Is he natty? :^)
Is he natty? :^)
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No. He has roid skin
>those veins
Fuck no.
lol no
he isnt even that vascular..
that is definitely achievable natty
doesn't mean he did it natty but doesnt really matter
>that is definitely achievable natty
After years of commitment. This guy injected this body and everyone knows it.
Looking that dry while still having full muscles is totally natty am I right
or low bodyfat and genetics
i've seen dyel high schoolers with no muscle that have better vascularity than that
Ask me how I know you're new to lifting.
Go on.
dry from girls queueing up to suck him off i bet
no, which is pretty funny since he's like 5'4"
How u know I'm new to liftin?
Is this dried up raisin natty?
I notice nattys have this slanted look where people on gear have these huge developed frame/shoulders.
He was before he started Bay watch
He's got that "Me Pee Pee So Tee Nee" swagger.
This guy is natty right?
>Is he natty?
dunno maybe, maybe not it really doesn't matter
>Is that achievable natty?
yes, next question.
yo guys, this is achievable natty, right?
The natty king of fit
That is what I though.
Knew he was natty
guys, this is natty, right??
You can see the FIBERS of his delts.
>not knowing what striations are
>thinking having striations means you roid
wew lad
you shittin me right?
you don't fucking ask that how fucking dumb are you
look at him, he is dry muscular, very vascular and a rich actor. Why would he be natty
I dont know why people are saying this is unachievable natty. His arms arent bigger then 12 inches. All that makes the physique is being lean. With a basic 1 hour workout a day and great dieting this is achievable. Also for the people commenting on his vascularity, its common for actors to dehydrate themselves to look more vascular.
>his arms aren't bigger than 12 inches
Of course he is!
Why would any millionare actor risk his future paycheck by paying $300 for ILLEGAL steroids just to maintain the body that gets him work? nobody is that stupid!
Okay let me make this clear since apparently all of the blood in your brain is too busy fueling the erecting this guy gives you to be of any use. To be that lean at that size (naturally) he must have been one massive motherfucker before cutting down and this is the muscle that's left. That or he has been hardcore training for 7+ years and given that most Hollywood action stars do cycles to get in shape quickly for movies, why the fuck would he be an exception? You really think a natty could stand next to Dwayne in Baywatch and not look like a bitch?
Ive seen water hoses that are smaller than his biceps veins.
Jeff Cavalier goes over this in once of his vids -
Apparently he only gained 10lbs of mass between him as a lean-though-small Neighbors actor and this.
He also posted on twitter suggesting he was doing keto cycling - so eating meat and leafy vegetables throughout the week and then going crazy on cheat days at the weekends.
Jeff says it's possible and I trust everything that Jeff Cavalier says.
Correct answer
What's a water horse
fuck does striations have to do with fibers
came here to post this
newfags are so fucking far from reality sometimes
I started to see those in my own delts after my first year of lifting. Havent touched roids in my life.
Thats because youre a skinny pussy.
>I dont know why people are saying this is unachievable natty.
how fucking stupid are you?
There's a difference between
>did he do this natty?
>can this be done natty?
can you spot the fucking difference you piece of trash?