Hogging the squat rack

If you are one of those cunts who have to do 20 sets of 3 for like 2 fucking hours in a squat rack then you should literally consider suicide. I fucking hate you, everyone in the gym hates you. I literally stood waiting for a rack for 30 minutes before giving up and just going to the leg press. Fuck you, I hope your parents die in a fucking car fire tonight

Fuck reminds me of this guy at my gym who benches with his fat gf all the time, they'll sit on a bench and just talk for literally twenty minutes, do a set and then talk some more.

Did you ever ask to work in?

>tfw I do 5x5 and shorten my rest periods to like 20-30 seconds instead of 2 minutes because I feel bad even if second rack is empty

Couples are the worse. I can't stand having to hear someone constantly coaching someone else with crappy advise then have to hear them argue between sets

I laughed cause I'm one of those guys. Yo man if you just ask to work in, I would be more then happy to accommodate you sempai.

how many squat racks does your gym have?

My longest use of the squat rack was 15 mins, back when I still have a mild cold. I rest for 2-4 mins depending on how I feel

oh gawd, there's a bunch of newbies with a pt that just hog that shit and the power rack doing all kinds of flashy exercises

were they lifting more than you can?

Find a better gym. My gym has about 20 power cages, 5 squat racks and 3 smith machines so there is never any waiting or being worried about curling in the squat rack.

I don't mind couples if they know what they're doing there. The worst are the ones where the girl obviously doesn't want to be there

I actually warm up 4x10
Then pyramid from max 5x5
To 4x6-8
To 4x10
I take up the squat rack for at least an hour and a half. My max is 4pl8 come at me bro

>4 squat racks
>4 power racks
>6 benches
>$200 dollars a year
You guys need to find better gyms 2bh.

Sounds awesome, what's the gym name?

Gym name? What city?

>mfw i sniped the squat rack today
just on the opposite side of the gym till the previous guy only just started removing his wieghts. there was a group waiting nearby. lmao rekt

Dolphin fitness in Brooklyn, NY. I'd take a picture for proof but I'm not autismo

i do about 10 sets of squats and then 4 sets of front squats.

I'll check in with my folks tomorrow.

I saw a faggot doing diddles at the squat rack today and I was really shocked more than anything else

>Young Asian couple hogging power cage doing hip thrust, deadlifting the bar
>they chill in between sets sitting on the safety bars
>This guy had his gf doing this cross fit circuit type shit before
>As they are leaving girl passes out do to exhaustion
>She didnt have anything to eat or drink for hours apparently.

There was a barbell with 3pl8 on it sitting directly behind the squat rack when I went there last night. There was also a barbell on the squat rack with no weight on it. The little guy was all alone far away from the platform. There was a place to rack a barbell thigh high on the very back of the squat. I was trying to think what someone could be using it for, and my only two conclusions were RDL or cleans, but were it sat was a really dangerous part of the gym to do cleans in because of high traffic. It was still there when I left an hour later. Poor little guy must've been scared, I hope he found his way home.

Not understanding there are about 1000 variations of squats you can do with dumbbells and shit retard.