What do?
What do?
dont bother releasing the spaghetti telling them u have no social skills. just fake it one cringey line after another
kys your self
Give her an elementary reading list and move on
Start with the Greeks.
>hey hey
kill yourself
she's dumb as fuck but hey, you too OP
I was being cheeky, trying to get them to say what their favorite opener is to start off. Too meta?
OP say something like "it means let's cut right to the Chase" and ask her to meet up
She already thinks you are autistic
You fucked up. Abandon ship.
fucked yourself over already, good job man
>hey hey
you´re a retard OP , nobody uses the terms ´game´ and ´opener´ in real life, thats just pick up terms
>hey hey
and her response was typical dumb female confusion. you didnt engage her off the bat
Fuck right the hell off, that's a perfectly acceptable greeting.
are you a miscer? if you are GTFO AND GO BACK THERE
What's wrong with misc?
I can see what you were trying to do.
But you did it badly.
No it isn't Krusty.
I laughed
>I'm desperate for a little daughter that I can project all my love to so I won't feel alone any longer.
Digits will confirm this.
I knew it cunt. get the fuck out
>hey hey
I think this can be salvaged
You're on the spectrum.
Bitches love emojis
I believe in you mang
this can't be real lel
user listen to me man, forget all of these sperg pickup lines, they dont work. Tinder is very simple, either they're interested or they're not. The only line you'll ever need is this:
>"Hey (insert name), I find you very attractive, let's grab drinks. What's your number?"
It's that simple user,give it a try you won't be disappointed.
>already trying to qualify himself to her
never gonna make it
Damn that girl is stupid.
can I but my benis in your bagina !!!! ???? ;DDDDDD
just start with 'ay bby u wan sum fuk' next time
Jesus help us. At least you're not as bad as "you working out?" guy.
Yeah girls love giving out their number after one line
user, girls are either interested in you or they're not. The goal of tinder is to get the number ASAP, the longer you wait the less interested they get. Please enlighten me with your approach lol
It's /r9k/ but significantly more autistic with a cancerous community
send her a dick pic, thats only way to save your face now
excellent thread
This, but make sure she sends one back. Gotta get your protein somehow desu
Stephanie, you look like my future ex girlfriend, want to grab a coffee next monday?
You're headed for disaster OP
nah, I thought it was good, but so many women on Tinder are shit. They're just used to guys fawning over them they never learned how to bant like this
It's a hierarchy of Mods, White Knights, Males posting as Females, and people who think its prestigious to have an account on there for 10+ years.
All these phaggots do it Rep Trade with other high Reppers, Neg anyone with an opposing opinion, and delete threads that are entertaining or good.
>Misc = Stagnant Swamp
Try the pinky or the beaver
So basically the people who think lifting cures autism?
>Step 1: get rope
You must look really fucking good if she's still interested after that
>that very pitiful attempt at covering her face
Okay so since I'm clearly terrible at this and stefany is not going to respond, guide me through this with a fatty so it's like playing easy mode.
What do?
>wow cringe lol xDDD
Hang yourself
settle down, bud. it seems you take the net a bit too seriously!
just don't sound like an insecure faggot and you'll be fine
Guarantee she doesn't actually know what that means, only saw X socialist and thought you were a Bernie Bro.
Open up with a simple
"hey my name is user"
Then wait for her response
Then go straight into "I'm eating a bowl of eggs, do you want some?"
After this I'd usually say
"they're eggstra yellow inside"
"I'm dying to shell you my technique for boiling the best eggs"
If it doesn't work out, then tell her she's a hard shell to crack, and move on
Pretty fucking great user
I think you already made it, user.
The paint shit is by far the most hilarious part.
You going to see her or what?
It's also too beta. Why do you care about "her favorite opener"? This gives her all the power. How's that supposed to go, she tells you what to say and you repeat like a trained parrot?
Don't put her on a pedestal, do your thing and if she doesn't like it, move on to the next. Even if you intended to be on some meta level, women generally neither get nor like that, all they see is someone "who can't even think of what to say to a woman". In short, if you want success, don't try to be successful. If you want to take that approach, a blunt "How do I get into your pants" would be more direct and honest.
Well ... national socialism is a valid ideology, it got a somewhat bad reputation due to, you know, the war stuff and the Jews and all that, but that isn't necessarily an integral part of the political ideology itself.
Interestingly, communism doesn't have that reputation problem, despite arguably more people having died and more/longer dictatorships having been erected under that ideological banner.
I don't understand how you guys are so horrible at texting. Normie humor is easy as fuck.
pls more examples
What were they laughing their asses at?
The bros on the 'ch0n
National socialism is just as stupid an ideology as any other form of socialism
pls post more BASED Veeky Forumsbros
When you guys meet up with these girls do you guys shake hands, hug, or just awkwardly stand there and wave?
>shake hands
That would be unusual, if not awkward
Never thought about it before, but usually we hug.
>i'm a dominate alpha male
not sure why but kek
>expecting a female to know what national socialist means
>expecting them to equate national socialist with nazi
She probably just thinks you're a generic beta left wing socialist. Many such cases. Sad!
Hey Manlets how does it feel that no women EVER will fuck you LELMAOOOOO
>not /r9k/ posting
I just smile at them and say hi
Why would I hug a complete stranger
it's fine she's just a bit dim.