What's the most patrician sleep position, Veeky Forums?
Sex Appeal
And this is our son user's room
Former skinny fag here, started lifting a month ago
Girls who powerlift
My lats/delts are seriously lacking right now, what are your favorite workouts that I should work into my rotation?
Cutting Questions
You wake up and you have this body
Cooking in College
Fit people hate
ITT: Godly pro-tips
Can someone list off the jewish tricks that are making me low test?
/fat/ "Day of Anger" edition
What do you guys do?
How prevalent are steroids in high school?
Honest question. How in the fuck does this man have so much stamina and energy as an obese 71 year old man...
How bad is tuna really?
Tfw I realize keto kills gains
How were you AMAZING today? xD
What gym do you retards use? I just graduated and can't use the uni gym anymore...
How strong do you have to be to manhandle and generally beat the shit out of the general male population...
Veeky Forums meta thread, which is allowed thanks to Hiro
Hey fit, I just started browsing this board a week ago. And I'm super motivated to get in better shape...
Squatting instead of cycling
What is the ideal age to move out of your parents house? I'm 21 and living with them is getting unbearable...
Who are you Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums music thread
You know what makes me really mad? like really fucking butthurt mad...
Protein powder question mark
What is Veeky Forums eating?
Whats the point of getting fit if you have small hands?
How many years of lifting will it take for me to be built like this?
Tfw you find old pictures in a folder you had forgotten about
Tfw chinlet
Are rompers the ultimate Veeky Forums-core?
Is it true Dinitro closed his shop?
Meanwhile in Veeky Forums mansion
What's more impressive?
How tall are you and what did you eat while growing up?
*spins between sets*
Is there anything wrong with my weight loss diet?
Not a fan of music while lifting? What are some things you can listen to that will educate your brain as well?
What other hobbies do you guys have? I play guitar and draw
Anti-Depressives and Supplements
Diarrhea while running
Is cheating ok?
Racism aside- Why are African Americans naturally stronger than the European Americans...
Fit me i want to be chad
Push Up Thread - May god have mercy on our souls
/TWDFG/ - Things We Do for Gains
The Herp
So I just bought 2.5 kg of unflavoured whey protein from
My body won't let me get 8 hours of sleep
Doesn't drink alcohol
Martial Arts
Who was in the wrong here?
Is David Laid natty?
Is Ross Enamait the most well rounded strength and conditioning coach around right now...
Trap here. Will get blockers in a few months
Why lift for women if this entire generation of women 18-25 actively engages in degenerate behavior?
Tell me quickly your top 5 of best Veeky Forums food/meal ([spoiler]for gaining mass[/spoiler])
TFW fell for the myprotein scam
Question for women
"Look at all these healthy fats Mike!"
Gymming with shitskins
Ideal Thread. I like looking at these while I work out
/fat/ "Tears and other bodily fluids" edition:
Is gay a choice?
Be me 18
Why does strong m*#ther fuckers waste their genes with lowtest womlets?
He doesn't eat 6000 calories a day
Muscular Men Make The Worst Boyfriends, According To Science
Hey faggot, I heard you said that you can kick my ass. Wanna say that again to my face?
Can eating five dozen eggs actually help me achieve Gaston mode?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
You will never have Vin Diesel's voice
Are there any books about being the ugly beta in the office who nobody talks to while everyone else is friends and has...
That first SIP of the day
Is it easier for women to be seen as attractive?
Is it possible to make it with this body? Or is it OVER for me?
FACT: you will never make it if you don't admit that you lift for woman
Not losing weight
ITT: Veeky Forums world problems
Be me some years ago
This is it lads, THIS is what we've been training for all this time
Horseface vs short face
What beauty products does Veeky Forums use?
Who /filling their man basket way past full and getting a free workout while getting their protein/ here?
Objective cutoffs for blanklets?
When we getting a weightlifting anime?
Need an outside opinion?
