Gymming with shitskins

>gymming with shitskins

Only blacks leave weights around like that

Fuck I hate when niggers doesn't rerack their weights

it was nogs and beans that did this.

t. Soon to be minority

If I visit my friends in LA, how expensive can it be to sign for one or two visits to a gym? Would it be a gym filled with blacks if I want to go cheap?

Any minority does this shit, don't be prejudiced. Especially middle eastern fat asses

it will be a gym filled with nogs and beans. they will all be in groups of at least 3 and each group will have an ultra-loud Dr Dre Beats bluetooth speaker blasting either some shitty bubblegum rap or some mexican bean music. they will talk loudly and ego lift, they will quarter-squat 3pl8 and talk about their "progress", they will throw weights around and leave them all over the place.

it will be a disgusting experience, trust me.

indians and asians rerack therir weights

indians in gyms lul

Man there was this one brown dude at my gym and mind you there are 3 flat benches in the free weight area and he was using one of them as a table for his 4 sets of dumbbells he was hording. Like just pick them up off the floor you lazy Fuck

not white people are truly the worst

t. soon to get sent back home

>actual Africans in the gym
>I can sort of understand what they're saying
>go over to refill my waterbottle and rest a bit
>one of them just steps up to my bad, I had just finished most of my deadlift sets, this African pick it up with pretty good form. looks fairly strong.
>go back to my bar and give him a nod
>he's saying some "wag gwan?" type shit but from Africa, I'm just like How's it going?
>he goes back to benching with his friend
>the gym has a bluetooth speaker and they're playing the worst music I've ever heard turned up to 11
I don't remember seeing if they took their weights off the bar.

Come tell me to rerack my weights to my face you pussy ass bitch

solitary black guys usually rerack

if they come in groups of three or more, they NEVER rerack

whites already are a minority
the world does not consist of your shitty americentric education alone

around blacks, never reracks

Going to the gym is stupid. Go to the park and lift yourself

Not a chance. I'm a citizen and I'm staying and fucking whites into extinction blue eyes gone by 2050

Going to the park is stupid. Go to the library and read yourself


if you really want to live around niggers and other assorted shitskins rather than around whites then you're welcome to it. have fun with the non-potable tap water, non-functional sewage systems, and collapsed welfare system, nigger

fucking whitey XDDDDDDDDDDDD

t. Beta male
Alphas like me leave weights on the floor for the cucks like OP to pick up after me

indians can only lift with their dominant hand cause they use their other one to wipe their ass

The gym I go to have Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis, etc (Sweden yes). The Arabs are usually pretty respectful and put the weights back where they belong, however only one of the Afghans rerack the weight, this Afghan coincidentally enough is the only one of them who looks like he lifts. He looks like a swole Asian oompa loompa

because shitskins are really insecure and treat everything a kind of dominance competition
a normal person thinks "well, I'd better put this back" unless they're absent-minded and forget
a shitskin thinks that he's submitting to someone if he obeys the rules or does something for anyone

what the fuck are these poverty tier benches? look like they're made out of meccano

welcome to 24h fitness

Going to the library is stupid. Stay in your room and shitpost yourself

Is this loss?

fucking hell i chuckled

> Push day two days ago
> Noodlearmfelafelgut pajeet walks up to nearby benchpress
> First time ever if I had to guess
> Promptly loads up lmao1pl8
> Lies down, unracks
> Accept my role as life saver
> Barbell touches chest
> Few seconds pass, cheering him on in my head
> Barbell rolls to throat
> Few more seconds, maybe his protein powder hasn't kicked in yet
> *inaudible squealing*
> Stand up and row the thing off his windpipe
> "Thank you"
(exit pajeet)

`You can tell this gym is not in USA because the advertisements on the wall only have token whites.

>Should I take the plates from the bar if they are not 45s?

... and it still has a men's room


I get them wooping and hooting sometimes, its like a god damn monkey house


I did once, but a car plowed through it,.

rerack your weights faggot

>Mohammad steals all the STEM field job and fucks all the white girls.

lol white people are the most cucked race to ever exist.

god damnit Brandon

We've always been a minority and still dominated most of the globe. How can shitskins even compete?

you're trying too hard

that girl isn't even hot who gives a fuck

Around blacks never rerack

>We've always been a minority and still dominated most of the globe
so you're Jewish?

T. White guy in Iowa

Every tandoori leaves his weights on the floori
When it comes to slants, rerack? Not a chance.

Is celebrating our impending genocide supposed to make me feel any less inclined to be racist?

The typical dune coon scatters weights round the room

Sometimes i forget after heavy deadlifts and squats
The thing i dont understand is how do you forget dumbells on the floor?
How hard is this set of curls that you forget to put it back?

>Sometimes i forget after heavy deadlifts
how? there's a huge bar with plates in the middle of the floor?

Personally the only thing I've ever forgotten is (1) to take my shit with me (2) to wipe down. No set is so hard that you don't realize when you're done...

I forget both of these things as well.

Why the hell are you on Veeky Forums then?

Kek'd irl

Are you unintelligent enough to think that being this blatantly anti-white will make us be more tolerant of you? No, your primitive races will be gone, one way or another.

Thanks m8. Evidently this guy came up with the same joke before me.

This is true.

Their inferiority complex extends to buying cars they can't afford to maintain then driving them like spastics.

Manlet sandniggers have their own off-the-scale psychological disorders.

This is true. I've lived and worked on black communities for years. Among the ones you'd call niggers (on the niggers vs. black people spectrum) there's some kind of mental block to obeying any kind of rule or authority.

I just wish Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania would pass laws against Russian roulette. Nigger population would fall 50% overnight.

Veeky Forums is for all races


That's nice, taking a selfie with her before the rape.