
/fraud/ - Prescribed Testosterone Replacement Therapy General

Nobody makes new threads edition


Old bread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Drunk w/ mother edition ama

Wachoo drinkin?

Bourbon with orange seltzer and fresh mint from my garden

is she still

T I G H T?

There was already another thread but he didn't link it

Oh well

Only 50 lbs to go until I don't want to jump off the local radio tower

Can test e make your dick bigger if you're still going through puberty?

My threads are better anyway.

Starting my first tren cycle any day now
Was trying to diet down to 185 before pinning but I'm stuck at 193 and have been for 2-3 weeks now so I think I may just say fuck it and pin anyways
I understand diet is everything but how are Tren's fat loss abilities? I was gonna eat a few hundred over maintence on this cycle. Low test and as high tren as I can handle. I'm probably around 15-17% right now. Should I keep dieting?

Sounds pretty good actually.

Yeah it's really crisp

Bimbo am I too light to cut I only weight 156. Should I continue to stuff my face with fast food to gain some weight.

story time
> be me at laundromat in oakland
> voluptuous woman with sunglasses is definitely checking me out
> eventually have 4 minutes left on dryer
> she is standing right next to me
> start talking
> she is south american or something and between her accent and the dryers i am not understanding a lot
> ..." where do you live"...
> ... "i work out like like 5 days a week. yeah. shirts get pretty dirty"...
> ... "can't tell if you are excited because of this-- how do you say? shirt?
> ... "can't tell you are excited because of those jeans"....
> "is your penis excited?"
this was 1.5 minutes after "hello"
> "uhhh"
> "whats the matter, are you shy?"
> "YES"
> ding.wav
> "it was nice meeting you!"
now boys, the reason i was hesitant was i could not tell if "she" was a tranny. i mean, that body was 1000% bangin' female, but something was just off about the whole thing. i kept having fleeting images of hairy armpits and adams apples and her voice and her 0-90mph approach and the way she didnt remove her glasses.
> tfw you hate the modern world because you should not have to wonder if a female is an actual female
> tfw you lost a chance at easy pussy because transfaggots are running wild and you cannot ask a woman if she is real

>when you can finally cruise on 350mg with no discernible sides

T-thanks EQ

Use a better picture. I can't see shit.

My phones busted so I have to use front facing shit sucks. But yea 156 I'm like 5'7. Was 164 like 2 weeks ago but lost weight due to stress.

Think of the 3 most attractive girls you know personally, now imagine their boyfriends.

Think of the 3 coolest, most popular guys you know. The ones respected by everyone, the life of the party etc.

Do any of these 6 guys have such high levels of muscle mass, combine with low levels of body fat that it would be indicative of steroids?

Of course they don't :>) but keep on reaching for that rainbow. When you're 5'8 200lb lean, those girls that made fun of you in HS, THEN they'll see :@

I would cut to 145 and reasses from there.

I've got a buddy who is cutting for his first show, 210, been cutting for a couple weeks on tren and hes 220, way leaner. Diet is absolute shit.
Tren is a hell of a drug

The three most attractive women I know hate me because they can't get over me.

the chollos were going to cut out your kidney you got lucky and she took pity on you for being a nice shy guy

See if you can grab a shirtless pic

What's the best program to get aesthetic on if you're starting from a skelly and doing 500mg Test E for 16 weeks?
Also, what would be a good diet? Should I just dirty bulk to try and gain 40 pounds, or should I eat clean? How many calories should I be aiming for if I wanna get jacked?

>starting as skelly
I will never know the easy mode of gaining as a skelly and not skinnyfat

High volume high frequency. Plug your shit into a tdee calc.

>get pip
>pain travels all the way to the balls for some ball ache

Why do I suddenly want to get more sleep on T then when I did before? Before I started I could get by just fine on 6 hrs of sleep. Now I struggle to get out of bed with 10.

Wtf is wrong with me fraud?