What is the actual, human diet?
Making Veeky Forums friends
When is objectively the best time to work out?
About to start Muay Thai
Why do people still believe that the 1-5 rep range can't grow muscle?
100 pushups
According to your height and weight your BMI is not in the healthy range, but you don't appear to be fat, hmmmmmmmmmmm?
Does Veeky Forums have sleepovers with their gym bro?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Justify drinking milk
Squats, ATG or not?
Stop redditgreenspacing
Let's take a step back and focus to insure mental health and self-care tonight! I'm abstaining from a vice 3 days...
That guy who takes showers at the gym
Has anyone here ever developed any problems from drinking almond milk...
What's the point of lifting at 5'3?
That guy who hits on the school girls at the gym
My face is that of a model. Should I post it? Sorry for shitty red screen
Too weak for dips, what should I do?
Veeky Forumss thoughts on yoga? always been interested...
Haven't dated
What does your supplement cabinet entail?
Veeky Forums why aren't you eating lump crab meat in a can?
Are protein shakes mixed with water mega horrible or hyper horrible?
Religion? Good or Bad for lifting?
ITT: We draw lifts for other anons to guess
Knowing what you know now do you think you would have started working out sooner?
/CG/ Cheekie General
How the fuck do I get rid of oily skin?
Is it possible to lose 40 or more pounds in 3 months?don't care if it's safe or not just possible
Hey, Veeky Forums, I have a question for you...
What do you faggots put on your rice and chicken?
Fat hate thread dudes
What are the best bodyweight routines? Preferably ones without weights or bands...
What's the most homoerotic lift/exercise? Anything with free weights, barbells, machines is fair game...
Do women really find massive chests sexy? Is it atheistic?
Are VICE, dare I say, /ourguys/?
How much do you think Donald Trump could reasonably squat?
Why do you lift?
You're going to make it !!!
Eat 800grams of food
Is 6ft manlet?
Water Fast
Feels thread
/fat/ "Learn to make a new thread" edition
Transformation thread
Veeky Forumsfit/
Tfw I'm under 6 feet
How do I get rid of this Veeky Forums?
Ive been looking at these two programs but I'm not sure which to get
Farmers walk
Name a bigger disappointment in the world of fitness than Arnies son
Give me ONE fucking reason to lift when I look like this!
Help please :(
Mental Health
**Ab workouts**
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
This guy claims to have lost a shit load of weight by not eating anything (At all) for a full month
Martial Arts/Fighting General
I can bench 3 pl8 but have a smol penor
What is a milestone for being considered an "ok" runner? Like 1/2/3//4; not a big deal but impressive to normies. 5k?
Pre Workout Thread
He counts the bar
Forward Head Posture help
Do girls lift for men? srs
What's a respectable deadlift?
Have big legs (for a guy who's 4 months liftan I mean)
What's healthier?
Sup, /g/ here. I'm 181 cm, 110 kg and probably 150 % bodyfat. I just went to the gym for the first time
Veeky Forumss thoughts on blake_201?
How do i cure premature ejaculation? I can last like 20 minutes of very slow thrusting with breaks on every minute...
Yfw cardio day
How do I make myself taller?
What causes a small dick is it purely genetics? Can lack of something affect girth?
Bodybuilding Restaurant
Is Alex Jones Veeky Forums?
Black Pill
Red pill me on powerlifting belt
Is rice healthy or not? I keep getting conflicting data online...
What is the grill equivalent of 1/2/3/4?
Hey Veeky Forums I am arguin with this vegan chick that soy is bad for you, got any cool scientific articles?
Doctor says my cholesterol is high
/plg/ powerlifting general
Butt thread
Daily reminder that there is no point in lifting if you're below 5'9
Noporn vs nofap
How'd he do it?
3 weeks of alternate-day fasting reduces body weight, body fat...
If dirty/ clean diets don't matter so long as you meet your calorie/ protein targets...
