How'd he do it?

How'd he do it?

Other urls found in this thread:



>lost 10 lbs
>pumped and dehydrated from a figt
shit, hell if I know

Even that and lighting aside his core is huge compared to the left

youre clearly dyel, he looks nearly the same size wise in both pics

Is this legit?

I remember he was on Howard Stern's show and said something along the lines of 3 months of training twice a day and boxing every day.

There is not much difference between the pics. Literally just look like he shredded the last bit of fat and was dehydrated.

> how does I move closer to the camera?

95% contrast and lighting, 5% diet, m8

yeah he's exactly the same size in both pics but is extremely dry and cut in the second.

100% bullshit without even clicking on the link

>fully relaxed at a beach
>literally flexing every muscle while really leaner, with good lighting

this, they usually fast before to lose the water weight and it makes them look for shredded

its all an illusion

yep its bullshit

i guess you could say
i'll show myself out

Please end your life

> HeHe

Mexican supplements.

he went on a cut

he sucky 100 dicks a day

rocket science

diet and probably some boxing bodyweight routine bullshit. he looks the same in both just movie lighting in the second pic

