Raised by single mom

>Raised by single mom
>Ate shit and played videogames throughout entire childhood
>By the time I was old enough to have self discipline the damage had been done
>Finally cut down below 15% from being a fat piece of shit (>25%) my entire life
>After fantasizing over having visible abs, when I finally get them the aesthetic is ruined by fucking stretch marks.


i have stretch marks and im fucking proud of them, as well there is no way to get rid of them - embrace them u pussy

I sorted myself out at 14

If you sorted yourself out any older its your fault for the stretch marks

do mothers feel the same about their sons as overprotective fathers do about their daughters. do single mothers sabotage their sons so they dont go and have sex with other women?


and if you wait long enough they'll certainly never matter again

tfw cut down about 50kgs from fatfuck to visible abs, loose skin ruins everything.
Whats the fucking point i can shell out money for a surgery im a poor cunt.


I was 5'11 270 lbs and when I wen

*went down to 240lbs my mom told me I was ridiculous to want to lose more like every day

182bs now, hit 173 a month ago and started a bulk (mostly water weight)

Absolutely. Most incels have an absent father figure or betadad

/pol/ may be onto something.

but is it intentional on the mums part? are the purposefully preventing their sons from having sex or is it just an accidental side effect?

I don't think they do it because they're trying to keep their sons from sex, but they unintentionally raise women with dicks. Strong father figures raise men, and understand the necessity of discipline and a masculine presence in order to make a man.

The fact that something can't be changed isn't a good reason to be proud of that thing

stretch marks start red-ish then become white-ish and like a year later they disappear.
Or not, sometimes they stay forever.

I wish i was Obese as a kid, i'd have them easy calve gains, now i am stick with chicken leggs

Women are incompetent and single mothers doubly so because they have to both raise the child and be the breadwinner, which often means the kid gets raised by TV and microwave meals, no father figure to instill sense of discipline, authority, morals, etc. which makes the boys weak-minded and therefore beta. The widespread rise in divorces (80% of divorces are started by women) and the "it's better for the child to be raised by a single mom then a wrong couple" mentality that began with the sexual "liberation" is pure cancer and ultimate proof that feminism was nothing but a tool of capitalism to destroy the family unit and create more individualism which creates more senseless consumerism. The sad thing is these women believe they're doing the right thing and don't realize how much they're ruining these boys. They also don't realize that by asking for divorces, they're shooting themselves in the foot as by the time they reach 30, their odds of finding a better partner are basically impossible. So you get all the same stories. Boys who grow up beta as fuck, absentee mother who usually spirals into depression, no dad or shitty deadbeat stepdads, a complete lack of healthy role models and no idea how a healthy relationship should look like. Fuck you, mom.

they just intuitively try to make their kid behave like they themselves are used to behaving. also, kids primarily learn by imitating how their role models act. this results in sons of single moms behaving like women because that's all they were ever taught, all they ever knew. of course, in the real world these boys then get fucked up by their peers for acting like little bitches, but they usually dont learn their lesson from it because their single mom blames it on 'those other kids being mean' or some shit. so you got boys who get put down for behaving like little bitches, while simultaneously being taught that behaving like a little bitch is the right thing to do. over time this fucks their shit up big time and they grow up with ultra low confidence and a lot of self-hate. this is how so many dysfunctional betas come to be.


I don't want them. They kill the aesthetic.

You can't. They're no big deal

Use glycolic acid (20%) every day until they fade to an almost unnoticeable white (won't take long)

Then when your not a poor whiny piece of shit pay for laser treatment

That is if it actually bothers you that much

Starting weight?
At what age did you get your shit together?

I was probably 225 pounds at my heaviest, but a good chunk of that was muscle from playing high school ball. I was morbidly obese as an 8th grader, which is where I think most of the damage comes from. I was 200 pounds at like 5'4", (6'1" now before you turbo autists start screaming manlet). I stayed that weight pretty much until I graduated high school.

I didn't really get my shit together until I moved out of my parents house at 18 and went to college. Throughout college I casually lifted and stayed at about 20% body fat and 190 pounds, but I wasn't super dedicated. I partied a lot and ate like shit. Once I graduated I got real serious about it. I'm at 180 at about 14% right now.