Tfw 6'2

>tfw 6'2
>sister said I'm too tall
>last girl I dated said I'm too tall
What's the big deal with height on here? I don't think women care all that much if you aren't above 6'0


In what world is this too tall? I'm guessing you either live in Latin America or somewhere in Asia, because those are the only places where that height is abnormally tall rather than a bit higher than average. Like, these bitches must have some serious malnutrition if they think that 6'2" is too tall lol


They're just insecure bro, raise your standards and find a better sister/woman

Why are you dating your sister?

I'm manlet but I'm p sure "too tall" is the same as "ew too muscular". just b-tier females justifying their b-tier mates

They are retarted just ignore it


Maybe you're lanky or ugly as fuck?
I don't think anyone would think anything below 190cm is "too tall"

The idea is that OP isn't actually 6'2", he's just a pathetic manley trying to make himself feel better about being useless

This. You aren't too tall, you're too skinny so your body is disproportionate.

obvious false flag

shoo shoo

manlet trying to cope
I'm 6ft3 and the only person that ever said I was too tall was my ex's mother, and that's only because my ex was 4ft11.

the downsides of being tall are all masively overplayed - I definitely wish I was a bit taller. I feel like the true sweetspot is somewhere around 6ft5 or 6ft6, but probably depends on where you live.

Living in Britain where everyone is a manlet makes it easy - back in Germany I'm basically just upper average.

only if you're on steroids
male model sweet spot is still 6'2"-6'3", i.e. slayers

Good luck getting clothes at 6"6 that look decent. Good luck at getting shoes for your enormous feet.

I am 6'3 and i realize that anything above my height is garbage. For every inch you gain from 6'3 you become more and more clumsy.

The practical perfect height is 6-6'2 but 6'3 looks slightly better

What 6'6 actually looks like. Also when talking about tall men women normally talk about guys no taller than 6'3

I'm 6 feet but have size 14 feet and have never had any trouble finding shoes

funny, I'm size 12.5 (45-46 EU, 47 EU / 13 US in sneakers) and I can just fit into the biggest shoes everywhere I go. Size 14 and bigger is excluding you from most decent looking shoes (inb4 "muh fashion is for faggots").

major fashion brands will probably have that size of shoes
if you want actually good shoes you're going to have to get them tailored anyway
I'm size 44 so it really isn't bothering me, I can get shoes in Germany everywhere no matter ones which I like but my father, who has larger feet (don't know exact size) never struggled with fashion.

Probably is more costly though as you won't get decent suits and shoes that aren't at least fitted.

Well fashion is for faggots but I do buy "brand name" shoes, not some 20€ sneakers from the supermarket.
I don't know if I'd find some gold glittery gucci shoes but high quality shoe makers like red wings which I personally like or any international brand that makes running shoes or sneakers has sizes up to 14 always available.

tbqh I'm not big on shoes. I like quality but I just keep one pair for summer and one pair for winter. I just got new red wings for this summer, been using timbs with a "fur" lining for the past 6 months.

well yeah I'm in western europe too, 40-45 is considered normal range for men in most department stores. Anything 48 and higher isn't really available off the rack.

>thinly veiled manlet falseflagging

>Anything 48 and higher
It's higher than 48 that's not available. 48 is very often the cut off biggest size they carry. t. 48

nice cope lol

The problem is people inflate their height by 2-3 inches. 6 footers claim 6'2, 5'10ers claim 6, etc.

In real life, a true, honest 6'2" looks tall. I have a friend who is 6'2" on the dot and people try to say he is 6'4"-6'5"

he's not coping he's saying girls that say "ew too tall" are just intimidated by the guys, similarly to when extremely aesthetic dudes are being called "ew too muscular".
Secretely they like it, they're just aware that it's out of their league so they cope.

really depends on where you live.
In Munich, 6ft3 makes me well above average, but I will go into public and find many people significantly taller.
In Britain I can go into public and I'll actually stand out

I'm aware that I sound insecure af having said that, but it's not a massive deal to me. It's just that, if I were able to be slightly taller, I'd take the opportunity - at very least when I'm in Germany.

I'm 6 feet and I feel short in public in Helsinki :(

Weight? Lanklets get comments about too tall cause your frame is so fuckin long.

>I'm still well above average aka tall in big cities
>"b-but there's more insanely tall people in big cities"
No fucking shit, what point are you trying to make? That you're not as much of a special snowflake in big cities? Get a grip lad

You're just insecure, 6' is probably the average in big cities, and most people there tend to care more about their appearance so they're more likely to wear thick shoes that will boost their heights. Seriously pay attention to it next time you go outside.
I'm 5'11" and usually wear boots that boost me like 1.25" and I feel tall everywhere but Berlin where I feel average, even with smaller shoes.

>6' is probably the average in big cities
Probably, but being average feels like being short. Literally HALF the people you see are taller than you

No you retard that's not how it works. Most people are going to be in the 5'11"-6'1" range. The average height is also the most common one.

>what is average

I think he's right height is normally distributed

yeah but if I'm sitting right at the average then half the people are taller than me. even if just by a centimeter or two

lmao you really are fucking retarded, figures since you feel short at 6', probably a 5'10 manlet deluding himself
What you're talking about is the MEDIAN you uneducated fuck

Women really don't care, all this "unless you're over 6'3" you're a genetic defect" bs is just ugly insecure tall dudes trying to feel better about themselves. Yeah women like tall guys in the same way I like big tits; it's nice but not a requirement. I'm 5'7" and regularly get with good looking girls, hell I have one friend that's 5'4" and I see him with 9/10 chicks all the time; dude fucks like a rabbit.

the irony is that median is a type of average. just like mean is which is probably the one you're trying to refer to. "average" in itself doesn't refer to any set one. this is middle school math btw, maybe grade school.

ANYWAY regardless if it's mean or median, it's still around half the male population who are taller than me.

this is true

t. tall person

Yes I'm talking about the mean, like you said it's grade school math so I didn't think I'd have to mention it, also
>what is normal distribution