That guy who goes to the gym by himself

>that guy who goes to the gym by himself

Is that him?

Seems boring as fuck to not have a gymbro to compete with on lifts

I don't have friends asshole. I haven't had a single friend my entire adultlife and now you expect someone to go to the gym with me? Fuck off you piece of shit.

That's the look you get from normal people wondering why someone's there alone like an autist

Meh, rather listen to music and workout by myself.
I like to ride the bike with others, but gymbuddies is a waste of time.

Do you honestly believe people care about what you're doing?

I've had to do that the last 2 weeks because my gym bro just had surgery and yeah it sucks and feels awkward but my friend will be back in 2 weeks so it won't be awkward anymore

I'm one of the normal people who go with friends and yeah we care about what you're doing


Imagine being this insecure

guaranteed replies

>not getting the protein from post workout bro jobs
never gonna make it

I do sometimes

>Those guys that go to the gym together and have to change weights every set or use the same weight which isn't suitable for them.

I know people who seem to do nothing but pay attention to what other people are doing at the gym by the way they talk about other people all the time. To the point where they talk about their outfits and shit. It's pathetic honestly.

so 80% of people at the gym?


I'm not a girl who goes to the gym to socialize with her friend or meeting new people at the "group training". I go to the gym to lift and reach goals.

Now go with you batty boy and take selfies at the oyster club you faggot.

tbqh I have a large circle of friends and a few really good ones and most of them lift but I NEVER ever go with any of them.

I want to get into that zone of concentration when I lift, I can talk shit for the other 22 hours in a day.

Going to the gym is a social thing

>That guy who smokes between sets

>that guy who downs a protein shake after every set

>that guy who smokes weed between sets

>I haven't had a single friend my entire adultlife
I know that feel, please be my friend

>that guy that hits acid between sets

My buddy will go for a smoke after he's done with his cardio and he's waiting for me to finish. Shit drives me fucking insane.

>that dyel crew that hogs a bench with their arms crossed

Oh it's another bullshit attack-your-self-esteem thread.
Going to the gym alone is the rule, not the exception.

>that guy who's naked at the gym


>That guy in basketball shorts doing starting strength and checking his phone between sets

If they can't bench 1 plate they shouldnt be hogging the benches, let the men use the benches first

you have a boring and sad life, my man

>people actually do starting strength

it's a meme program for autistic fat fucks

Only on planet user's-fucked-up-stupid-ass-brain

Plus, they spend all their time on their phone with high pitched giggling like a bunch of fucking girls

>needing another person to get to the gym

Not gonna make it


When I first started I needed a ride to get to the gym because it was so far away and it was winter and my gym bro always cancelled or we couldn't go at the same time so I missed out on lots of gains

If you're gonna start insulting peoples routines at least post yours with a current body photo.

>not having an at home gym
lol poor people
Can have music as loud as I want, don't have to deal with newfags, don't have to wear clothes.... it's the dream.

>following a program or having a routine


>that guy that goes to the gym to workout, instead of taking selfies in the mirror

This is me

>that guy who has 4 t-shirts in different colors with a single letter (A, B, C and D) and wears them to the gym for his A, B, C and D workouts
that's me lads

that's fucking genius.


i really did try to find a nudist gym but there are just none in my area

>gym in my town is connected to the cinema
>has a no singles policy
>have to put human clothes on my falcon and tell the workers he's my son to get in
quite a hassle, but my falcon is pretty strong and he flies around retrieving weights for me

that sounds pretty unsanitary...

>letting your bare balls rest on the spot where Buttsweat McDouble just sat down his fat ass

>go to gym
>everyone is either weak beta or stupid manlet who thinks he's buff with his 120kg smith squat and 4pl8 3" ROM leg press
>literally no bro materials

>I'm desperately lonely and have literally no friends.
>My excuse I use at work is that I prefer to go at midnight when no one else is there.

connor mcgregor is the goat

Don't do SS but basketball shorts is the only shorts/pants i have for working out. Anything wrong with that?

>that DYEL teen who is too much of a pussy to go to the gym by himself


> that thicc guy who goes to the gym with his thicc bf and they look like twins and do exactly the same routine

but most people that go regulary go alone

the only guys that go with friends are normies that quit after 2 months


>that guy that hogs the rack for an hour doing press variations, twice a week

that guy is me

>making working out into a competition

No you're not. You are such a fucking liar and a fucking shit stain.

I'm mirin during the ramp up sets bro. Keep it up for the noobs

>>That realisation that the 4 years of going to the same LA Fitness you have never bothered to talk to anyone outside of the staff to be polite.

I'm also the strongest lifter of anyone I've seen there. Not an accomplishment really.

>that black guy who dances and quietly raps in between sets

Are you me in a few years? I'm near 3/4/5 so basically almost always the strongest while I'm there. Also, fuck LA Fitness.

Eh, I have a free membership. Only reason I go there. You don't see many people practice good gym etiquette, if any at all.

That being said, I think I scare the shit out of most of the people there. 6'2 fridge mode with long ass metal hair and a face like a serial killer. With cut off metal shirts as tank tops.

Yeah I don't need distractions and 2+ hour workouts. I'm also pretty much the only one that even does compounds at my shitty gym, no buddy material there. Maybe I'll just take some random kid as my protege one day once I've made it.


my cinema has a singles tax

>start working out with one of my friends who was really into lifting in high school
>he gets a girlfriend 6 months in
>stops lifting
>I keep going
I outlift him now but damn I miss my lifting bro

>never going to make it

>That guy who "goes" to the gym

>Also, fuck LA Fitness

Seriously, what in the fuck is wrong with this place. WALL to WALL retards who horde dumbells, misplace dumbells, and don't re-rack their weights. Also, the fucking 10million old people who take up the only 2 flat benches for 40mins a piece because they're doing 75 rep sets with 5lbs and on top of that, half the fucking gym is treadmills.


I left UFC gym for this bullshit. Not worth, even at $25 a month.

Pretty much the same at PF. Mine only has two smith machines and it's a fucking nightmare to try to get in any squats.

It's always a red flag when someone gives up gains for gals.

I've been lifting for 21 years, 95% of it alone. Had some lifting partners but they suck, it's always "can't do it today, how about tommorow", "can't squat cause my knee hurts" and shit like that. Sometimes I work out with someone powerlifters in my gym, it can be nice from time to time, but such workouts usually take much longer than my quick paced sessions (40-60min). Most of the time I don't talk to anybody, no music as well. Love it this way, don't want to change it.

imagine if this guy was telling the truth, holy fuck what kind of life are he and his 'friends' 'living'