Be me

>Be me
>Work at local gym for about a year
>where i also workout ofc
>Fucking """Refugee""" niggers start ruining the gym
>not re-racking ANYTHING (so that i have to do it when i close up for the night)
>Destroy most of the boxing equipment exept for the boxing-sack, kek.
>not leaving before 21:50 when we close at 21:30
>I have to do something since the others working here are just ignoring the issue at hand
>Notice that most of them doesnt have an active membership when i check our computers
>Get idea
>Start stopping ALL noggs and asking if they have a valid membership
>most of them dont even speak english or swedish
>only about 1 in 15 does have membership
>Start throwing them out, not letting them in since they dont have any valid membership.
>More and more each day
>Muhammad Hussein
>Ali Kahamza
>Zehab Ammahdi Haddad
>My nerves

One of them is really chill desu. One in about forty that is, kek.

Wat do?
Help me, Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Run away to eastern europe

I ironicaly purchased 3 adidas tracksuits and a balclava just in case

Get management to institute fines for anti-social behavior (eg failing to re-rack, staying past close) and equipment damage.

Cancel the memberships of those with unpaid fines.

They will just keep coming anyway

In Sweden the police are scared of the refugees

>Accualy helpfull advice

good idea'r

Im well aware my dude

Put bacon and vodka at the door, scare the Shari out of them

leave sweden is the only answer

this isnt a local issue, its systemic to you whole cuckold country


I have lots of friends planning to move to a more un-cucked nation like japan. No weebs doe. Seriously concidering to move with them


I want to preface this by saying I have never been to Japan, I simply enjoy learning about their culture. I do however have first hand experience both visiting and living in different countries. I also have acquaintances that are or have been globetrotters. In my opinion and from my impressions Japan is a good country to visit, but living or working there is nope. Their stance on immigration has nothing to do with how cucked they are if that was what you were insinuating. They are a very collectivist society while practicing capitalism at the same time. You're essentially nothing more than a kog in a wheel there. Not to mention that you or your children would never truly be accepted as one of them. You work a ridiculous amount of overtime while following orders like a sheep, always brown nosing your superiors. Don't come with suggestions or try to do something different. You're like the right hand of your boss. Individualism is very looked down upon in the work force. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down". There are of course jobs that aren't as demanding. I believe being an english teacher is one of the popular ones for foreigners.

Social etiquette is also very strict, especially in work and school environments. You must dress a certain way, you are not allowed to grow a beard, don't dye your hair, don't get tattoos. Once again, don't stand out. Then there's being female in Japan which brings a whole other set of problems which I won't extrapolate too much, but there's a lot of interesting things going on here which I believe these videos display:

One day I believe you'll come to the conclusion that Scandinavian countries are one of the best to grow up in and live in. Despite the countries current issues you won't find that standard of living almost anywhere else (Unless you're rich).

What this user said op. If you don't enforce the rules they'll walk all over your facility.

Hell, if you put some of these measures into effect and get some respectful regulars you could completely turn your relationship with the refugees around.

I'd say what you're doing is what you should be doing.

I mean, enforce the rules, if they're there to work out they need to follow them.

See rules in a business aren't like sweetish laws, you actually have to enforce them when brown folk come around.

>wants to run away from people who don't rerack weights and are generally disrespectful to anyone who isn't part of their immediate family
>Eastern Europe

Yeah no. Gopniks are just as bad.

>scared of the totalitarian progressive regime

My friend recently moved there for an english assistance program. He said the place is very conservative in views (aside from penis festivals) and social justice isnt even a thing

I also work in a gym and have the same problems (in UK). If the problem is with most (broadly civilised) people, you can just comment to the decent members and subtly recruit them to put pressure on the troublemakers. Unfortunately, barbarians don't care about social pressure. The only thing that works is kicking them out. Eventually they will find a more 'tolerant' establishment to walk over. Be brave, user.

Bullshit. I've been in Japan for twenty years and it's fun, it's easy. With the caveat: of course you have to know the language really fucking well to live well, but you wouldn't tolerate anyone who refuses to learn English into the higher echelons of U.S. society either. Everyone who complains about Japan being hard is some weeb asshole who wants to live here for the women and is too much of a lazy cunt to learn the language. That you need to have excellent Japanese in Japan to get a decent job does not make them ethnocentric, refusing to function in a language other than English makes us ethnocentric.

