Rest day turns into a rest week

>rest day turns into a rest week
>rest week turns into a rest month
>rest month becomes four
Wew lad this fitness thing is tough. Luckily I'm a successful software designer and make more money than anyone else on this board.

Go make a blog about it you fat fucking faggot.

Cry more you socially stunted retard.


piss off

>tfw software designer that isn't a lazy slob
Get a life my dude

>thinking your chump change is a lot of money
Never gonna make it

Keep crying fat boy.

>software designer
kill yourself please

>six figures monthly
>chump change
Just lol. You're so mad.

>bragging about being a software designer

only on Veeky Forums ladies and gentlemen, only on Veeky Forums

>non lifting software designer calling others socially awkward

Where am I?

>6 figures
>software designer

Know how I can tell you're lying?

That's right. I design it then pay little plebs like you to program and develop it. I literally don't do anything but sit back and watch my money make more money.

>Six figures
>not chump change
Is this what plebs think is a lot of money?

It's funny when people pretend to have a certain job but don't know anything about that job. Neck yourself fatboy

Keep grasping at straws, boy.

Keep lying on the internet and being the end of the day you're still fat

Wow OP, you really showed us. Why can't everyone be like you. You're making good money and without any effort! This however is evident in your fitness discipline. Imagine if you actually tried at life.

>thinking money has value in 2017
lmaoing @ u
the library is free and gym is 19.90 a month, what the fuck do I need more money for?

>claims to make $1.2 mil a year as a software 'designer'
>shitposting on a fake fitness board
One of these two is not like the other

I'll let the high class escorts neck and blow me while I abuse tax loopholes and spend more in a night than you'll ever have.

>1.2 mil
Try 8 mil after taxes, lad.

Its really evident that its some underage faggot larping.

Post your savings account then faggot. If you don't do it you're a fucking liar.

>tfw not even enough to open a hedge fun
You nouveau riche shitters disgust me. Have fun with your measly sum.

Gotta give him credit for even still replying. Shitposting really has lost its touch.

this feels like a low key john post

>this post is 7 years old

My god where has the time gone?


Wew where's the time stamp buddy.


Do you have a hot girlfriend and a sick ass place? Tell me about ur life

Did your CS major teach you to inspect element?

Sure thing bud, post pay stub or get out

If you have to ask you can't afford it.

Tbh I've gone full Notch. I'm depressed and shitpost irl to try and fill the void in my life. What people miss about "fuck you" money is that once you reach a level of success life doesn't really have meaning anymore. You don't have anything to strive for. I came to Veeky Forums because I want to set and reach new goals but I ended up being a fat waste like my father said I would be. It's an abstract feel.

hahaha this

I'd like to think that a software designer would know how faking this is trivial but IDK anymore.

I commend you for committing to your shitposting, but come on man, make it more believable. None of what you've done is substantiated at all.

You will never see your penis

>Work out regularly
>Make a lot of money as a software dev


>deleted his image after being called out for Inspect Element

Top. Fucking. Kek.

You did not achieve anything. Now kys.

>made millions on bitcoins
>live off mutual fund at 25
>getting PhD in subject I love
>lift on the reg

wew lads

Looks almost like he was banned. All of his posts earlier in the thread are gone.

Who the fuck even delets posts nigga like just close the tab. Wtf?

Probably banned for off topic. Which is surprising because Veeky Forums doesn't even have mods.

Nah bro I think it's like 10

>posts on an anonymous message board bragging


not OP, but I'm a software engineer(no one fucking says designer, OP is a liar) that is Veeky Forums

>low key
go die nigger

yeah but you still look like shit and hate yourself

trips of truth


you do realize that like 30% of Veeky Forums writes code for a living right

the other 70% are slovenly fat neckbeards who failed out of STEM programs