How the fuck do you enjoy cardio? Shits horrible...
Reminder that heavy lifting is unsustainable
Gym Memberships
Go to gym
Haven't shat in a week
Stretch Marks
Sup Veeky Forums, /out/ here
How long until Keto becomes the standard fat loss diet, if it isn't already?
How do we deal with the womanlet problem Veeky Forums?
Goys Guide to the Jewish assault on your testosterone
Alright faggots, first off I read the Wiki
I'm planning on enlisting in the Marines. I'm no where near fit enough to even handle boot camp...
That guy who deadlifts inside the rack
Disc Herniation L5S1
Veeky Forums please help me. Im 6'2 and weigh 270 lbs...
This is a Chicken. It provides you with your lean meat and eggs you consume daily...
Water Fasting: Meme or Reality?
Gf has a 10/10body
For those of you who have made a turn around to finally lose your virginity, was it easy? What did you do...
Fps/fhg/fph aspireassist edition
Why hasn't anyone like zyzz came around yet?
A dark sorcerer has summoned an army of golem to attack Veeky Forums!
I've been eating 2500-3000 calories every day for at least one week now and I haven't gained any weight...
Are monkeys a good sauce of protons?
5'5 manlet, whats the point of going to the gym girls want men taller than them in heels...
Gym worst nightmare thread
When she squats and deadlifts heavy and your knees and back are bad
Doing back
That pajeet that's stronger than me at my gym
Summer is almost here
Comfy pants thread
Well Veeky Forums, what did he say?
Work new job
/fat/ - Fatty General
How much do you faggots pay for a gym membership? $44 here
Donating blood
Fit how much would you have to lift to get a qt gf like this?
Rest day turns into a rest week
Is this a good breakfast?
Anyone else /Good Gym Day/ today?
Does taking a shit in between sets kill gains?
Tfw you realize half of this board doesnt even lift
How to get a girl to work out?
You are in the gym when Arad gives you this look
Live in a student residence
Did I fuck up Bros?
Walk into changeroom
Hey Veeky Forums
What kind of a template do you use to log your workouts?
I'm trying to cut for 6 months now but i just keep getting bigger and not losing any fat
So Ramadan is coming up and, even though I think religion is bs...
Fictional goal body thread
Anyone done cool sculpting?
The other white girl
Veeky Forums humor
How do I stop smoking weed fit?
Do swimmers supplement swimming with weightlifting or can you realistically get a body like just by swimming?
Meh, my ex was bigger
This guy has been F***ing your sister what do?
Why do fat girls who run 5Ks insist they are fit...
Is the whole "belts are a meme" a meme?
/CBT/ Feedback Edition this image accurate?
New to Veeky Forums i started this new routine my friend gave me
Welcome to Veeky Forums, how tough are ya?
Hey Veeky Forums. I threw out everything in my fridge/pantry to start fresh
We all know that everyone isn't going to make it. This is the gatekeeping thread...
What's the best exercise for your shoulders and why is it the facepull?
If you lift for girls, you're doing it wrong
Will humans just keep getting more and more muscular? I mean just imagine Calum's son...
Wife went through heroin, MMDA and cigarettes withdrawal 6 months ago
Unsolicited Advice
Can we get a CBT for those of us still on our way? Down to 312 from 315 in March...
Should she go to jail Veeky Forums?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on this crazy bastard Jujimufu?
The reasons I'm going to start roiding
Water fast
Anyone here ever break blood vessels from hitting a muscle to hard? I've gotten these where the squat bar lays at times...
That guy who goes to the gym by himself
How do I become a black Stacey? Please I have until late August to transform
Local gym Horse ate all of the complimentary oats AGAIN
What truly motivates you? deep down, what is it?
Anyone got some good Veeky Forums revenge stories?
Tfw you realize nihilism is the true red pill and everything you do won't matter in a million years
Low test bingo
Is it possible to achieve Zac Efron's body naturally?
