/plg/ powerlifting general

Just a reminder

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>that setup

nothing wrong with that setup you goof

first for waiting for straps to be delivered so I can go lift

I'm letting some slippery little Sean O'Neils tumble out of my butthole right now. They make a satisfying plop plop plop. Theses turds are clearly earning their namesake today, folks.

Is a slingshot for bench worth getting?
How would I use it if I got one and how much would I increase my working sets if I use it?

It's great for what it costs. A nice cheap way to incorporate accommodating resistance.

You can use it however you want.
>in place of regular bench for max effort days via conjugate
>concurrently with regular bench
>on it's own bench day
>at the end of bench day to put future weight in your hands
>ego lifting

Cody Lefever talks about how to program it on his blog. Look at the slingshot website to see how much weight each version adds (approx)

I'm Australian so not so cheap.
The best deal I can get in Aus is $92 including postage for the original red one

those dip bars are fucking awful. they are straight and pretty wide

>brainfogged af
>have a bunch of shit to do + train
today is going to be awful

Oh that sucks. Skip it, for that price, unless you're not poor.

Better luck next country.

>have a bunch of shit to do + train
Life is hard when you're 19 years old

>tfw actually 23 neet
constant brainfog is very disabling


Lol. Do you have a thyroid condition too?

Life is so easy for you that your brain has fog. Go move to africa and run from a fucking lion. Your head will clear.

t. has never had brainfog

?In clinical practice there is no standard test that is exclusive and specific; therefore, the diagnosis depends on the subjective impression of the physician.[20] The DSM-IV-TR instructs clinicians to code subsyndromal delirium presentations under the miscellaneous category of "cognitive disorder not otherwise specified".[31]

Sounds fake as shit. Quit making excuses for being a lazy piece of shit.

You can also use it for dl

In the defence of the brainfog user, if he is european. European man used to live in the forest for tens of thousands of years, recently things have changed, but the body has not fully. Those more closer to nature, tend to get more brainfog if they live in cities. All the noises of other people that you should not hear, all the cars, fumes from cars and other people smoking. Visually un-natural, ugly. Literal hell compared to nature. More and more disturbing things there nowadays. European man is ment to live in small packs, with alot of room. In nature.

I recommend daily mindful meditation. It helps train you to side-step all that stimulus and allows you to remain tranquil even when surrounded by the chaos of a city.

My brain fog used to be pretty much just getting lost in the noise. You just kinda zone out, you almost cease to exist; like your eyes just kind of float backwards as your present self slips further and further backwards. Everything feels distant and slow and hollow.

A few months of regular meditation changed it. Now I mostly feel alert, calm and actually solid. I feel planted and awake.

What's the "correct" progression for sheiko workouts? Currently doing 29. I've seen some people say [I think] 37 after, then 30, but then I've seen other sources say 29, then 30, 31, etc. It's there a right or wrong way to progress through the workouts?

If you don't know that already it means you haven't done your research. Which means you probably shouldn't be doing that program. Have fun. Hope you don't need your dick

I've lost all my friends by moving away
Feels bad lads

What lift will ease the pain

>Those more closer to nature, tend to get more brainfog if they live in cities
exactly described me

I LOVE nature, fuck I even watch bushcraft videos and nature oriented games to feel like im outside. Yet I live in an very very urbanized area

fuck man I really need to move to america and live somewhere rural

Get a fucking shirt you raw faggot

mhmm yes what a relief long Norman khan logs are evacuating my anus and I still feel pressure in my abdominal oh yea my sphincter is just itching to send these logs back to India, yup, these shit stinky smelly sweaty logs are certainly earning their namesake today folks

You are poor, weak, small, ugly, poor.

Falling asleep under the bar today lads.

I'm going to finish today's load tomorrow morning.
I've gotta change my sleep so I train in the morning anyway.

Didn't Dietmar find that equal volume, higher frequency works better anyway?

Fuck, marry, kill:
Dino, Isley, Benchbro?

Those descriptions sound really like what it is sometimes. Sometimes, if I close my eyes during those times, I feel like they are not even closed. As if they would be closed already, even if they are open. In that ''off'' state.

