Why are you so fatphobic Veeky Forums?

Why are you so fatphobic Veeky Forums?

Honestly I don't hate fat people. They make me look relatively better without me doing anything at all, which is kind of neat. I just don't want to sleep with them.

>respect our bodies!
>I respect them, I just don't want to fuck them
>that's not respecting them, you have to want to fuck us!

It's an evolutionary trait. Fat people were/are disadvantageous to the tribe.
>consume resources disproportionately
>slow the tribe down, potentially expose it to predation
>contribute less/have less productive value (low energy, poor hunters)

These traits aren't compensated for in the modern era. Fat people create a disproportion burden on health care - particularly in most modern western societies where healthcare is partly or fully socialized) - and therefore the tax burden.
They continue to consume more and so produce more waste and contribute more to damaging our natural habitats.
They're much less likely to be promoted to the upper ranks of hierarchical/leadership structures, which is the male system of self-selecting for the right to breed with women, who are biologically predisposed to selecting males in the higher ranks. Therefore, since men instinctively know that fat people are less likely to breed, they instinctively know that fat people are an unnecessary burden on society.
The breeding hierarchy lies at the root of men's desire for competition. Competition is the means to prove oneself fitness for breeding. A fat person offers no competition/there is no perceived victory drawn from beating a fat person - to celebrate one is to demean oneself.
All of these factors and more lie at the root of normal healthy male disgust for fat people.

because huge amount of money goes into making these fucks be able to even get medical treatment
like taking them to zoos for ct scans and xbox ambulances and so on
and no im not joking

dude brainwash yourself lmao

>hot fat folk

What an oxymoron

>condition yourself to want fat people

pavlov is reborn and he's a heavy female blogger

If that'd be the case i'd hate fatties either but it's always like this
>why aren't you attracted to me?! you're just fatphobic!
We're accelarating towards times when if fat woman will want to sleep with you, you'll be obligated by law to do so.

sucks for them that im autistic so i can call it rape after i fuck them because im also a degenerate

Where do you live where this actually happens to you?

What would I gain brainwashing myself to like fat people?

And I wish they would stop with the social construct shit. The standards of beauty have always been pretty fucking stable throughout history, usually fair-skinned, young and thin people. It's just what our brains respond to.




Lnad of the free, home of the brave.

I live in America too, but what city? I've never actually seen anyone be called fatphobic or whatever in real life.

not user you're responding too but haven't you seen metric tone of screens from tumblr of fatties saying they're not attracted to fat guys but to fit guys and fit guys are fatphobic or something?

Who gives a shit about tumblr though? They're a small but vocal group of nutcases. I'm talking about real life, people who actually go outside.


Have you even seen a hightest thread?

I think i know what user meant. He said that the increasing fat acceptance and HAES movement will lead to fat women trying to gain more power and influence just like feminists so they could implement laws for their benefit. It's truly a distopian picture that will probably never happen.

>It's truly a distopian picture that will probably never happen.
This. Simply because they will die in their 30ies because of heart attac or diabeetus.

If the shit being said in the OP pic is true, that's actually a really solid, dire argument AGAINST fat acceptance. If society-wide tolerance and encouragement of such an unhealthy lifestyle lies on such a slippery slope, then it only makes it all the more important to not give up an inch, and continue to hammer in the detrimental effects of being fat and the benefits of being healthy.

Right, I mean, it's big on Tumblr.

But imagine if we were, instead of a fitness community, a skincare community. And then we started making fun of a goth community because their face makeup will fuck up their skin. Nothing out of the ordinary so far.

But then we spent so much time investigating the goth community that we thought goths were everywhere and were going to vote in massive numbers to mandate goth attire for everyone, which would then fuck up our skin.

That would be an obviously stupid conclusion, but goths probably outnumber HAES people.

This is a misconception.
Prior to the food revolution which has led to high amounts of obesity it was very uncommon.

Our disgust of fat people relates to common diseases through history which caused bloating.

>that image
>those dead eyes in the second panel

eat rotten eggs and they'll eventually taste good

>that foreboding "it'll be great"
It's like it's satire

I work in academia/live in a college town and hear shit like this regularly.

I know it's kind of a warped version of real life but still.

now i dont know if i should do my 3rd fap of the day to this pic or the trap bait thread

This is all pseudoscience pop psychology and nobody with a scientific interest in the field believes this malarkey.

t. Psychologist

"Don't find fat people attractive? Have you tried gaslighting yourself?"

But she even said there is scientific evidence to back it up despite not linking any articles.

>That would be an obviously stupid conclusion, but goths probably outnumber HAES people.
Haha, no. In fact, there's probably some overlap between modern goths and HAES tumblrina types.

I found the perfect solution to the fat problem.

You know how they keep saying "fat is beautiful", "thin isn't superior"? Let's turn that argument against them. Whenever one of these "people" posts a picture of themselves with the "fat is beautiful" meme, photoshop their bodies to be even fatter, and tell them they're not beautiful enough. 300? You're still being oppressed, dear. 400? Make an effort, abolishing patriarchal beauty standards takes efforts. 500? Almost there, babe, soon you'll be a supermodel!
We will weaponize their self-destructive ideology against them, which is just doing the right thing.

>We're accelarating towards times when if fat woman will want to sleep with you, you'll be obligated by law to d
This is stupid and could never happen.
But also I hate fat people too. I hate their sense of entitlement.

The person in that is a cartoon and I still want to punch her fucking lights out

Hilariously hypocritical of the same crowd that hates Mike "Take it in the crapper, get the zapper" Pence.

Project harpoon 2.0, I don't know if it will work, but I want to see those landwhales trying to work out how to say they were made to look uglier without offending the rest of their pod

disgusting stretch marks

is there a picture of the artist that draws this shit?

Why are you so loliphobic, Veeky Forums? Little girls deserve love too. Just brainwash yourself until you want to give them the hot beef injection.

do it

If that shit is true, then it just proves homosexuality is a choice.

I think it's simpler than that. A fat body isn't how the human form is supposed to look, so we find it unnattractive like any other deformity.