Do you think she's going to make it, Veeky Forums?

Do you think she's going to make it, Veeky Forums?

Can't stand, that cunt.

Skips leg day way too often, not a chance.

Nobody gives a fuck.

Given enough decades and technology advances... maybe?

I don't know anything about her, but I hope she does.

She can already fuck twice as much people in one day as you ever will in your entire life

2 * 0 = 0

Not up any stairs

What the fuck is wrong with you

We're all gonna make it brah

Insensitive much? I swear all Veeky Forums posters are like this; no respect! Screw this im back off to reddit.

LUL who tf delets posts on Veeky Forums fucking fag

>no squats
>no deadlifts
It's basically a curlsister. She will never make it.

Fick m8 u delet like a bich?

Make what? She's clearly not in the kitchen


i fucking hate how people will tell her "you go girl" "you are the motyvation to others" when in reality she has nothing to work for. What will she do? Train her shoulders, biceps? She's a woman and a fucking cripple basicly a stupid waste of space she is

>seated shoulder press
Never gonna make it

Yet she could still probably go out and get plenty of guys to fuck her on any given night while you stay indoors being upset by crippled people.

explain to me what is the point for her to work out

this lady going to the gym is the equivalent of the people in this forum reading books

What is the point of anyone working out? Fitness, health, feel better about yourself, not become a loose sack of shit, or fun.

At the same time she is also a person. If you think people are worth anything less because they can't walk or run then you're a genuine idiot.

>If you think people are worth anything less because they can't walk or run then you're a genuine idiot.
women is to breed. she's a cripple, who wants to have cripple kids?

mirin those forearms

somebody link her to that to that Rips video where he explains why you shouldnt do curls with EZ-bar

Nigga you don't inherit paralysis. If somebody snaps their shit up and can't walk, their babies aren't born snapped up. My girlfriend and I could be mass mutants but our baby wouldn't leave humanity behind out of the womb.


>mfw she will never need me to help her
>no cute wheelchair girlfriend to take care of
>no one to lift from bed to chair every morning

Arnold disagrees

>no one to lift from bed to chair every morning
She'll just get mad at you and say that she can do it herself.

not when it's cold, shut up

she already did

Thus spoketh the holy Zyzz

Look at the third image. Even a disabled woman looks at you with disgust, Veeky Forums


i can barely face people on a day to day basis and my legs work. you guys are mean

honestly she was hotter before she became paraplegic


You realize her reproductive system still works, right? You can still fuck and impregnate a crippled chick, ya fucking mong


How are you gonna walk if you dont even try?

>You can still fuck and impregnate a crippled chick, ya fucking mong
Yeah but she can't feel it and she'll just lie there like a dead fish pretending to enjoy herself. It would be like fucking an onahole with a speaker. No muscle control in the pelvic area and glutes + no natural lubrication = a dry loose vagina.

Ya, you're right. I didn't say it would be enjoyable, but other user specifically mentioned breeding, which is a stupid point