Veeky Forums Eternally BTFO yet again
Real talk, how much does overhead work stimulate pecs?
Feeling full on a cut?
Be chef from Veeky Forums
Beta/Cringe thread
Is there any disadvantage to drinking your vegetables?
Since getting Veeky Forums... have the girls you've been able to get been more attractive...
Fit me
Match girl on tinder
I was browsing a gay dating app on my phone (no homo) and I found this
ITT: Shitty normie advice
Tfw look like this at the age of 23
Why is this dude only 85kg at 6ft3?
Is introversion a character flaw?
When to switch to running?
Is there a particular reason to buy eggs if I already get 200g of protein in less than 2000kcal from chicken...
/lanklet/ General
Population of Veeky Forums
On August 1st I'm going on vacation
Serious Question:
Be 5'5 midget
So fit I've been going gym a lot lately and doing squats and shit but my tail bone is starting to hurt a lot is this...
Why are women such manlets? Not even memeing here, but I just can't take them seriously...
User this water is bland, have anything to sipp on?
How can I achieve a body like the guy on the right? Is it natty? Is "the big five" a good workout routine in that case?
Morning gym elite
How would you feel if a cute but physically bigger girl is into you?
What has worked for you?
Can someone tell me what the hell is wrong with me and how to make my body not look so pathethic? :(
Short Guy Appreciation
Just got into ketosis
According to Hiro we're allowed one meta thread per board
Bodybuilding vs powerlifting
Better be a fat fuck than look like a freak
Whats the cause of this Veeky Forums
Would you consider this a fit body?
Are mcdonalds cheeseburgers GOAT?
What music do you listen to while working out?
Fictional goals
Are refeed days a meme?
Deadlift twice a week? Once is not enough
My girlfriend has a little ass
Is it really that bad to watch cuckold Porn?
Give it to me straight, Veeky Forums. What's the best cologne out there?
Fitizens please help me I'm so scared
Can we deadicate a thread to discussing sumo versus conventional deadlift?
Tinder general
Fell into the manlet pit again
Bad genes thread?
Why aren't you tan like a large number of attractive people?
Can somebody help me explaining how do i unrack the barbell on bench press (using a power cage) when the weight is too...
What do you guys recommend cutting or bulking?
/FAT/ General
Am I getting too old for Veeky Forums
Why would someone refuse to accept a belt in martial arts?
That guy who talks to underage girls at the gym
That first spin of the day
Tall fat girl at the gym keeps trying to make eye contact with me
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
Goal body thread
My mom is trying to prevent me from eating enough protein. Should I start buying my own food or what Veeky Forums?
The only one doing a strength routine
Amy Schumer is Veeky Forums
This is the ultimate aesthetic
Could I become a Chad?
When your wifey squats and deadlifts heavy and your knees and back are bad
TFW lump on my lower back on the right side causing a lot of pain
Why does this board have the most attractive people on Veeky Forums?
Really activated my almonds
How would you define making it?
Can we talk about penis size?
Forget what set I'm on
Planet fitness for a few months or shell out for a good gym now. Been on hiatus for awhile...
How does it feel that once we figure out how to edit our genome everything you've been working on will be useless?
How many scoops do you do Veeky Forums?
Can any of you guys corroborate these views on exercise? Is exercise actually bad for you? "After college...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
There is no reason to lift when I look like this
How far away are you from a body weight OHP, fit?
How did I do Veeky Forums?
What does /fit think of this mode? Anyone met this mode irl?
What is a good appetite suppressant?
Are we stronger/weaker then past humans?
So Veeky Forums
What is the best steroid
Aside from shitposting and the gym, what are your other hobbies?
Should I go to Finland or Denmark ?
Is this peak perfomance ?
Race - Caucasian
Life of a vegan in nature:
Post Wheyfu
Workplace party thing
Sip pity
That first sip of the day
University thread
Hey Veeky Forumsbro's, what protein powder do you use?
