FACT: if you can't bench at least 275 pounds, you're a weak beta manlet that will never make it.
FACT: if you can't bench at least 275 pounds, you're a weak beta manlet that will never make it
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>some bizarre arbitrary number
op confirmed for having benched 275 today.
Came to say this, what's so special about 275? Might as well make it a clean 3 plates instead.
Wrong it's 276, fag
i can't even bench 1pl8
>tfw only bench 160
I've been lifting for 2 years too... should I just give up?
>benched 265 yesterday
>Veeky Forums raises the standards the day after
will I ever belong here ? ;_;
You should probably try harder
Exactly what I was thinking.
Also why is the guy so jacked in the pic? I benched 275 a while ago, and I look like steaming shit.
Have you been doing a proper program for those 2 years?
>tfw finally reach 145 after 4 months
I started at 75, this makes me happy.
265 is a good bench. Don't let these fags tell you otherwise.
>came to say this
Fuck off, you dumb retard nigger. You have to go back.
>265 is a good bench
What did user mean by this?
Is a 2pl8 bench while weighing 160 lbs good?
>started at 195 lbs bodyweight last July
>slow permacut to 155 current bw
>plateau at 185 ORM bench
O-only 90 lbs to go. How will my strength improve when I start bulking?
your gains will be amazing. for many people bench is the lift that benefits the most from getting heavier. atleast for me I was stuck for a while around 200lbsx5 and then bulked up and my bench went up to 225lbsx5 in no time.
>only ever done dumbbell bench
>lifting for 1 year, started auschwitz mode 5'11" 120lbs, now 165lbs.
>can only bench 3x8 with 45lbs dumbbells
Am I doing something wrong? Should I switch to barbell?
Its intermediate at best. Im 162 and my 5x5 is at 265.
>your gains will be amazing
I want to believe. Should I try to fix my ratios or just progress normally and see what happens? My ratios are really weird.
usually it's easier to progress on barbell bench also because it's way easier to learn form there. as a beginner I doubt you can get into a good position doing dumbbell bench.
go with the barbell bench and focus on having a slight arch in the back, try bending the bar to engage your lats and keep your shoulder blades retracted. also focus on speed always do your warmups fast, when I warm up on my first set my body is lifting off the bench from the force I produce on the bar.
which ratios do you mean ?
It's harder to progress on db bench if there aren't 5lb intervals (2.5lbs per weight). I would consider switching and switch back if you stall.
Incredibly. I've been cutting since December. Took a 2 week break and dirty bulked, hit new PRs on almost every lift in those two weeks. Going back on my diet today. Kill me lads
I don't do diddlies, so OHP, bench, and squat. Mine are:
absolute doodoo poverty tier
Yeah, the weights at my gym only go up in 5lbs. intervals, so every jump in weight feels huge. I will try switching to barbell for a while and see what happens. Thanks
well focus a bit more on OHP and I would recommend starting DL but it's not like it seems to be completely off. 155 bench and 195 squat seems reasonable to me. just get stronger all around and you will be fine.
no matter which program you do just focus on linear progression and the main lifts and you will be fine. if you dont do DL make sure your row atleast keeps up with your bench somewhat and incorporate pullups or chinups in your routine to keep your back on par.
in my experience bench is the lift that responds the best to volume so if you struggle on the bench consider doing it a bit more often I think benching only once a week is not enoguh for most people. and incorporate OHP into your program, I always do it after I bench it's not optimal but better than not doing it and with time you will get pretty good at it regardless but you have to set priorities.
You could alternate between bench and OHP like it's done in quite a few programs if you are worried about your OHP being too bad. I would just keep training and getting stronger in general if you notice imbalances in your strength adjust it then but for now I think it will all be fine if you just train hard.
I would do both bb and db bench on alternating days if possible, though by the time you hit 2pl8 you'll run out of dbs unless your gym goes beyond 95lb.
Post tits plz
>if you dont do DL make sure your row atleast keeps up with your bench somewhat and incorporate pullups or chinups in your routine to keep your back on par.
I do pendelays, wide grip pull ups, and a few sets of let pulldowns for extra volume on pull day.
Thanks for the input. For now I'll maintain, but once I finish my cut I'll add some more OHP volume. Not gonna add diddlies. We only have a smith machine at my gym, so I do db bench. Squat is based off of numbers at my parent's home gym. I'm pretty confident my routine is solid without DL
I'm 135 lbs and I can bench 2pl8 8 times, is this good by Veeky Forums standards, or enough to impress normies?
Are you 5ft tall?
i been lifting for a long time but i can lift only 195lb bench press 1 time.
tell me what im doing wrong.
im 5'8 180lb im mostly muscel
Are you working in higher rep ranges like 8-12?
Hard to make strength gains doing that.
Close, 5'7" manlet
why 275? 405 or 315 at the very least is my goal.
Well it's impressive anyway. Well done user.
Do you mean you can bench 225lbs or 135lbs, because if I saw someone that small unrack 225 I would stop my set to be ready to rip it off their chest when its pinned to them.
Thanks :p
Its sick its piss
I weigh 135 lbs but can do 225 for 8 reps, appreciate your help tho
I'm a 5'6 Manlet I weigh 195 and I bench 225 for 4x8.
I knew a 135 lb manlet who benched that in high school and I was impressed.
i'm stalling hard on 200x5 right now and i'm bulking
rippetoe save me
2 gallons cmon
whats so special about 3pl8s did you finally just hit that?
Maybe it's not just your chest that sucks but your tris and shoulders too
3pl8 is special because it's a round number and realistically achievable by grown men even with average genetics
check out this 5'10" 154 lbs asian benching 4 plate
wow strong arms
>315 is a round number
where the fuck did u go to school?
zero is a round number retard
>ohp 115x5
>bench stuck at 150x5
I do 12 reps w 225 so i reckon i can handle 275
>the weights at my gym only go up in 5lbs
I know that feel bro, my gym has a total of 3 2.5lb weights. They are usually taken up by old lady's doing machine chest press
check your form. do you have a slight arch in your back ? are you bending the bar aka engaging the lats ? do you keep your shoulderblades retracted ? are you tight and use leg drive ? is your barpath right (it should go slightly towards your head and then up instead of the other way around) ?
for me it helped a lot to have someone help me unrack it because it was way easier to get into a perfect bench position when you get help unracking it (also because the bench I train on is pretty shit and the angle to unrack it is fucking horrible but yeah).
You might just have to up your volume though but first you should really look at your technique, if you want to bench big boy numbers atleast most of the points I mentioned should be incorporated.
probably, I can do 10 reps w 225 and my max is 265. but I suck at maxing out on the bench so take that for what it's worth.
>275 bench press club
>4.5 plates on that bar
I know bench is an ego-lift but come on
the fuck? how about tell your gym to shell out the extra $5 to get some new plates. or better yet bring your own and take them with you when you leave for maximum autism gains.
I did this with my fractional 1/4kg plates. That are actually just big washers. Good thing I home gym now.
Then lift heavier. Do a bunch of triples or doubles with 250-260 sometimes.