
What's your opinion on sugar? Do you cut it out completely? How about when bulking? Is it the devil?

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only after a workout, and not on an empty stomach
It's not good for you but it is tasty.

It depends

Dont worry about fruit, the amount you need to eat for it to be harmful is so great you'll probally need to be bulking on a fruitarian diet, but by then you'll have other issues

A little bit of refined sugar wont hurt, definitely wont if you're active. Also stay away from High fructose corn syrup(this shit is also in sodas). Consume moderately

I reduce sugar intake to the minimum, Ive never been addicted to it (I prefer "junk food" - cause I do not care).
Most of the time when I consume it its by drinking soda while on codeine or Just high on weed.
I am sure that thanks to heavy workouts we do we can eat sugar in fair amounts, maybe 30-50g but idk if daily

I wouldn't have gotten where I am today without chocolate milk

Cutting out pop, "fruit juice," and coffee cream/sugar will go a rwally long way in curbing your sugar intake.

The other place to be mindful is breakfast foods. Muffins, a lot of yogurt, pastries, cereal, and the like all have a fuckton of sugars in them.

As long as you're somewhat mindful and stay active sugar isn't going to take you down like smoking or excessive drinking.

Im on day 3 of keto with sugar almost completely cut. cant help but identify that as the one thing holding me back in life. i dont think white people should consume sugar at all, it ruins us. meats and fats only thx like barbarians

REAL sugar is absolutely fine, and is in fact an essential nutrient. We evolved to use naturally occuring sugars, and that's largely because there's sugar in goddamn everything. There's literally even sugar in meat. DO NOT avoid fruits or whole grains or even reduce your intake of them in order to reduce your sugar intake. Doing that would be the nutrional equivalent of eating less meat in order to lower your protein intake. It's borderline retarded and makes absolutely no goddamn sense. You'd be starving yourself of an essential nutrient because of an irrational, completely unfounded phobia of that nutrient.

That being said, the kind of processed sugars that are in overly processed foods absolutely are bad for you. Candy, soda, lots of premade foods, etc. These are sugars that your body breaks down far quicker than naturally occuring sugars. This, combined with the fact that such foods lack the kind of fiber that fruits have, spikes your blood sugar levels, which is why so many refined carb and diet soda guzzlers end up getting diabetes. The sugars in fruits and shit don't break down as quickly, get into your bloodstream at a more controlled rate due to the fiber they usually come with, and provide actual sustinence to your body, as opposed to processed sugars, which can be used for energy but don't really get used for other essential bodily functions as well the way real sugars do.

You NEED natural sugars for biological functions, no matter whether you're bulking/cutting/whatever.

This guy's comment works too. Ignore any moron in this thread who tries to tell you that you should avoid fruit or other natural sources of good sugar.

>tfw no pure muslima central Asian wife.

Why even live...

As an example, this guy is a fucking idiot who has no idea what he's talking about and bases his diet around pseudoscience. Meat has sugar in it dumbass. White people are humans and need sugar just like anyone else.

balance, my friend

>Doing that would be the nutrional equivalent of eating less meat in order to lower your protein intake

You should eat less meat though, to lower your saturated fat and cholesterol intake

How do I get a girl to do this on my dick?

Except that just like sugar, saturated fat in moderation is fine too

the universal standard for saturated fat intake lies around 10% of total calories

>Except that just like sugar, saturated fat in moderation is fine too

Not exactly. There's no defined "safe" intake level, they just put a 10% of calories limit on it just to be able to have some kind of guideline for it. The American Heart Association's guideline is 5-6% of calories, but basically the less, the better.

Nice Vercingetorix you got there mate.

there are also studies showing that its good fo maintaining healthy hormone levels

>is it the devil
it is in that more of it appeals to your base instincts but can only harm you

if you want sugar have it after you've had your meal in this order

meat, fat, carbs, sugar

have 10-15 minutes of disgesting protein first drastically changes the post-prandial blood sugar levels - for some reason or another

so this way you can enjoy the taste but most likely gut bacteria will eat it

>There's literally even sugar in meat.
Is there really though? If there is really sugar in meat, it's in such miniscule amounts, you might as well say that meat is radioactive.

Not well designed ones. Ensure that you get enough zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, etc and you don't have to risk your health.

It is the devil, truely, i honestly believe there is next to nothing as bad as sugar. Will elaborate if neccessary

Then you're either a moron who has never learned anything about nutrition ever, or you're memeing.

There is. You're right that the amount is fairly miniscule (usually less than a gram I think). I was just using that as an example to show that sugar is in everything, and we, along with a lot of other animals, evolved to use it effectively because of how overall prevalent it is, and so it is in no way dangerous, and is in fact an essential nutrient.


No niqab or burka?
I call bs.

>Tfw she'll never give you a foot job
Why live?

>is in fact an essential nutrient
Then why don't I die despite being on zero carbs?

because your body turns protein into sugar to fuel certain processes that can only be fueled by sugar

do you want your protein to turn to sugar

I only primarily only consider calories and protein.

Ill use sugar and fat as a tiebreaker though

Do you even need sugar? I get fruit - there's some bomb ass nutrients in fruit. Fats and proteins are absolutely essential. No fats and you'll be sick within a few days. No protein and you'll lack essential amino acids and get sick. No sugar and...? Anytime I've cut sugar, I notice my health improves, I lose weight, I feel better, my free radical load goes down, etc.

This nonsense about sugar being an essential nutrient needs to stop - there is no such thing as an essential sugar. It is pure and optional fuel - your body is made of protein and fat.

Nigger the veil is only worn by a majority of women in really strict Islamic countries, most of which are in the middle east. In the caucusus and central asia they dont care as much

Isn't glycogen a type of sugar?

I put 5 grams of fructose in my after workout shake that I down at the gym right after workout to have some quick carbs.

Other than that I don't really eat sugar. I dont add it to anything amd avoid anything with sugar in it.