/Mental Self Improvement/ - General

Goals, Questions, Advice

Thread about improving confidence, mind over matter, not
worrying about everything, relationships, etc. A fit mind can nurture a fit body.

Post pics or ask questions of anything related to improving ones self from mentally to aesthetically to physically.

I'm personally looking for relationship info photos, that shit affects my motivation at the gym.

Mental self improvement?

Leave Veeky Forums. Leave internet (unless you study something / read the news etc.)

That storys a bit bullshit. Push yourself definitely, but not over the edge. No point if you have to take a break from injury

yo /MSI/, anyone have anything good on inner game/inner alpha and overcoming being a virgin? I already read a ton of chateau heartiste and other modern PUA stuff; also shit about sex would be helpful because I don't view porn and have no fucking clue what to do

>inner game/inner alpha

Bruce Lee in his prime vs. Mike Tyson in his prime

nice reddit spacing

>PUA stuff

How do i stop being a fucking faggot that keeps binge eating

I would like to second this

do not binge eat


keep yourself accountable. Spreadsheets were a huge boon to my fitness life.
>log my weight once a week
>log my workouts
>log the foods I eat
>log macros
When I know something will look bad on my spreadsheet, I don't do it. When I want to see green numbers instead of red numbers, I do what I need to do. When I have the choice to eat a big bag of chips or drink a whole bunch of beer, but then think about having to list the macros on that, or how it will affect this week's weight, I don't do it.

>Move out of roomates house because its shit
>Move back in with my mom because that's far better
>Quit my job because its utter shit
>Outside of my GF generally not content with the direction my life is going
>Applying for work but lolnothing
>So discontent with the whole work search that I don't sleep well
>4-6 hours a day sleep affecting my gains
>Falling off the lifting track until my life gets better
>Problems focusing
>1 year in work experience in Dietary of all things
>Can't go to college

I just want a secure physical labor job.

Some obvious advice nestled within a bunch of shit.

Here I'll sum up what matters
>Go to bed early and wake up early, get 8 hours
>Exercise for 20 minutes minimum daily
>Read for 20 minutes minimum daily
>Write down notes/meditate to keep focused
>Eat right
>Drink lots of water

Do you agree with reading whatever? I read a lot of fiction when I was a kid, now I'm 18 and with zero knowledge so I thought I'd start with universal literature/classics (Camus,Hesse,etc.) and see from there. Is this approach not optimal?

Start by deciding what you are interested in and who your favorite authors are. Find and read books on those subjects and read more from the author you like.

You'll branch out by becoming interested in subjects and themes that came from those original tastes.


Whatever interests you and holds your attention. Start with smaller books that are easy to digest (grade school level) if you've fallen out of the habit of reading.

I find it quite easy to compare it to lifting weights or anything that has progressive improvement. Obviously you don't wanna start with The World as Will and Representation but you shouldn't just read genre fiction either. If you find yourself thinking without being confused thats probably a good sign.

Just visit Veeky Forums and start with some short classics , thats what I did.

Why is there no fucking Plato here.

I can't recommend Meditations enough though, It's short but extremely sweet and inspiring.

This is the realm of psychology.
I suggest Jordan.B.Peterson and his various lectures available on youtube.

Also this: You may think the internet isn't dumbing you down, but chances are it is.

books mother fuckers, do you read them!?

Your brain is a lot like an engine, if you feed it shit your thought processes are going to incorporate that and ultimately produce shit.

Maybe this is more a matter of /SIG/ or whatever but I really need some avice or help in the matter..

This whole year I have not been studying for the exams, ofc I failed most of them, but it was an obvious explanation of the results.
Now I decided recently to start studying hard, learn a language and do everything I wanted and was supposed to do.
But I still fail all the exams.

I really feel like a retard even more now that all the teachers treat me like I need some kind of special help to pass, even giving me easy solutions to not fail the subjects.

anyway sry for blogpost but I needed to relief myself a little

Anyone knows tips on studying and not get suicial after all this shit?

I have an audiobook of it with the Hays translation. My friend said it was like 1k pages though. I'm almost finished with Mindfulness in plain English too and I heartily recommend it: Explains the whole concept clearly with no bullshit confucius grasshopper wash my car to learn this counter-move stuff.

Meditations is like 200 pages.

>wah wah the teachers treat me like im dumb because im dumb