The other white girl

Is Phenibut a miracle drug or just a very mild change, like caffeine?


I've basically re-socialized myself with phenibut. I take it every Monday and it's really helped me with small talk and the flow of conversation.

Gotta be careful though, I read about idiots everyday who fuck themselves by going over board on doses or who dose too frequently. Do some honest research and read up on all the anecdotes on the phenibut subreddit.


Shit doesnt work for most people. The lucky few who it works for can only take it once a week. My friend got addicted and still has hand tremors and bulging eyes from withdrawal, though hes been off for months. Its like a clean alcohol, but is a veritable lotus flower

>muh cross internet rivalry meme!

It's really useful for anecdotes on drugs and whatnot. Stay away from the larger subs to avoid cancer and you'll be good.

I'd like to try some but I'm worried people would meet phenibut me and then be disappointed by not-phenibut me. Best just leave it and stay inside.

You can learn from the phenibut if you pay attention. I keep about 3/4 of the social gains I make when I'm not on phenibut.

It truly teaches you to not give a fuck, you just have to respect it and have a strict schedule or else it will ruin you.

so its like at the end of the movie Limitless where he slowly weans himself off the pill and keeps all his gainz?

I picked up a bunch of this shit on the cheap from the UK after hearing good things. While it was in transit I did all my due diligence and decided no fucking way I was gonna start taking that shit. I'm meticulous about my supplementation, macros, etc., and I know I'm responsible enough to take it "the safe way", but the negative effects of fucking up were just too great for me to want to put that shit in my body. My recommendation is that unless you are going to some really hard research about this chemical, don't fuck with it.

Holy shit this is some primo bait. Next you're gonna tell me phenibut caused your hair to fall out

PS. If phenibut doesn't work for you then your social anxiety isn't caused by a chemical imbalance but is probably more behavioral

It really is a miracle drug.
Works for everything. Just dont overdo it.

tried it once with like 750mg by myself just to test the effects. I felt a bit more lucid. I tried the same amount going out before having a few drinks, didn't really notice much. honestly, do some cardio.

I'm not user you asked, but yes. I took it twice so far and it does instill a semi-permanent idgaf attitude in most social interactions. It's been a month since I've last taken it. Oxiracetam is another good one, but effects last about 2 days; used it to get some work done fast while studying for certifications. Aniracetam was just shit; it sure alleviates some anxiety but you can't get shit done nor can you have good conversations, your mind just jumps all over the place.

I once took 5 grams before going out and I felt like a God.
The next few days were very rough though.

Lost a good friend to Phenibut

OD...on phenibut? Not possible.

Phenibut actually helped me practice social interactions

The social skills and awareness you develop on phenibut transfers over to your non phenibut self the only thing you lose is the lack of inhibition

Nigga what

You would literally have to sit down and eat pounds of the shit to overdose

Take no more than 1,5g and don't dare drinking alcohol for the next few days, and you'll be fine. Also, to avoid dependency, take it no more than once a week.

The idiots who end up fucked are those who dose high and get drunk the same day. Phenibut is a drug.

i got some bad news for yah. it ain't phenibut if he ded.


It's like a baseball player taking adderall during batting practice

The adderall will keep him focused and he can practice for twice as long

All that extra practice will help grease the groove and make him a better player even when he gets off the adderall.

Same with phenibut and social skills

im interested in taking it?
How should I take it?
Like a gram before every friday night, when I go out to socialise?

You have no idea what you are talking about, nor so you understand even at a superficial level what GABAergic drug abuse can bring on down the line. Enjoy your willful ignorance

Take it a few days before you plan on drinking.

do the effects last for few days? I dont plan to drink while taking it

lmao I took way too much phenibut once. I could not move from the floor for 36 hours. That shit will fuck you up beyond belief if you overdose that's my warning.

For some they do. If you are absolutely sure you are not going to drink then you can take it the same day, just don't fuck up. Mixing it with alcohol or other drugs could fuck you up.

Did you have anything else during the day.?like a beer ?

neck yoself lightweight

you obtuse fucking faggots are literally what's ruining the board, please go back to wherever you came from


jesus the fuck are the side-effects you all are so scared of? you're talking like if this shit would fuck you up and I just thought it was a mild stimulant, do I need to worry if I've been a recreational amphetamine user and abuser for 5 years?

If I take 2 grams (at ~160 lbs bodyweight) it makes me very talkative and social the rest of the day, so great for job interviews. Then you sleep a lot and there's a mild hangover the next day. It's kind of like having 2 beers without the drunkenness. I don't take it that often though because the HCl crystals taste like absolute shit, as in you need a chaser.

What is "state dependant memory"?
What is Adderall addiction?
Also not being in your same groove because you wish you were on it

could it help with sexual performance anxiety induced ED?

Got a 100g bag from the Hippo site, used it on and off for the past year. Never more than twice in a week, usually a gram before social events, maybe another gram about 4-5 hours after the first dose. Makes 2 drinks feel like 5, and makes me a little more talkative. Like coke without most of the high.

