Give me ONE reason not to leave Veeky Forums forever

Give me ONE reason not to leave Veeky Forums forever.

This place offers me nothing. It's the same retarded "memes" every day.

Leave then

but you wont, because no one is capable enough of bringing themselves to leave this place

I've done it, but I have obviously returned

It isn't hard to leave, if you have a purpose in life

If you do nothing and have no interests you might end up living on websites like this

viewing the shit humanity has to offer and knowing you are above it

ywah im tryting to. First i have to work on playing vidoe games

You are stuck here forever

i left Veeky Forums completely for over 5 years cold turkey, and that was when /b/ was still somewhat original. i just recently came back because i started to exercise but after a week browsing this shit hole i know that it's useless and that reddit is much better for information

Maybe you should finish elementary school first

You think we all haven't tried to leave this place? We stay here because it's the only place we can speak what we feel. Most of us are straight white guys between their 20's and early 30's. We have no other place to speak to people about our lives because no one gives a shit about us. I've dated, been married, fucked over a dozen women in my life and it all goes away. We try to put on our masks on here, try to talk about being fit - its one of the only things still in our control. Doesn't matter though - the requirements for men to be eligible for dating just keeps rising as vapid cunts continue to join the morbidly obese and there is nothing we can do about it. We are being destroyed by "diversity". I have god, go to church now, trying to make a new career when my original one went down the shitter during the recession. Had to beat alcoholism and addiction. So many fucking things beating us down. Trying to fill the void with music or movies but media brings barely any happiness anymore. Anit-depressants, mood-stabilizers, who cares anymore. I've gained weight, gained it while dating a woman who went from overwight to super morbidly obese in a year while dating. I'll lose the weight over the summer (already down 10 pounds, going from 210 back to 180 isn't going to be that hard). I just keep coming back to this place because it is the only place I feel like I can talk about the real problems facing our society. I'm so sick of people being so out of shape, so complacent, sucking us into this horrible void. I'm a fucking fag for writing all this but goddamn I just don't even know why I continue on sometimes. Everything has failed, I keep going I keep fucking going on but nothing is working. I just cant leave this place,


>Reddit is much better
I'm not sure if i should argue or defend that

Why would you leave? We are you and you are us. We are one here and bound by the same things that make us happy, sad, and angry.

I don't think I'll ever leave this place desu

I wish I could leave but I just can't I don't really have anything else in my life besides here and the Gym and I can't be in the gym the whole day

Just leave it you want too. You probably won't though because you sound like a bitch.

There is pure gold here if you know how sift through the shit.

Meh, just remember always down the river, never across. It's the only way you'll be able to leave Veeky Forums behind.

meh ive been all over the internet, from different forums and every chan there is. Ive been going on Veeky Forums for probably ten years now. Most of the other chans are better but the userbase is smaller and updates much less frequent.

It keep finding myself coming back here because no matter what it still remains one of the better sites on the internet (for better or for worse)


I've stayed away a few times for decently long periods but I always came back eventually. Then I started browsing on my phone too and it was game over. There is no escape now. It's not all bad though every now and then there is some legimately good posts that can help in various aspects of life depending on what you are focusing on at the time. You just need to have been here long enough to sift through the garbage(not that I don't indulge in shitposting myself on occasion)

I did somehow after Veeky Forums got me a gf in 2012 until my brother dragged me in to /pol/ a year ago. I'm trying to figure out for the life of me how to get away again



The only reason I ever come here is to occasionally go though /mu/, Veeky Forums, and /tv/ for some new entertainment to consume. Ii have a shitton of flowcharts, "essentials" and what have you saved up.
Otherwise, see pic related.


i think you meant to say "stop playing video games" ... right?

use filters to hide the shit threads, browser different boards.

You're the meme here

Theres greentexts and a feeling of community conversation. All of those shitty screencaps in Veeky Forums meme threads happened, and was interesting for a few minutes/hours/days.
Also, talking to people, venting, whatever.