Alright user, you made some nice noobgains. Big deal.
I am still gonna make you an offer:
You will get faithful 6.5/10 GF with mad cooking skills.
BUT I want 15% royalty of your gains until you hit 3pl8 squat, after that it drops to 5%.
What do you say?
Alright user, you made some nice noobgains. Big deal
She won't be.
Make it a 7/10 and it's a deal, Kevin
id like to buy a lifeline tom
make it a 7. and I want her to wear red lipstick all the time.
THEN we have a deal
Listen up you slimey fuck, bump the gf up to an 8/10. 12.5% royalty until 3pl8 and I get prima nocta rights on your daughters and we have a deal
First off, thank you for your offer Mr. Wonderful.. Do any of the other sharks have an offer? Mark? Daymond?..... Barbara?
>implying any business venture is worth it if you need to prop it up with VC money
Enjoy your cheap rideshares and food delivery while you can, user!
Plus who would take that deal for only a 6.5/10? Settle for no less than a 7.5/10 korean gf.
>I'll give you $1,250,000 for 0% equity on the condition that we become best friends and hang out 3 times a week to go to the gym together
What do you say?
Robert is such a bro. He just has so much fun without ill will but always remains honest with you
hmm well that's an interesting offer Robert, but I think I'll wait to see what Cubes has to say before I decide...
First off: I think youre amazing.
For a lanklet getting those kinds of gains is impressive.
However I am not that much into the natty business so I'm out.
Look, when we train at the mavs facility we don't look at what you call "gains" and I the first thing we look at is a 6'6 frame and dunk ability, I'm just not getting that from you so for that reason fuck you.
You're a good kid with heart, but I see you pull sumo and you're reluctant to eat my ass and for those reasons I'm out.
Fuck, if I make a deal, Im going all in.
9/10 cutie for 50% gains.
Ill work twice as hard forever, just gurantee me its not for nothing.
Kevin is a bald manlet
Fuck him
Where's the hot blonde
>About thirty years ago, when I was still a young man, I spent some time in Angola. I was there to oversee the acquisition of several diamond mines. Now I don't expect you to know anything about Angola, or anything outside of whatever utterly irrelevant town you come from, but to do business in that part of the world at that time you had to do business with the warlords. I was staying at the estate of a warlord who controlled government aligned guerrilla forces because I was told he was the man I needed to speak to if I was to gain control of the mines. On the second night I was there his soldiers brought around 100 prisoners to us: villagers who were aiding the rebels, they said. Men, women, and children. The warlord turned to me and said "I do not do business with a man I do not know. Show what kind of a man you really are." He drew his pistol and placed it in my hand. "No," I said. "Not like this." I returned his pistol to him. I instead picked up a machete that was lying in the dirt. "Like this," I said. The things I did over the next five hours I will never speak of, but when it was done he sold me the mines. Those mines are still operational and highly profitable to this very day. So, for a 90 percent share in your business I will invest, if you can show me what kind of a man you really are. No, not here. Buy a ticket to somewhere in West Africa. Only in the dark corners of the world can you truly take the measure of a man.
>You know Mr Wilson, some time ago, in the Bronze Age, a tribal people squabbled in filth somewhere around modern day Cambodia and are now fondly referred to as the "Leech Ones" by a small, dedicated sect of historians. While the majority of their existence has been lost to the sandy ruins of time much like my ex-wives, minute traces live on through ancient hieroglyphs and pottery. One such piece sits on my coffee table and is more valuable than the lives of 30 Cambodians - considering that's how many died pulling up the sunken ruins where it lay in the predator-infested swamps of the Tonle Sap-Mekong Peat Forests. Also five mules. Inscribed on this pot is a depiction of the long lost technique of the "Blood Nurture" wherein a mother, already used for the purpose of breeding, fulfills her final, most important job. The land of Cambodia is a harsh mistress and the newborn children had to eat. To ensure the survival of the tribe, the men would fasten makeshift masks of cut stones to the children's faces and attach them to the mother with rope fashioned from the local flora. The young would stay attached to the mother and cut her to bits, feasting on the blood and flesh for sustenance until she keeled over and died days later, afraid, in pain, and betrayed. Now, I look at you, and I see your business, and that pot won't stay out of my head. You're not a shark Mr Wilson. You're not a leech. You're a Cambodian woman being drained of her lifeblood by tiny babies.
>I'm out.
>you made some nice noobgains
Feels good man.
>You will get faithful 6.5/10 GF
But I'm already married.
>until you hit 3pl8 squat
I don't even know what that means.
>What do you say?
Put shoe on head.
p-post more
Make it a 6/10 THICC emo bitches and we have a deal
Also what happens if I already hit LMAO 4.5pl8?
Ok user, I can see great passion in you, I can see that you've fought hard to get where you are today and that's really what we're looking for. You made respectable gains, you didn't give up and really, there's absolutely nothing negative to say about you.
With that been said, I'm out.
I'm already 3 pl8 squat??
easy as piss even though i skip legs frequently
>implying I could do better
You've got yourself a deal