How were you AMAZING today? xD

i did both glute bridges AND deadlifts for 100lbs today! so proud lol

ignore dumb plate order it kinda just happened because of how i added weight between sets

Good for you buddy if thats a lot for you.

If you're trolling, what dont you go and do something productive, that will give you am actual feeling of pride?

I hit 1 plate OHP 5x5 today

Pretty happy @ 42

I don't even care that you're a trap.
The attention whoring is just sad.

This is how I feel about
you and

i'm not trolling. this is the most i've ever lifted and i'm sure i'll keep going higher. expeting to hit a wall eventually but i've been adding 5lbs each week so far

Im proud of you. I got a new PR on OHP as well. 195x5. Probably wont be able to use my shoulders for anything involving lifting for like 2 days though.

Take off the fucking tripcode you shitposter

Gotta take it easy occasionally so you don't get hurt

Is OHP seated easier or more difficult?

>Vegan trap

Take that shit out of your trip, you're making the rest of us look bad.

T. Vegan who isn't gay and just pulled 5pl8 for five doubles

seated is easier because it uses less core . But your weights wont be too far off

Why the FUCK are you on Veeky Forums sensei

I hit 160kg x 5 dl

Been here for years

Started on /k/
Decided to get Veeky Forums

332 -> 232lbs over 2.5 years

I'm pretty lazy with the food discipline

I can't do standing because my basement ceiling is too low

Oh well...

Damn, that's crazy if you're natty.
What are some of your other lifts?

>so proud lol

You have to actually accomplish something in order to feel that. At least back in the day...

is this not an accomplishment?

i'm doing something that was literally impossible when i started lifting so it feels like a good accomplishment

I hit my first 405 deadlift today, felt like a god bc i just go to my work gym and everyone else there just does cardio or curls.

Meh, just slouch a bit when you do it.

I would really like it if this faggot with his fucking emotes would fuck right off to reddit where he belongs.

Or at least take off his fucking tripcode.


i'm a girl. and i was just trying to do a fun like positive thread for once. where people could post about cool things they did today and why that it was so great they did those cool things.

sometimes it's hard to stay positive :(

>vegan trap !!/qtVBhhQVoa
>i'm a girl

>biked for 7h today
>very hydrated
>medical exams went well and were not uneasy
>got my grandmother a puzzle and hung out with her
>Stretching before bed to some music

I put my gains on the back burner to look after my sick son.

I feel pretty amazing

There needs to be more dads like you in the world

are you a trap tho

>Left shoulder completely fucking toasted, sprained to shit
>Still dragged my ass to the pool to put in a mile
>Absolutely obliterated manlet in the adjacent lane that was trying to race me

can someone guide through how to filter out threads like this one?