Nice projections KEK

>Didn't Dietmar find that equal volume, higher frequency works better anyway?
Yes, but there's likely a lower threshold for meaningful volume per session (MED as Israetel calls it), and the lower frequency group might have outworked their work capacity or MRV.

who the fk is norman khan

we back

Fuck bitches
Lets get it

Bench press
Close-grip bench press
JM Press

Overhead Press
Behind-the-neck Press
Bradford Press
Push Press

Sumo Deadlifts
Power cleans
Back extensions

Pick 5 and I'll do them tomorrow

>still can't get the model right
>five fucking days until it's due

>upload failed
Am I the only one getting constant upload and connection errors lately?

btn press
chin ups
power cleans
back extensions

>the person that is malnourished with irregular sleep patterns, hormones, stimulus for emotions, never goes outside, or grows as a human being uses the effects of the above to justify doing the above

euthanize yourself

>taking any additions in the DSM IV as legitmate

psychology and psychiatry are jewish inventions

but you just described 90% of the posters here

Sorry to hear about the soon to be ex-wife, lad. How are you now?

that is disassociation which is the result of being over stimulated and your body trying to cope with stress

its a defense mechanism that can be fought off

t. guy who manages his DID

powerlifting to win has a quick guide I believe

Im pretty sure that the sheets also have a guide

you should do sheiko beginner while researching more dude

do you need a link to it?

Why are powerifters so fat and ugly?

>slept 9 hours in 6 days
>still lifting 3x a week
>did 80% 4x8 yesterday on binch and 80% 1+1/2 x5 deadlifts

My body is trembling

prenup lawyer earned his money lets say that

Good shit.
Why do you use pre-exhaust in your programming?

what are you talking about

you think bench fatigues enough for deads or squats after?

I never felt an influence unless its above 90%

I can find studies showing people actually lift faster and make better strength gains when upper/lower is the same day

>what are you talking about
You posted an outline of your programming the other day and it said pre-exhaust near the end. Maybe I misunderstood?

Will do

Figjam is trappy
>hates captain poutine
>gives the same shitty unsolicited advice
>posts exactly the same way
>came after teappy left
>used even more fake pictures of his friends


I dont remember that but I think I was explaining how I havent slept in 6 days and how Im not even exhausted is weird as fuck

just ego lift with the strongest one its the only way

No, I do too, and I also live in Norway

The "murder phase".

youre like an animal that keeps walking in circles till they die

rip nigga



Known and loved old trip here

current favorites

if my resting bpm is around 75 i should probably do some cardio every once in a while for work capacity sake right

And sandniggers invented the zero, as long as we're arbitrarily pointing out that certain races invented certain things while also being racist about it.

Probably. This is anecdotal at best but my resting bpm is 65-70 and my work capacity is pretty high and I can tolerate a shit ton of volume. So maybe the two are correlated, maybe they arent

makes sense. i cant do shit for volume cause my cardio is ass


For what purpose


what program should i follow to become swole as fuck?

Trip on, mister.

Any that you enjoy and can make consistent gains on for 4-6+ months while eating and sleeping enough

yeah I realised after just after I posted. Im a mong t b h :^)

youre a good lad tho, and its not like theres much competition anymore. anyone who isnt a cunt can be a top current trip really

We know this

How much dedicated back work do you guys do? Ive never found that its really helped my lifts much but I feel ive probably been lacking it for prehab purposes

>You're a good lad
T-t-thanks, y-you too

>Not much competition anymore
Feels bad man, so many good trips are gone or basically gone :(

Not enough, gonna be doing dedicated back work 4x a week when I can start lifting again

Im gonna start throwing some in, what would you reccomend. I was thinking of rotating some sort of row or pulldown each training day

Posted this in /fat/ and got zero replies, figured you guys know more about lifting so here goes...

So I'm 50lbs down since mid feb. Been lifting about 5 weeks.

Problem is, my lifts are all fucked up. For example:

OHP - 75 max for like 4 reps
BP - 135 1rm
Squat - 135 x 5, feel I could do more but I don't want to have bad form and fuck up my back
DL - other day I did 135x5 on my last set, then did 2 reps at 175
Bent over row - did 115 x 5 on my last set on Monday, struggled hard to do them properly
Lat pulldown - can't seem to get past 90Lbs on my last set, struggle like a mother fucker to pull down those last two reps.

1. I've been following the sticky program, sean10mm's stripped 5x5, but instead of AxBxAxx, BxAxBxx, I just do AxBxx(AB)x (so basically A+B on Saturday) Is there a problem if I started doing AxBABAB (I don't have time to lift on Tuesdays, so that would be my day off)

2. Since I'm having trouble progressing some of these lifts, does that mean I need to do more volume? Or less volume with higher intensity?

The program says to start with lower weight and move up, so I usually start with a lower weight and add 10lbs each set (e.g. BP is 5 reps of 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, then 1 rep at 135). I assume this is to warm up muscles, because when my workout is finished I feel so much stronger and I feel I could hurl the empty bar like a javelin, but idk if I should start with heavier to try to increase strength.

I'm so lost. Please help.

Sorry for blag post.

