
What are some techniques you guys have for winning fights? Any way to absolutely put someone out other than going for the throat?

Crotch shots, eye gouging and headbutts to the nose are all effective ways to get people to avoid fucking with you.

if you are clinched, bite his throat

Don't hesitate. At all.

This especially with niggers, don't fall for the "which way is norf" or "ayo you got da time" tricks either.

box for a few years + sucker punch = pinpoint accurate technically perfect sucker punch

think about it

headbutts and elbows.

Dont punch, dont kick.

>tfw my uncle almost pressed charges against me because I headbutted him after a drunken argument

Don't use that unless you're in legit danger. I broke his nose, removed a tooth, and caused bruising near his zygomatic bone.

Punch with your middle finger knuckles (leopard punch) or chop in the throat.
Always throat OP.

Failing that go for the temple or ear and elbow the neck/head while they're disorientated.

>What are some techniques you guys have for winning fights?
I don't get involved in any

Back in elementary school if I was getting jumped by multiple people I'd go for nut shots. Nobody really tried it again.

immediately go for the take down. I know how to shoot the legs but that's about it.

its good to get the first hit
hit on the back of the neck
if theyre still standing legs or knees usually work

I live in a shitty third world country. We dont sue for a street fight.

punching first, also knowing how to throw a punch, i've got myself into three fights in my life, first one i was thin as fuck and got beat easily, second and third i was dfairly big 6'0 200lbs 15%bf and the first one i k.o'd the guy with one punch and the second with two punches, the first punch made him go back and almost fall, when he finally managed to hold still i punched him again and he fell like a tree.
i trained for strength my core, chest, shoulder and triceps for maximum push strength, everyday punched my punching bag as hard as i can, so after about 5 or 6 months i could make it swing pretty hard

Don't get involved in one.

We're not niggers.

As someone who's been in a fuckton of fights the best thing to do is to act first, if you feel threatened hit them in the chin as hard and as fast as you possibly can before they can react. If you find yourself on the ground or in a clinch then use dirty tactics such as biting or jamming your thumbs in their eyes.

The best thing to do though would be to actually learn how to fight, go and train in boxing or a martial art, Muay Thai is supposedly really effective.

I unironicaly enjoy egg whites and plain chicken breast.

using your chin/jaw. your jaw is extremely strong and you can clench that shit on somebody


Your head weighs something like 25lbs, has all these powerful neck and back muscles balancing it, and has an incredibly thick, hard plate of bone across the forehead. It's like getting bashed in the face with a bowling ball. Land right on the nose and follow through, if they can't pull back at all they're gonna need surgery to fix the damage.

Before the fight starts, step backward with one foot nonchalantly like you're thinking "I'm really gonna have to fight this guy" then when you bring your foot forward and swing your torso back towards him continue the motion into a headbutt, build momentum and adds some surprise factor.

I was thinking about this today, and the fact of the matter is, most guys like to think they know how to fight, but very few actually do. I'm a lean 180 pounds at 5'10" with a 275 pound bench press and a 365 pound squat. If I was ever forced into a fight I'd just try and push the other guy away and be very likely to succeed.
The other alternatives if you're actually a nigger or living in a really shitty place are a follows, in order of effectiveness:
1) Carry a gun
2) Fight dirty (nut kick, eye gouge, biting, etc)
3) Take proper boxing lessons for about 6-12 months and take them seriously.

OP you don't win the fight if you're still there when the cops show up and you get identified.

Kick that nig in the knees until they bend the other way, do the dirtiest shit you can think of and then run the fuck away as fast as you can. You don't have to knock anybody out.

>suing you own blood
what a degenerate, you should fuck him up or end all contact

he already fucked him up speed reader