
1. light as fuck, no muscle development other than those that are involved in a pullup
2. naturally gifted at pullups, probably has internal leverages that are very suited to doing them
3. never weighted his pullups, focused on maximizing number of BW pullups
4. never ate

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He looks fucking skeletal.

He obviously has developed lats, you blind retard.

Because he weighs around 60 kgs and does bodyweight exercises.

the lower you weight the easier it is to do BW exercises. i won't lie, 43 is a decent number but he doesn't weight more than 65 kg. he has no muscles apart from some minor lats.

weight means a lot when you do this shit. i could do weighted chinups with 32 kg when i was at 72 kg. now i'm at 80 and can't do more than 2 reps per set with 35.

>this is what body weight exercises does
Does that mean we can stop having /bwg/ threads?

You can definitely see he has developed lats, they're just not on the level of a weight lifters

Why do some calesthetic people look really good like bar brothers yet this guy is skinny fat

because he only does pullups

this guy looks like he just pullups for reps.
the big calisthenics guys do weighted chins and dips and shit

>wide grip
>no control
That's why. Nigga using momentum and close to no time under tension.


Pretty sure he trains with time under tension..

>Explain how this guy looks skinny fat yet can do 43 strict pull ups in a minute, not even a kip.
Wide grip

fucking told you guys wide grip is a bodybuilder meme

>pullups dont build a physique
Pic related is a guy who only did pullups and chinups for years

He also did them weighted and didnt forget to eat

>pullups, pushups and running is literally all you need to be healthy/big/strong
why idiots bother with gym, its 90% diet anyway

wide grip is harder than moderate grip for most

you go emulate his form and see how you do

it won't be 43 pullups, i guarantee you that

Genetically, this guy biceps and lats are full of slow-twitch muscles so these muscles dont grow much and dont fatigue quickly.

He also does not eat enough and do not try to feel the muscles while doing pull ups.

Try feeling your lats when doing pull ups, I bet you can only do 70% of your max.

>wide grip is harder
It isnt, wide grip has less ROM

The leverages make it harder though.
Can you do more wide grip pullups than shoulder width grip?
I think not.

lats are obviously the only area on this body developed in any sense, so i don't see your point

Have you done both types, because wide grip is way easier?

t. has never done any strength sport

go look at powerlifting and see how many people grip wide in the bench. Nobody close grips, why? Because shorter ROM makes it easier

Same with the snatch

>comparing pullups to powerlifting
Retard much?

there's your problem

and he looks like shit because no chest

He looks like a manlet desu so hes probably light as fuck. Weight is a bigger factor than strength, when i was a kid i was weak as fuck but could do like 20 chinups easy.

Fag doesnt even do dips. Post this goys malnourished, concentration camp, legs

>chicken necking
>not controlling eccentric all the time, misses depth often
it's impressive, but that is hardly perfect form.

Narrow shoulders + wide waist and hips

lmao those pants

>making it
>not wearing pull-up pants

Pick one.

Do you even understand what the "fat" in "skinnyfat" means? This guy is just skinny, no fat. No wonder he can do pullups easily, he has very little to lift.

you need to eat on top of training, especially protein