What said about chemical imbalances--most of the people on this laotian finger puppet appreciation forum have social anxiety caused by behavioral factors, it might not do shit for you socially.

>gets drunk off 2 beers
get out of here roastie

I would take it a few hours before you go out, but be warned that it can have a "multiplier effect" when combined with alcohol, as in 2 drinks makes you fall-down drunk. Ethanol, phenibut, benzos... they all act on the GABA receptor.

sounds a lot like GHB, the date rape drug. This shit will be illegal in 5 years. Screencap this if you want.

>t. news headline writer

I mean as in "I am normally too guarded to open up to anyone but I've had just the right amount of alcohol to show my power level to coworkers / acquaintances / neighbors and am still sober enough to know whether or not what I'm saying will be cringe-inducing when I wake up the next morning... but not quite enough alcohol to start texting ex girlfriends from 10 years ago and posting nudes on Facebook."

If you take too much I hope you enjoy the ride since it has a slow ass half life. Enjoy puking your guts out for HOURS/DAYS

>having a facebook

>not studied
>every information is anecdotal
>unknown long term effects
nah i'm good

Phenibut made me ask about 100girls in tinder sttaight up if they will be my fuck buddy. Went to this one cuties house after about 2 messages each. Started to have sex and came in about a stroke n a half. Phenibut. Nvr agin.

has anyone tried both phenibut and xanax? Phenibut sounds very appealing to me as it basically sounds like xanax without the dopamine release. I'm wondering if they basically have the same affect on anxiety and inhibitions. must have been on no-fap since you were so desperate you messaged 100 girls on tinder. Dont blame no fap for your quick cum

>used phenibut to get sex with vagina attached to female
>"Phenibut. Nvr agin."

are you a raging homosexual?

You must be pretty fucking new to Veeky Forums stay pleb faggot

If you're a pussy like me and have social anxiety I recommend you try it, It's not life changing like it probably wont get you a gf but you will be very relaxed in social situations

If you do get a gf or lose your virginity on phenibut you probably could have done it with out phenibut because there's more to getting a gf than just overcoming anxiety its a ideological thing you have to accept that you might fail or it might not be as good as you thought it would be and you have to be willing to accept the change in your life style

> Was synthesised for astronauts in case they needed a sedative but without the groggy cognitive effects during space missions.

> It was used on space missions.

> This user thinks it's 'unstudied'.


>cold war russian astronauts

>no results online for scientific studies

>literally only reddit and other forum posts, filled with anecdotal evidence



Yeah they feel like the same drug practically if you keep the dose low. Phenibut is more similar to alcohol at higher doses in my experience, just not as mentally impairing. Well that and the duration, being "sober" and stuck inside an incredibly drunk person's body for three days is something I don't want to experience again.

Where did you read that? Are you really gonna just greentext that and not even give a link of anykind. And you wonder why people think youre full of it.

Google -> Phenibut.

This is like the first result ..

Like .. do you even try synthesis original thought/source your own opinion? Or are you just a luddite who consumes whatever he's fed.

Please use your brain.

>Like coke without most of the high
Ordered. I'm a social monster on coke so if this comes anywhere close to that for 1/100th of the price it's a winner.

would you trust something that was invented in the USSR?

It's not at all like cocaine, I legit have no fucking clue what this guy is talking about.

It's a GABA agonist, it's a sedative, big doses are most easily compared to be drunk.

So I have no clue how somebody could argue "it's like cocaine!" .. it's a fucking sedative .. it calms you down .. it's used to mellow people out. There is no stimulatory effect at all.

Yes cause I already take Turinabol (invented in DDR)

Phenibut gives you god-tier orgasms though. Why would you not want to fuck on it?

Withdrawals with it are real if you use it every day. I was stupid and took a normal dose every day for a few weeks, and coming off of it was terrible. Very similar to alcohol withdrawal, massive anxiety

hang yourself

Other than the bad withdrawls, did it benefit you at all? Anons here have said to take it once a week with no other drugs or substances.

I'm curious about this stuff. I don't really have social anxiety or anything but it takes me a long time to open up to people. Like I have to hang out with them a few times over a few weeks and then I can start making light jokes. Then a week or two more I can start talking about myself and stuff.

Will phenibut allow me to permanantly be more open and personable?

Definitely, best way I can describe it is like the euphoria and social inhibitions of an alcohol buzz, but with a clear and coherent mind. It's great for making you more talkative, but it won't give permanent changes when you're not on it. Which is why I ended up using it every day, since you feel great when taking it and back to your normal self when you're not

Did you learn how to be more personable when you took it? Like when you were off of it, could you draw from the experiences of when you were on it?

jus like any other thing that makes you feel good it will make you feel like shit when you're not on it, like when i was on meth i could suck my dick without feeling any pain, but nowadays that i'm clean i can't do it without feeling a lot of pain on my back and belly

>look at me mom I told someone to kill themself for no reason

define drunk

> being "sober" and stuck inside an incredibly drunk person's body for three days is something I don't want to experience again.
what did you mean by this? Phenibut doesnt last that long dude