Taking 100mg of Test P 5 days a week + an HCG shot + an AI.

>roiding for girls

Cam is busted makes pics blurry and I bet you just wanted to see my gyno bb. And fuck I'm going to feel small well smaller at 145.

Leanness and the grainy 3D gives an impression of size.

>just found out my EBT works on creatine and whey protein

Thanks for the free gains wagecucks. Make sure to get to work early tomorrow to make more money to pay me in taxes.

As long as it's nutrition facts and not supplement facts

Also get a job

>not roiding for that high quality grindr bp

Unless you are doing something to

1) Improve your health
2) Improve your wealth
3) Improve your inter-personal relationships.

Then it is pointless. Taking steroids actually harms the top two and most important of this list. If you are a professional athlete or your body is your living then I can understand it. Otherwise it stems from intense insecurity bordering on mental illness.

You see the same "BUT IM DOING IT FOR ME" argument. Yeah, well the 'trans disabled" weirdos you see on Jerry Springer, who chop their legs off because they feel like they are a disabled person in a fully functioning body are "doing it for themselves" but it is asinine and worthy of derision. Just like a normal layperson taking steroids.

So I'm on 600mg test and some lgd right now. Think I should drop the test to 300 and add some masteron and cut cals down.

tfw drunkenly confessed feelings to girl and she reacted positively.

nice, this worked out good.


Girls just want lean and tall? Gays are the only ones who appreciate a truly massive man.

Gear is cheaper than food unless you introduce growth.

Why wouldn't a girl react positively? What's so wrong with you that you'd need to be drunk or even have this perspective?

Pro tip: nothing

A lot of women like huge guys.

Only dumb low iq club sluts like massive guys. Cute twinkle will appreciate big guys way more than average female.

Okay but that doesn't make me wrong. You just changed the criteria.

courage mate

Guys I have some Doxepin lying around from half a year ago. It's mainly an antidepressant but has other effects like anti anxiety and anti insomnia.

I gained 20lbs the first time I used it before I stopped. However provided I count macros like I do now, surely I wouldn't gain weight, right? Indirectly it COULD cause lethargy but I imagine if I'm aware of it it won't.


> I'm bimbo and I get to home brew and I never need ancillaries because I never get side effects because I was made in the image of The Greek gods themselves

You have awful technique if you get PIP. Honestly sometimes I still get PIP in my biceps but it just feels like a good pump

please dont do steroids


I dint home brew and I look awful soooooo what's your point?

Also triangle have some confidence

youre body is growing. same reason teenagers sleep so much

eh my self esteem was better when i was with my ex, it'll come back no prob.

I feel it. My ex has been calling me 2-3x a day despite being sooooi in love with her new guy.

Still haven't answered.

how does bimbo get girls when his penis is only 5-6 inches

hcg mimicks lutenizing hormone. lh release doesnt make you sleepy as such, but rather your body recieves signals that it needs more sleep during its circulation. like why children need more sleep when going through pubery, lh is one of the contributing factors, and you're using hcg on cycle replicating that sleep signal pattern

> yfw you will never be bimbo

hello faggots

ectomorph here. i am strong but always have been chubby with a preference for the gut (i guess that describes everyone)

will roids affect my body composition at all?

>Only dumb low iq club sluts like massive guys

I get eye-fucked by girls 13-45 of all different stripes

t. guy approaching pic related

Correct. Steroids, basically hormones that take a baby calf and turn it into a bull, they will NOT affect your body composition. What a stupid thought!

It's like 7 I'm just tall sucks don't matter for shit though women cum based off of a variety of things

fuck off idiot

stop lying I've seen pics it's 6 max

How do you pleasure a woman with that

*exasperated sigh*
sky news is always pulling this shit with steroids
got that posh chelsea cunt to talk about how 'taking steroid tablets' to train for boxing ruined part of his life, he is either lying or a fucking idiot or both,

Well, I asked some hardcore powerlifters at my gym and they told me that most steroids will not have any effect on my body composition. I'll just get more muscular while retaining the same amount of fat, assuming no changes to my diet. This is mainly with compounds like testosterone which is what I asked about.

