What do you drink when trying to quit soda?

What do you drink when trying to quit soda?

Water is pig disgusting

t. never gonna make it

>negative energy

You're right, I'm sorry. You need to adapt to drinking water. It's not disgusting, you're just used to every liquid having sugar in it. Cut all processed sugar out, go through a terrible week of cravings, then you'll be right as rain.

You're gonna make it.

I will try again this week. Moving away from my disgusting eating habits have been surprisingly easy, but I'm unironically used to drinking 1.5 l of soda per day and I'm having huge problems quitting

>not drinking nothing but water filtered and boiled water from glass and metal containers

Try brewing pitchers of tea.. Start making it sweet, then add less and less sugar till you're weaned off.

>water is pig disgusting
What kind of human being are you?
Jesus Christ. Drown yourself in your toilet, you fat fuck

Protein shakes

My fat roommate seems to be having luck with a "fake soda" he makes, it's water, a bit of apple cider vinegar for kick. He also sometimes puts lemon and lime juice in water.

never tasted tea, but i will give this a try. trying to drink more coffee failed because I can't handle all that caffeine

raised on soda and lemonade almost exclusively, and continued drinking only sugary drinks as an adult, but i really need to quit

coffee (black), water, and tea. you'll get use to it.

soda is the devil

>the essence of life is disgusting

This is the degree to which you are poisoned.

How bad is Airzona Green Tea. Starting down the Veeky Forums road and I know I'm going have cravings I thought if I buy a gallon of it when I want to eat something unhealthy I just go pour a glass of it.

Its not the best but it's not that bad is it?

heres how i quit my cola addiction. i switched to coke zero and drank it at room temperature. fucking nasty. now i dont crave it hardly at all.

>17 grams of sugar

Just drink water you fucking blue pilled faggot.

>muh sweets

Jesus you guys are like little girls

Limit yourself to juice at breakfast and then lemon water the rest of the day.

>Next week
Not making it the post

Don't know what I was expecting, thanks user.

Unsweet iced tea with lemon was my life saver. Water just doesn't do it when I'm having a heavy meal but the tea works well

>water is pig disgusting
dude please just double down on the soda until you die of diabetes


It was quite easy for me. Just stop drinking it. Don't think about it. You become the man you want to be by being that exact man every day. Remind yourself of your goals anytime you feel an urge.

Just get into the habit of drinking water, and then slowly decrease soda intake.


This, and other lemon variations. Just going for water didn't work for me. I still drink much more water that I did before, but with meals or when sitting by the computer watching tv series and stuff I want something else

Diet coke is literally the superior choice, tastes incredible

>Water is disgusting
>Never tasted tea
Literally kill yourself

Your tap water is probably shit. Get a filter. Bottle water is a scam.

Maybe try not living in a third world dirt ball where your water is more or less mud. Kthx

>live in Wisconsin
>tap water tastes better than bottled

pleb lmao

do yourself a favor and try drinking only water for a week

I'm trying to quit all unhealthy shit, period, starting with soda. So far, the most I've made it is two whole days before I went and got a bottle of coke. How do you find the motivation? My body is literally feeling like it's gonna collapse if I don't put in some coke on a daily basis. Like, I drink water if thirsty, but the moment I stop drinking water, I still want to drink, only something with that godly fizz and taste.

it took me a month off soda to get used to it, was even having headaches and shit

its crazy how that stuff invades your system

Just drink this occasionally.

>was even having headaches and shit

It's because a lot of soda contains caffeine.

I only e joy drinking water out of a gallon jug. After you're not addicted to sugar you will enjoy water.

Switch to OJ and club soda. Still fizzy, still a bit acidic, has some taste.

No joke, quitting cola is harder than you might think. It's all that sugar.

Diet soda, nigger.

>Water is pig disgusting
fucking burgers

as a kid I drank diet soda all the fucking time. decided to give it up and just replaced it with water. been drinking 5+ liters of water a day since then, before I even knew it had health benefits. I just like to drink something.

Knowing there are cunts like you and the countless girls I know who are unironically addicted to diet coke makes me really glad my parents didnt let me have fizzy drinks often. theyre terrible health wise and totally pointless expenditure, and they dont even taste that nice, your tongue has literally been memed by the co2 and artificial flavourings

Drink diet Dr. Pepper or coke zero. Way better than full sugar coke for you.

Opposite for me, I can't stand sugary drinks like soda or lemonade. They taste like tainted water to me.
>Not having a 32 oz reusable water bottle you keep next to you all day for all your hydration needs
I got lucky as a child in that I hated carbonation and thus refused to ever drink soda.

>Water is pig disgusting

try it when u are thirsty

bro, drink zevia. it has nothing in it and no sugar or literally anything. all it is is carbonated water and stevia leaf extract as well as some acids. also tastes exactly like coke.

My cheese head nigga.

put ice in the water, the cold will distract your short attention span from noticing youre drinking water

I'm only a month in with my diet (basically just counting calories) and in my first two weeks I limited myself to one pop a day and made orange juice my primary drink and would get juice or lemonade at restuarants. On the third week I started ordering water at restaurants and buying bottles of water in bulk.

I haven't had anything to drink aside from water for over a week now and honestly it's not that bad. Every day I notice it getting better. Just start easing it in. I used to drink nothing but soda as well, sometimes probably drinking 2 or 3 liters worth a day. I haven't even craved it lately.

And if you really can't go without some then just limit yourself.

>also tastes exactly like coke

It tastes like DIET coke wich is fucking disgusting. All diet soda beverages are garbage.

Every sugary drink is pleb tier

>your tongue has literally been memed by the co2 and artificial flavourings
it's the way it is, but it's not too late to change

>water is disgusting
lmao just give up bro with that attitude

Every time I think about getting a soda, I visualize myself at my goal body, then I think about how long the pleasure from drinking a soda will last compared to having my goal body and how thirsty I will be after chugging empty calories. Then I down a large container of water and don't look back. It would be nice of cravings didn't exist but they do and you just have to accept that being fit or anything else worth doing comes with sacrifices and will be a lifelong fight.

>Water is pig disgusting
lol. not fit for living on this planet then.

All these fags drinking so much fruit juice trying to lose weight. Oh lawd.

Fucking amerifags. Cant drink anything without a fuckton of sugar in it. Water is the only thing our species is suppossed too drink you fucking subhumans.