Welcome to Veeky Forums, how tough are ya?

Welcome to Veeky Forums, how tough are ya?

I have managed to go 1.5 days without crying about my failures in life.

Im 6'5 210lbs and did boxing for 3 years. I think I could beat the crap out of 99% fit

I did a squat once. Almost went parallel, too.


I catback heavy deadlifts to train my spinal cartilage

I deadlift almost 2x BW.
Vid is me.


Yeah? So what?

I can make pancakes without dropping them on the floor.

HAHAH look at your fuckin back hahaha holy shit you are dumb my friend

Imagine being as retarded as you.


should I be ashamed that I wank it to charisse?

When I go nofap I can slap my dick when I'm hard and I cum

Arigato.. Gyro

Without wrapping the bar with a towel


The attractive personal trainer was inducting a new client near me yesterday and I only glanced at her four times in the mirror.

I ate wheatabix for breakfast

I'll have you know I put ketchup on steak.

I got stabbed once


Holy fuck that back