Strength training or bodybuilding?

strength training or bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is only possible if you have the genetics for it.
Anyone can get strong.

Trips of retardation

Trudeau is such a fucking cuck, I'd be so embarrassed to be a Canadian with this little shit in office

Also, to your question: natty bodybuilding is just powerlifting training in volume blocks if it's gonna be anything effective. Just pick a program that somebody else wrote (someone qualified, not your local trainer) and do that for a while. Best gains are found on a program

pure bb routine is useless without juice. just do some volume after strength and you'll grow as you would on a bb routine

What the fuck is with all these Veeky Forums threads being started with /pol/ images? It's a 4 word OP too

Are we being shilled by stormfags?

polfags getting swole for war

power building

strength training, aesthetics are for people with body image issues.

strength training until you outgrow your autism then bodybuilding

Trudeau is white knighting done right. He would be rolling in low test pussy if he wasn't a faggot.

Oh it's that time of the week again. Literally every week. Just do both. Train heavy compounds and then add volume after. Power bodybuilding is the happy place

Strenght routine for beginners I think is a good start. After that you could switch to higher reps with progressive overload and more accessories than you did in the beggining.
Also If you have the time hit the bigger muscles twice a week and the most important accessories too.
I could be wrong . I'll wait for some feedback

What do you mean by volume?
What's the difference with mass?

I am not trolling, genuine question.

>I'd be so embarrassed to be a Canadian
hurr durr a leef ha fuckin sorry ey?

they voted him in. You can't spell Canuck without cuck after all.

anyway, that's a stupid question, OP. Train for your goals.

Volume= Higher number or sets & reps
e.g. Typical BB volume exercises for something like chest might be 3 sets of 10-12 reps of incline dumbell bench press, dumbell flyes, & decline bench press ( see, high volume because you did a lot of sets & reps typically at a controlled weight with good time under tension, really "feeling the burn")

Intensity on the other hand is more for strength.
So let's say you do 3-5 heavy sets of no more than 5 reps per set. These work best for compound lifts e.g. Bench-press, Back Squat, Front Squat, Power Cleans. At this "high intensity" you should be doing a challenging weight something like 80% of your 1RM. Also, give yourself more rest between sets when training strength so you give your CNS time to recoup, as opposed to body-building high volume- low rest where you are literally trying to break the muscle fibers down then fuel them with tons of proteins and all your macros to make them grow bigger.

Hope that helps.

He's a handsome fuck, but god does he suck at boxing...

Thanks mate, yes that was helpful.
Really appreciate it, never really fully understood the difference.

Lmao, did he just get heemed by a jab?

its literally the opposite

Fun Fact:
Matthew Perry of 'Friends' fame beat up Justin Trudeau while they were in elementary school

Volume is:

A: Closeness of a muscle to failure
B: Amount of times done within a set amount of time

Genetics are required in both.

We can't help being Canadian. You can help being a tripfag.

Wrong. For bodybuilding you need to have good insertions, high test, and good response to steroids.
To get strong you just need to eat a lot.

is that fidel castro's son? he looks jewish as fuck

This desu

Both, do 531 3 days a week with 5x5 FSL and enjoy being a big guy