Thinking of starting boxing Veeky Forums? Shitting myself though, convince me to go I need a new hobby that isn't just picking metal from the ground and placing it back down
love you guys nohomo
Thinking of starting boxing Veeky Forums? Shitting myself though, convince me to go I need a new hobby that isn't just picking metal from the ground and placing it back down
love you guys nohomo
Do it op
I also have always wanted to do this but to intelligent to lose my brain to brain damage from years of punches
Yes do it it's fun. First couple of months I worked technique and footwork. Hit the bag, and improved my cardio.
Did my first sparring session and got my ass handed to me. It was just light sparring but I got winded from missing too many punches.
I learned feet get you there first, and to stop throwing punches if I'm not in range of the opponent. Great learning experience, and very humbling.
Learned from that experience and got better each time. Also avoid the retards that treat sparring like a boxing match. Yeah you'll get hit with some good shots, but the point is to learn not bash the other guy's head in.
Fuckin Canelo man, can't wait for him to fight GGG
Yeah it's gonna be a good one. I was all for GGG but his last fights he hasn't been as dominate as he used to.
Canelo looked great against Chavez but Chavez didn't do anything. At least it showed Canelo's cardio improved and his counter punching and combos are just getting better.
Yeah I really want to get into it but I've got a job that cannot be done with black eyes and I'm really concerned about repeated concussions.
Also I assume going to a boxing gym and training drills and the like without full out fighting is laughed at?
I'd like to learn for cardio and the ability to handle myself in a fight
Not at all. I trained for months without sparring. No one cares if you go to train for a fight or just work out.
I bought headgear with a facebar so I don't get banged up since I work with customers every day. Kind of like this one.
One thing is for sure though learning drills is completely different than actually using it in the ring. A good trainer isn't going to throw you to the sharks. You start out with basics and then work up your skills and confidence.
Best of luck!
Thanks man, feeling more motivated now -
How do you feel the sport has changed you?
Gloves were a mistake
Most people train but don't compete. If your worried about sparring ask before hand, most gyms and classes for your average joe will use 16oz gloves and light contact rules. You don't have to spar.
Definitely made more confident. I would never start a fight before and after boxing i most definitely not get into a fight.
Makes me realize how fights start with petty shit and it's so much easier to play it cool and walk it off.
A lot more focused too. Generally just a lot happier with myself.
pretty much this lad. Boxing is fun, and I think everyone should do it at some point. But yes, avoid idiots who want to go 100% during sparring. That's not the point
just look at this fucking guy, he's had less than 10 pro fights but he's schooling the very best fighters
10 pro fights and 400 amateur fights, and even though he's my favorite boxer right now, he's not schooling "the best" just yet
amateur fights are only 3 rounds and scored differently, being good there doesn't always translate to pros
>he's not schooling "the best" just yet
I can tell you haven't been following the previous fights of some of his recent opponents that he ended up completely dominating
Are you guys able to find time to lift while boxing? Theres a local boxing gym and they're memberships are monthly not by session. If do it I would want to go at least 3x a week but I'm worried i'll be too tired to get my lifts in and lose my gains.
get a heavy bag
get an old tire and sledgehammer
get a jump rope
get some good gloves
Have at it.
No, I'm very in tune with boxing. I was just making sure that you weren't insinuating to casuals that he just started fighting and is taking out guys in the top p4p.
ammy boxer, used to be into powerlifting, started boxing 4years ago, went from 215 to 180, lost all my gains, only do pullups and pushups now, feels way better, its an actual hobby to, and you meet way more people than normal gyms.
that gif made my dick hard
Almost same here. I went from 220 to 170 in about six months. Had fun, footwork got better. then I got into Oly lifting, and have stuck with that. But I recommend boxing for everyone
Just implement jump rope-speed bag-heavy bag work if you don't want to actually fully dive into boxing.
Christ If I needed any more reason to hate Thaddeus Russell...
I actually hate this guy more than the worst sjw or altright ideologues, a meek pretentious fool who also acts like he knows shit about boxing
Okay but given all the chances Canello had to knock out Chavez none of his punches could even knock him down. My bet is it's gonna be an early ash victory for GGG
Rigondeaux is better. Lomchenko will duck him forever for a reason
Canelos never been a puncher, he has the hand speed and defense to outbox ggg, who was getting worked by kell brook for a few rounds, that being said though I think GGG will tko him
you don't know shit about boxing
loma ducking people? lol
boxing is bad for your brain
just jump rope and run
i'd say do bjj, but they all end up getting back surgeries
is there a way to avoid brain hurt
is 41 too old to start boxing
I'll do it with you, except it's muay thai. Kinda scared to pull the trigger and do it.
seems like its good to supplement muay thai with boxing
...yeah, for amateurs you actually get less brain trauma than highschool football, but for pros... no
Hell the fuck no. Boxing is so fun when you get your footwork going. Go for it and learn the sweet science my friend!
Honestly its a little late, you can definitely train, but don't think you're gonna be effective in sparring
Head gear + gloves. Unless you plan on getting your almond activated every day for years, don't worry.