Hey Veeky Forums
Just moved to a new city and know nobody at all.
How do I make friends who lift?
Hey Veeky Forums
Just moved to a new city and know nobody at all.
How do I make friends who lift?
You talk to people
At the gym
Leave your tub of protein on your neighbors doorstep and be like, lol sorry bro, I thought it was my doorstep. What kind of protein do you take?
Where'd you move maybe you can find a/fit/ bro on here
do this and or join a club or social activity
>Just be confident and talk to people bro!
I remember when Veeky Forums wasn't filled with normies.
I think Veeky Forums is probably one of the most well adjusted boards on Veeky Forums...
every board seems to think that.
Join an intramural sports team. Even if nobody lifts you'll meet people interested in athletics and get some starter friends.
H-how do you talk to people?
>think Veeky Forums is probably one of the most well adjusted boards on Veeky Forums...
find a rec sports league. For summer, volleyball or kickball are popular in most cities.
>most well adjusted boards on Veeky Forums
that's like being the most sane person in a mental asylum
no. not by a fucking long shot.
it may not have as high a concentration of antisocial shut-ins, but this board is rife with metal issues.
This bitch is 25 but already aged like milk. Jesus
That's like being the smartest kid with down syndrome
read her bio
>actually 18
>actually 18
She's hot, I don't know how you can say that woman is unattractive desu.
>having a tinder
Do you feel comfortable selling your private information to corporations?
do you feel comfortable being a beta virgin?
>dodging THIS hard
someone explain this "actually age x" bullshit on tinder to me
why would you enter a wrong birth year on facebook in the first place?
>you need to be 13 to make a facebook
>7 year old wants to make one
>lies about age
Women look different in real life than porn. Maybe you should go outside?
>tfw body dysmorphia
>tfw I have melanin
Speak for yourself, melanin deficient
Nah that's /sp/ or /k/. Veeky Forums is /tv/-tier
k makes sense
\k\? You mean the board where guys put cartridges up their asses and cook cosmoline stew?
You mean Veeky Forums
Nah white women just age like milk.
anybody who's got anything to do with fitness or literature is fucked up somehow
Look at the fucking face how can you not see it? She has old woman cheeks and chin at that bf% bitch is ugly as hell thats why she hides her face and shows her ass.
>white women
Hahahahhahahah, the Veeky Forums posters are all pretentious pseudo faggots with superiority complexes
White woman age like dog shit.
But nothing is more beautiful than a prime jailbait white girl
> /diy/
That would be /pol/
even /pol/ seems to think that
fucking kill yourself you worthless trash
literally all you have to do is force yourself to talk to people and over time it gets easier
you'll never try though and you'll only whine about it on an online Armenian goat and exercise snapshot symposium.
99% of us lift to cope, and it doesn't work
That's not age, it's just an ugly face. She probably looked like that when she was 14.
Not everything is a platform on which for you to declare that whites aren't as good as whatever shitskin race you are. Grow up.
I'm white as snow and none of the posts in that entire reply chain mentioned race, you insecure faggot cuck.
Fuck off with your tinfoil hat bullshit
I feel you buddy, I just moved back home and it's a tiny town with a college of 4k students and i don't know anyone feelsbadman
for you
that's like having the cutest face in a group of fatties.
I only take protein up my ass bro
join club
Anyone else unable to post images?
Are we a text board now?
that's like being 5'10" in the manlet pit
That's not a conspiracy retard, it's undeniable objective fact. Do you think the NSA is a conspiracy too?
desu, I think /sp/ or /out/ are the most well adjusted boards
>hey, are you working out?