Sex Appeal

Just imagine having the genetics to make a girl wet by just looking at her. Just imagine how much pussy this face produce. Gandy it's a 11/10 but that isn't the thread.

Tell me, do you had Sex Appeal?
Are you sexy?
Are you masculine looking?
Are you DOM?
Is there any way of incresing your sex appeal?

lol, OP can't get laid so he comes to Veeky Forums for advice. Holy shit.

he looks like a rapist
3/10 would not fuck

I am 6'6 but have a baby face and terrible cystic acne (workin on the acne) what do?

Too much so.
I'm like the wind.
More money.

Why is this guy always posted here as the epitome of attractiveness. He looks sleezy

he pays some chinks or pajeets pennies to shitpost, its like the mcchicken sandwich and sips

>implying rapist aren't sexy
He is literally the epitome of attractiveness, the real adonis nobody look better, he make masculinity attractive, and he is the only male model who actually look like a man

Your comment is a mirror of yourself

I'm ugly and want to kill myself because of it.

A challenger appears

You can be ugly and sexy...

Do you ever fap to ugly ponstars? They have horrible faces 3/10 sometimes, the buttherface thing, but they make your dick harder and you want to fuck any of these womans anyway.

The same goes to womans, you can be sexy and ugly as a male

That guy only look good in that pic, google him, i don't remenber his name

youre just a closet gay
download gindr and fuck off cunt

I have pectus and gyno so being attractive ever in any capacity is out of th question

Well it is a god tier pic then

>Tell me, do you had Sex Appeal?
Do you am speak Englishes?

>Are you sexy?

>Are you masculine looking?

>Are you DOM?
Domming your mom!

>Is there any way of incresing your sex appeal?

I wish i was mm tier like gandy reeeeee should i kill myself because im a dicklet uglycel ?

uhh k.

>would not fuck
Not really your choice then, is it?

>Tell me, do you had Sex Appeal?
>Are you sexy?
>Are you masculine looking?
Not really
>Are you DOM?
I dunno what that means
>Is there any way of incresing your sex appeal?
I don't think so...

It's a losing battle...

>(workin on the acne) what do?
Ibuprofen like 2400mg every day until you die

Yea see totally hideous like I said.

Please take accutane it makes so much difference


went vegan and it was gone in 3-4 months ez. avoid dairy

tyson Mogs Gandy.

i would start acting with that face, he look like a warrior or some shit like that

Gandy look like a greek god or some anime character with superpowers or some shit, like a boss fight in god of war
Chico look like the attractive guy in a anime or batman from the future
Tyson look like a ninja or some shit like that

Is like hugh jackman and wolverine or chris hemworth and thor