>tfw antibiotics gave me the shits

progressing is hard when you are trying to lose weight.
stick to doing the routine as often as it says it should be done

you should warm up, then do the same weight for 5x5

Just keep lifting also
>plz be kg

I'm gonna alternate bent over rows and chins, but whatever horizontal and vertical pulls you enjoy, do them

Literally just do it as written, 3x a week. I will never understand why noobs try to fuck with the program so much

More volume or just not cutting on a beginner program

Sadly, no, those numbers are in lbs. I was 328lbs in mid Feb, and have cut 50 lbs since then. My starting numbers 5 weeks ago were even worse. I thought noob gains would go higher than this.

So basically I should do some amount of warm up sets, then do my "max" set weight 5x5? I've been doing this shit all wrong. Fuck.

How do I figure out what is an appropriate warm up?

Thanks for replies, guys.

Noob gains do go higher, but you haven't been doing the program. AxBxAxx - BxAxBxx - repeat, and you are cutting.

Warm ups you just feel out. The point is to get warm and used to the movement so you don't tear yourt muscles. Your 5x5 sets are your working sets and are the same weight, this weight is what increases each session.

>Literally just do it as written, 3x a week. I will never understand why noobs try to fuck with the program so much

Probably because I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. I did Monday's workout and did not get sore on Tuesday or today even though I was pushing fucking hard, so I thought maybe I could just increase frequency since I wasn't in pain. Does this mean I'm doing it wrong? If it helps, I take BCAAs and a protein shake before working out, and a protein shake after as well. Supposedly supposed to help with recovery but no idea if thats just a meme.

You don't get sore because, no offense, you are lifting pussyweight. Doesn't mean you need to fuck with the program, though. But if you know you have no clue, why did you edit the program? Why did you not stick to it religiously?

OK, I will make time on Fridays to lift then and follow the program to the letter. I honestly didn't realize the importance of this, and I still don't understand it, but will trust those who have more gains.

Thanks man.

Wife and I like to watch movies on Friday nights. Guess she is SOL from now on. Am going to do program as prescribed from now on.

And no offense taken, I realize the weight I'm lifting is laughable, I actually just miss the muscle soreness I guess. I felt like it was validation.

No offense but focus on the weight loss
Do high rep stuff like 4x12 and get a sweat going
Doing 5x5 requires decent bulking ( or at least maintaining) to make good progress

What's a decent intermediate routine to run concurrently to SS for my presses? I'm stalling just above 1pl8 press and nearly 2pl8 bench (have already deloaded once), but my squats and deads are still going up pretty nicely (3pl8 and just above 3.5pl8 respectively).

I was thinking something like 5/3/1, but was wondering if you guys had any better ideas?

Lack of pain is a poor indicator for drastically changing a program. Soreness also means jack shit. Beginner programs (and most other programs) are written in a specific way because eventually just recovering session to session is going to take everything you have, adding extra days makes it harder to progress and to recover.

They minorly do but they won't make or break anything

You could lift Saturday too, changing the spacing of the days minorly like that won't affect anything major.

In a couple weeks you'll be wishing that the worst of it was soreness

3x beg and then 3x int med from 28 free programs

Muscle soreness is absolutely no indication of the quality of your workout or its potential effect on your muscle growth. The only thing soreness is a metric of is how sore you are.

Yes. Use it as an overload accessory for bench. 1RM example usage would be 110% to 115%.

Thanks dudes. You've set me back on the straight and narrow. Really appreciate the help.

Also shout out to my nigga Sean because salt is the best spice

You can't make me

>usually bench pinkies just inside the rings
>feels really uncomfy today for some reason
>try max legal
>super comfy

am I a cheater now?? should I just kms?

Efficacy of "power rows"? I feel like they could help with deadlift. Tried them with 225 the other day and they were fun, dunno if I looked autistic though.

how do you guys change your programming for cutting? on nuckols bench just now and am not sure what to do when i need to cut.

slightly less volume, and i choose more nutrient dense foods

Im uber fatigued, exhausted sleepy all the time, no thinking, everything feels like shit, lmao 30% squats feel heavy.

1-2 week rest? I btfoed myself with C6W first week, I cannot fucking deadlift and squat heavy on the same day for a lot of sets/reps

you get used to it

also weeks 1 and 2 are the hardest

I was not able to do my bench sets today and catch myself sitting like 5 minutes watching some point on the wall being so sleepy while i sleep like 9h at night. I might fuck up before and gather fatigue beacuse I did some squat every day week before

I did Candi before with great gains but i didnt use it for deadlift as I hate deadllifting 6+ reps with moderate/heavy weights

because youre sore?

Women ate absolutely insane

I really wish I was gay. So damn much.