
I've been taking a multivitamin for 4 days. I can't do mental math anymore and my pee is neon yellow. Did I get memed?

where the fuck are you buying your vitamins at?

a Chinese website?

Multivitamins don't work. You will simply piss it all out. Eat your fucking vegetables.

Your pee is supposed to be non-yellow


drink more water, don't know why you can't do maths though

>theres enough fertile ground to provide vegetables with suffcient nutrients in a 1st world country in 2017

sure eat your vegetables but also supplement a multi, you're retarded if you genuinely think they don't work


always take it after a large meal so the pill is buffered along your digestive track, and not just tossed in to metabolise all at once
better yet, take half after breakfat or lunch, the other half after dinner

I'm going to buy this, is it worth?

only if you're severely hungover or need a quick boost

there's like a gram of sodium in each tablet

Is there something better to buy at pharmacy?
I don't want to bulk or anything, just something for a boost (like zinc, calcium).

>there's like a gram of sodium in each tablet
Is that bad?

>my pee is neon yellow
How many multivitamin did you swallow? My pee is yellow/orange if I take twice/three times as much as recommended.

Not OP but this is also happening to me, the thing is I need the tablet since I'm allergic to vegetables and fruit. It's a high strength dosage so should I get a weaker one?

A handful in the morning with breakfast--nothing precise. They are only partially synthetic so I figure some of them are duds anyway.

buy a good slow release multi instead

>is that bad?

considering your RDA is just over 2grams, i'd say so yeah.. they're alright on occasions but you're asking for a heart attack if you have it daily


the colour is because of the high amount of B vitamins. it's normal.

>neon yellow.

thats the b6

Need. Name. Now.

Sounds like you bought some garbage. You have to buy an organic multivitamin, the ones that are basically made of powdered veggies. The lab synthesized ones are all trash. Oh and make sure they're made in America unless you like ingesting heavy metals.