Is Starting Strength acceptable for a 24 year old male
Making it general
While you're busting your ass at the gym 5 days a week...
Veeky Forums personality chart
/Mental Self Improvement/ - General
Donating blood due to high levels of red blood cells
Options on fructose in fruit?
Hey Veeky Forums, rate my progress
Tfw 6'2
Eternal Nofap thread
Tfw been broke for 4 days with no food
Water Fasting
CBT Progress Edition
Is 26 too old to start gymnastics?
Getting better, silkier hair
I'm tired of eating. So tired. Yet I must keep choking down the protons, or my gainz will die. Console and help me...
Can you gain height by not squatting?
Do you think she's going to make it, Veeky Forums?
Snacks to keep belly full and calories low. Go
Post belt
One question Veeky Forums I lost 33 kg in the last 7 months and the weird think is that i dont have loose skin its that...
Is it insane to lift for girls?
Lift at the gym
I'm trying to find a decent pre work. I used C4 but it definitely has not been helping me as much as it used to...
When did you move out of your parents house for maximum gains?
Manlets, when will they le-
Chads with painfully average gfs
Water Fast
Reminder that you can't lift feels away
The fuck
What do you do when you lose count of your reps?
Walk into a Japanese gym
Be in gym doing diddly
Stop flat benching
Important reminder for novices
>tfw hobbylet
Pro's of being Veeky Forums
Fit fashion
What's this pose called?
Tfw don't need to lift anymore
Hi I made this routine by myself, is it good for building a butt? Thanks
Did I make it?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Water fast
Veeky Forums girl user here. You men need to stop validating these fat girls
What was Veeky Forums like before the Reddit invasion?
I dropped LSD last night, slept maybe like 3 hours, is it okay for me to go to the gym today
Visiting gym with friend for freebies
Why do women hit "the wall" so fast?
Out of the front and back squat, which works the apollo's belt more effectively?
Veeky Forums, how many grams of protein do you get a day?
Studentfag here - i don't have money to buy food for next few weeks and have to live solely on carbs...
Is losing weight really that hard? Especially if you are an obese man like Boogie2988?
Hey Veeky Forums I need help
Did any of you just go full out instead of getting into exercise slowly...
Over Head Press day yesterday
Skinny fat user here (5'11" 150 lbs). Has anyone fasted for extended periods...
I saw this posted on /r9k/ and I am pretty sure he is absolutely completely wrong about maintenance calories and all...
Veeky Forums, please fucking help me. I'm so frustrated and I feel like chopping my finger off
Fat People HATE / Stories
So if a human can go two weeks without food...
How do I fix chin
The evidence is in:
Fuck assholes. Somebody told me to drink a gallon of milk a day and you'll get strong...
You will never walk home together with a girl after school is over and just talk and enjoying the walk together until...
Facial Aesthetics Thread
What is this on my forearm about the size of my pinky nail doesn't hurt or anything been there for a few weeks any...
CBT i guess
Are you ever mad at your parents for not taking an active interest in your physical activities and appearance...
How do I make back squats hurt less?
My back has been hurting for the last few days
Eating raw fish regularly
Hello guys. I've come to the terrible realization im just a loser. And I don't know how to fix myself
Go on a double date with chubby roomate and his whale gf
Sipps fucking suck(s?)
So I've been hitting the gym for past month, my legs are still so much thicker (naturally) than my upper body...
6'2 140 skeletor here
Height Gains after 25?
Asslets btfo
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
/plg/ powerlifting general
What's Veeky Forums's opinion of water fasting?
New fag here. Is it autistic to ask for help or ask a dude in the gym for instructions?
What is a good 1/2 hour ab routine that isnt meme tier
Keto not working
Anyone ever taken DNP? Thoughts? Stories?
Saw this on Reddit and it summed me up. What do?
Do Asian Chads exist?
Personality chart thread
How does one become Chad?
