Is the wim hof routine legit?

He says deep breathing exercises and taking ice cold showers can make you resistant to pain/hypothermia and strengthen your body .Is this legit or just some hippie bullshit?
Video for anyone who does not know about this dude.

Other urls found in this thread:

look up "brown fat"

>Literally teaches a journalist how to do it, on camera, IN THE VIDEO YOU POSTED

Why would you think it's bullshit?

It's legit but cold showers are miserable my friend well it's fine if you live in a hot climate

This shit is crazy. tighten up all your muscles when you're holding your breathe and you get a crazy burst of energy.

I tried taking extremely cold showers for a few days and I felt amazing afterwards for many hours.

They take way too much will power when I am groggy and getting up at 6am for work though so I have stopped recently.

His breathing technique just made me feel a bit light headed. Waoow. I am a fan of cold showers though, they help wake me up and give me energy, they also seem to get rid of some joint pain and make your skin look better. But it's not like he invented cold showers.

Legit. Make sure u don't just cold shower, the breathing is where the money is

Does anyone have a link for his program? I couldn't get the torrent to download, and I don't want to pay $200 for it before I know if it works or not

fuck mate just do it for 10 minutes and feel for yourself

do 50 breaths and then fully exhale and max out on push ups, welcome to the universe

I never understood why it's fuckin 200... guy doesn't seem motivated by money.

This shit works but

>tfw your shitty personality doesn't let you mediatate cos it knows you'll chane

Scientifically proven to work.

It appears to have benefits but he has spewed some borderline bullshit, and some snake oil salesmen have attached themselves to this too.

Just download the course for free but don't get caught up in anything and everything surrounding it.

It's on the internet archive.

How do I into ice cold showers?

I can only do bitch temperature which is pretty much a little colder than luke warm.

you enter the shower, you turn water cold, you take shower
thank me later

i would assume its explained how to do it in the course that this thread is all about

mfw when my last hot shower was around feb this year

>tolerate cold really well
>would like to take cold showers every now and then
>can't because a nerve in my neck consistently inflames for weeks on end if I take a cold shower

Took a cold shower on January 26th. Had banging headaches until the second half of April, fml.

But cold showers are anti-inflammatory?
How do you handle heat like saunas?
Switching back and forth from hot to cold?

Genuinely interested

Neck nerve got inflamed due to exposure to cold, if my doc is correct. As far as I can tell, he is as that's what triggers it.

Don't like heat and sauna's, but I'm stubborn so I can last a while in there. Hot to cold is very pleasant as long as the nerve doesn't get in direct contact with cold source (ie. I can jump into a chest high cold bath just fine, but if I pour a bucket of water over my head I'm fucked), as my body seems really accumulate heat it needs to lose.

I think his son is in charge of the business side of things. Typical Dutch con-man profiting off of his poor father's integrity.

He climbed everest in only his underwear and some sandals so I can't see how he would be lying about it.

He also claims he can cure cancer. There's no doubt he's special, but I'm not sure his methods would work for anybody but himself.

Every "complete" download that I've found has the same video for both weeks four and five. Does anybody have the correct video?

I did, it came up with this

he must have some condition or might just be hoarding those brown insulating fat cells somehow.

I've done cold showering for the past few years (in australia) and I'm still cold as shit most of the time, like I have been my whole life, I think I have circulation problems though.

The benefits for me is that there is a slight (possibly perceived) improvement in your ability to move towards discomfort stoically but it's balanced by occasionally/subconsciously coming up with stupid excuses to put off cold showering.