I know Tren might be a different case.

If I had a dollar every time a permabulking fatass compared himself to some jacked strongman..

Everyone has seen pics lmao I'm not going to feel bad about the size of my penis at least ridicule my core damn

i grew a tail and my skin turned to a scaled hide on my first cycle, steroids affect everyone differently and so may not affect you much or a lot. i'm gonna be pinning tren on my next cycle and i hope to grow wings and breathe fire

>permabulking fatass


>talking to meatheads

You don't want to be me

where are your abs ?


>taking roids for this

If you have so much extra money why don't you finish your tattoo

post back


Because I'm 3500 miles away from my tattoo artist ATM

anyone in here used peptides at all?
considering using some tb500 or BPC 157 atm

Why don't you guys just eat whey shakes for every meal on a cut? 20g of protein for every 100 calories.

>20g of protein for every 100 calories.
Thats shit, buy better protein

Tb500 really helped my bad joints, also ran ghrp 2 and mod grf

That's a pretty interesting cruise. What about cardio health tho longterm? Dgaf?

Just took 1mg of finasteride today and now im freaking out about sides and considering chucking it out and going bald.

Anyone got any experience with the stuff?

I take it but I only run test cycles. its probably saved my hairline

so the other day i noticed a week after injection the area had a pimple l like thing with a red circle mark around 0.5" across so i thought maybe abscess?

three days later the red mark is gone, the head is still there but it's not painful or anything, however i noticed a very similar mark about ten inches lower on thigh so could it have been a pimple on top of the injection spot?

could i shoot in that glute today? haven't injected in it for 9 days, so if there was an infection i should know by now right?

stick a needle in it and see what comes out.

irrigate it if its oily or the blood is black

You are fucking retarded

> red Mark
Same here

Basically, stop being a lard ass and you won't get bumps. Do some cardio. It's probably a hemorrhoid mostly unrelated to pinning.

kys meathead

it's that small i dont think i could get anything out of it, when i say head i mean like a little raised bump, like a mosquito bite but not as raised
been doing cardio, not a lard ass

>walk into locker room
>pumped and swole, gym lighting on point
>take picture on my phone
>look like crap

I really need a better camera for this stuff.


>Get a better camera
>think now it will look better
>still look shit

My left nipple is itchy af, so I took 1mg of arimidex, how long before it stops itching?
Currently been on 400mg of test-e and 600mg EQ for 5 weeks and it's my first cycle, only started getting the really annoying itching like 20 mins ago

Also if I've been taking 0.5mg of Arimidex EOD, do I now start taking 1mg EOD or do I up it to ED



>1mg adex on top of .5mg eod, for 400 test

Bunk as hell

Id move it to smaller doses ed first

How long should I cruise if my blast is 600mg test pw for 4 months

>Bunk as hell
the Adex or the test?

Got it from purplepandalabs that was recommended by leddit

Also alright, will try .5mg ED and see how it goes

To be safe time on = time off, but really get bloods and if theyre good blast again cause thats overkill

If I wait to take ai until issues pop up it may take a week for it to calm down

The Adex

>trusting meme sources
>trusting ugl ai

Always pharma ai. Always

Does creatine make me look more jacked?

do you have problems with using pill cutters with pharma asin?

i wouldn't trust UGL asin but the indian asin I get is just so crumbly that I always overdose to err on the side of safety because it doesn't ever cut perfectly in half

he's 245 pounds and his goal weight is 180

he's probably like 5'8 35% bf

it's not bunk, he's just morbidly obese

I use normal scissors and it gets it pretty close to quarters.

Ive used ugl asin from a guy in nz to great effect. If you wait until estro issues are physically noticeable then it isnt going to disappear overnight