Also: don't come over to work as one of the creepy English conversation teachers. Of course that's a dead end career. It's only worth it if you excel at something, especially in big companies. Then you don't have to do overtime like the office drones (what's the fucking point of remembering an entirely different language if you don't aim higher than an average job?) and your individuality and unique skills will be appreciated. If you come over with a head full of dreams and neither the intellect nor the will to make it, of course a different culture is going to kick you in the ass. But places like Korea or Thailand would kick you in the teeth.

I pay a lot of money for my gym membership. If I saw a single nigger in it I would cancel on the spot.

You work in a shit gym , swede cuck ,without locking doors and security.

Get a manlet pit. Most rapefugees are really short. That ought to put them in their place

Yeah I am from Sweden too and I'd say this post is quite accurate, I am still torn on whether to stay here for now or not, I am currently in Uni and my degree, I guess I'll decide in a couple of years.

>running away
YOU are the problem

Save your country, you pathetic cowards

Like you mean befriend them?
Get your head out of the sand. It explicitly says in the Koran that Muslims cannot be friends with Kafir. Oh, BUT, they CAN pretend to be your friend. Watch your back.

I see what you mean, but is it not very hard to get a proper job as a foreigner unless you get transferred there from let's say a branch of a larger corporation. My post was primarily aimed against the popular notion of "the grass is always greener on the other side" and "i'll just go to japan with their traditional, conservative values and loyal women". It's not that easy. I'm sure if you know what you're actually getting yourself into and passionately learn the language and a trade you will find success.


You can evict people with involving the police.

Use shame, shut off the lights, put an interlock on the machines, get a hose, hire security (the biggest, gayest people you can find), use audio repellents, etc.

If it were me, I'd hire security, I'd put out ads in America for leather daddy combat vets of Scandinavian ancestry, preferably with MC affiliations

Well spoken. I'll be.

We have locked doors. It works like this. You swipe your card at a computer. You then get a code printed out on a reciept. You then enter that code upstairs to open a locked door. Problem is; people throw the reciepts away and the nogs find them.

Whats that site that shows you that?

Im involved in politics, trying to fix the shit situation that the current government put us in. Candidating for a place in (theres no english word for this, but ill use the closest word) the city council. Strip them of their welfare.

>If only

then you start bashing skulls
dont worry about jail because the internet will claim you a hero, and thats all that matters

Then either make it so the code is only accepted once, or that it expires after a few minutes upon being printed. Granted you probably don't have that sort of access, but always an idea to put forward to whoever does.

True, its a good concept

Why hasn't a refugee murdering serial killer arised yet?

Obviously it's not that bad of a problem.


here is what you do

you quarantine a fitness/prayer room to draw them in with a few pieces of equipment notably a smith machine to have a bench thats welded to in in place so the bar travels above the neck, rigged so that it has hydraulics hidden in the supports and the press off when the bar stops travelling.

so you set up the instructions in the 'allah willing gains maker' in arabic to get them to go really heavy for negatives and it assists the concentric phase, then it gets lowered to the neck and the hydraulics go off choking them to death or outright decapitating them if they're somali. we have one in our gym in germany, we call it the refugee 'guillotine'. only drawback is it only gets the ones that can read

Ill think about it, sounds nice

And Peter Mangs

>had autism
>some girl half his age fell in love with him after seeing a show about him and they got engaged
he's gotta be the hero of at least a couple guys on this site

Paint some islamic symbol or Mohammad look-alike on the floor just inside the gym.
They won't be able to step on it and can't get in.

leave your country to burn, their is zero hope for sweden.

go make white children in ukraine, australia, iceland, russia, america, fuck even argentina

Anybody got that screencap of some user who had similar problem with refugees in the gym? The one who developed a set of creative ways to send them straight to the snap city.

Thanks! I couldnt remember for the life of me.

>wat do

Börk loudly at them and offer them your home and anus for troubling them. Then get the hell out of that country.