What was the truth about fitness he saw Veeky Forums?
Give me one reason to lift when I look like this
That guy that always wears these
You'll never be this cool
Have infected sebaceous cyst on jaw
How you holdin up Veeky Forums
Is Trump right?
Decide to try online dating after I dumped my gf for cheating on me
I am living proof that a aeshtetic physique does not get you laid (23 year old virgin)
What underwear do you guys wear when you lift?
Cardio Bunny Thread
Ideals thread
If you woke up tomorrow as a 10/10 chad WWYD?
Anyone try blood flow restriction training?
Body fat estimate for the top?
Why does it seem like most of Veeky Forums are legit alphaest of alpha males?
So fit I was doing pullups and I felt a kinda clicking feel in my right shoulder...
What mode gets her
Tinder Thread
Why don't you try to be good looking ?
I might lose my job
Tfw no gf
Start out at 295
Do you think you're bigger and stronger than the kids who bullied you when you were little?
Guide for Getting Laid Only if You Are Tall
Protein Shake Recipes
3 months since having sex
Are deadlifts even needed for bodybuilding ?
That one guy
Hey Veeky Forums could you tell me if my chicken is ok...
Best shape of my life bro
/mental fitness/
Thinking of starting boxing Veeky Forums? Shitting myself though...
UNDERWEAR: What keeps the balls cool?
Do you guys use any apps to track your progress and routine?
Veeky Forums funnies thread
Shitting General
Sexual Veeky Forumsness
Are big nipples more aesthetic?
Hey Veeky Forums this should probably go to /adv/ but ill try here
Best Row:
Veeky Forums brain memes thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Current Body Thread
We aren't flesh robots
ITT: Post your legs, fuckers. Also S&S
Eat 3 eggs daily for dinner because they're cheap and nutritious and I don't need much energy because I don't do much...
Natalya Neidhart
Be me
Be me
Stop lifting the same weights with the same amount of reps for weeks expecting gains to magically appear
First time doing low bar squat
Why does his body look so aesthetic?
Been going to the gym but i haven't made any real progress in months. i'm just very weak...
Why are you so fatphobic Veeky Forums?
Chads eat 10,000 calories
You will never have his face
Pushup Thread
Cutting general
How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums dicklets?
Goal Body Thread
Does weight loss translate to fat loss?
Gay shit
Sup Veeky Forums started running not long ago
What does it take to look like this
Best IG fitness girl currently?
Im starting lifting but I dont have a rack, can I perform OHP without it?
Nothing beats an ice cold beer after a hard days work, does it affect gains any?
What kind of nose do you have? I have an upturned nose and it seems uncommon for men. Is it a sign of bad genetics...
Hi, I'm a femanon and I just want a bigger butt. Those stupid squat challenges don't seem to help. What should I do?
What are some beginner exercises for a morbidly obese person that I can do at home?
Enter gym
Fasting and keto > Calorie Reduction
My gf is a bit of a neurotic weirdo, got that bipolar/ depression w/e. Anyway, she does tai chi...
What is fits consensus on water fasting
Fatties at work talking about fat loss remedies (Water + Lemon Juice, etc......)
Get me fucked Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums tattoo thread. Edgy retards and numales who can't squat 365 not allowed
Gym has banned dead-lifts, power cleans and ohp from the floor...
What would happen if I did just front squats?
/fraud/ - Steroid General
Can i get a form check on my bench press?
Self Improvement is masturbation
Cringe Veeky Forums thread?
Been dieting the past three weeks
There's a cute musclebear at my gym. How do I, a twink get fit so I can get fucked by him?
Saturday Night feels thread
Water Fasting
What went wrong in the south?
Was he natty?
Why do fitness girls always have to wear thongs to show off?
Step into gym
Why mckayla isnt the queen of Veeky Forums?
Which is best woman?
