fuck fat people
strongmen are fat but more fit than you.
you know why? because theyre CONDITIONED
I concur
but none of those fat women claiming this can walk a few stories without resting
>fucked a chubby chick because she had a cute face, huge tits and looked good in clothes
>get her naked
Fat hanging from the stomach could be the biggest turn off for me. No amount of face or tits can compensate
Never again bros.
cunt, are you fucken blind? how can you not notice a protruding gut. Was she wearing 3 layers of Spanx?
have you seen the composition of a strongman vs. the fat chucks who do yoga and claim to be healthy? strongmen have little fat surrounding their chest, and a relatively hard stomach despite it being fat. so the amounts of visceral fat that fucks up your endocrine system is a lot lower in them than in fat women. there are some incredibly fat strongmen but being that fat fucks up their performance anyways.
I've been staying off a chick because of this, i'm worried once she removes her shirt i'll see mount everest
not gonna lie a bit of a belly gets me ROCK SOLID
it's gotta be the right kind of belly though, it's hard to explain.
The study isn't limited to women who do yoga
Tried to do the same when I was a virgin but literally couldn't, stayed soft once her shirt was off
>"fat but fit" is a myth
Well no fucking shit mang
Always thought having a fattened up heart and liver would be fucking amazing to my health brah
The fatties that can still walk get some mad calf gains though
>experts from portugal
yeah, because landwhales in the us would already have silenced them permanently
Its your need to fuck and have kids user. A little bit of fat makes your brain go
>oh shes got a little fat
>thats a little extra calories for muh chillins
>shes got a little extra maybe in her thighs too
Just a bit and guys want to mate. Too much and its showing health problems which is a turn off. Women with chubby thighs (within moderation) actually tend to produce smarter children because of a certain kind of fat thats stored mostly in the thighs.
i want to contribute but i'm just getting "Error: Upload failed"
>Error: Upload failed
I have this problem too
>your common fat fuck on the street
pick one. the only reason theyre fat is because of the eternal bulk, they dont care for aesthetics
>plebbit tier memes
They're literally not though. Strongmen often end up with serious heart problems following the end of their career.
Strongmen have more muscle mass than bodybuilders, having a layer of fat doesn't make them "fat".
Anti sjws are annoying as fuck
This. Strongmen are "fat" but not in a disgusting chubby way, their skin doesn't flattered around like pudding when they move, so it's a huge difference between an fat piece of shit and a Strongmen and you can see the difference.
The guy in pic related certainly doesn't eat pie, chips and McDonalds, he eats chicken and rice but in a huge amount.