Clarence Kennedy deadlifts 705lbs, raw, no straps, double overhanded, like it's fucking nothing
Am I gonna make it?
As you got more fit, did you get to hear more passive agressive comments from jealous fatties, nu-males etc?
Answer truthfully
He lifts iron instead of aluminum
At what point does a beginner become intermediate?
Drawbacks of getting Veeky Forums
Feels General
What's your faggots' lunch
Is there anything funnier than a manlet who tries to be "alpha"?
QTDDTOT - Nobody Here Lifts edition
What causes the shoulder blades to do this?
/cali/ general
Ms Frizzle close grip benches 4 plates for REPS meanwhile you can't even put up 3 plate for ONE
A year has 12 months
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
Why are you wasting your time in the gym instead of trying to get wealthy?
What is with your obsession with height?
I've been getting a crazy abundance of kid mires
The last two numbers in each post constitute the number of days you do nofap
HELP Veeky Forums PLEASE
Dear Vegans
Veeky Forums's mad bars
The official arms thread
Your daily reminder that gym-enthusiasts and the whole gym-culture is a way to hide self-esteem issues and to...
How did a poor manlet wigger with disgusting teeth get her
Intermittenet Fasting
Walk into 2011 gym
Got any rare Klokovs?
Took preworkout for the first time in months
Whoa! HOL' the FR*CK UP!
Is water fasting legit?
Sip threads come and go bro
How do I add more calories to chicken and green veggies? Rice is good but doesn't really fit yknow?
At gym
Water fasting and ketogenic cut
For your knowledge, if any of you as much as glanced at my direction while I'm talking to your woman at the bar...
Just reached 45 for my OHP feels good man
Met Trump at gym
I'm back
WHO HERE /30+/?
B-b-b-b-b-but a-a-anyone c-c-can lift and be healthy!
/sexual health thread/
Good looking men of Veeky Forums, how do you leverage your attractiveness in everyday real life?
I've always preferred sexual submission rather than domination. I want to prefer dominating instead...
Too beta to snap a pic of it, but I finally seen the dumbest shit I've ever seen at the gym
Veeky Forums Recipes
What do you drink when trying to quit soda?
The ideal female body
ITT: Veeky Forums comics...
Manlets, when will they ever learn?
I've done the following for years:
How do I stave off my homo urges at the gym?
Raised by single mom
Any other /fitizens/ know this feel?
Mobile game
Then: 40-100 reps, hoisting weights randomly, no significant diet changes except "don't become too full"
What do?
How long until fat acceptance and HAES become platforms of the Democratic Party?
My dream is to be big as fuck in order to intimidate scrawny nerds
What's worse being a manlet or dicklet?
Vitamin C do anything for lifting? Also lanklets, when will they learn?
Advice regarding cravings
This is the president of the US. Donald J Trump - 236lbs
1 cup cottage cheese
Post Veeky Forums humor
What race is this
Reminder that you will never reach peak aesthetics without a sleeve tattoo
Want to start lifting at home
This is what girls want
Why is Madcow called 5x5 when you only do 1x5? Warm up set doesn't count!
Hello earthlings
/fit assertiveness
Physical Therapy / Injuries / Health General #4: Open for Business
When did you realize that you hate your single mother for failing to raise you to be happy and feel like she deserves...
Who do you lift for?
It's not fair that women can't lift as heavy as men even after years of training...
Texas Method template thread
Why are you overcompensating for your small dick Veeky Forums...
Shouldn't ask this, but will getting physically fit help get a girl like this ?
How do I stop being a sad cunt?
The star lord workout
How does it feel knowing that a 17 year old squats more than you, You weak bitch
Did I make it guys?
Be me
/fph/ - Fat People Hate General
So does water fasting actually work? Any bros here had any results from it...
Is he natty? :^)
What is your Breakfast of Champions?
Herpes-infested sis moves out of mom's basement a few weeks ago
I haven't been to Veeky Forums since 2011, what did I miss?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games